My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 452: Father, are you?

Taishang Laojun gave Fairy Tong a glance, and Fairy Tong quickly hugged and left, and then he invited Nagato to sit inside himself.

"Your Excellency has no idea, these nine turn rejuvenation pills are actually very difficult to deal with, besides ..."

Without saying a word, Nagato waved his hand directly, and the scenes between them were reproduced again, and the most frequent dialogue was between them, especially the last sentence of Nagato.

Taishang Laojun is very embarrassed now, he seems to have made a lot of determination.

"Come out ~"

Taishang Laojun signaled that Fairy Child came out directly, and then Taishang Laojun got the gourd directly from the fairy child.

Taishang Laojun looked at Longmen, and Longmen had to wave his hand again. At this moment, Taishang Laojun quickly stopped it.

A golden pill arrived in the hands of Taishang Laojun, and he still felt very unhappy with him, but he had no choice but to give him to Nagato.

Nagato was not an unreasonable person, he gestured to Taishang Laojun.

"Thank you too much for the matter this time."

After Nagato finished talking, he left directly ...

Taishang Laojun still looked at the figure with reluctance, but there is no way to get to this point, but after this time, the two of them are no longer in debt!

Tang Seng and Sha Monk stayed there and fell asleep, and at the moment, they felt that it was important to be a dead person, and took a nap there ...

The two eyes were kept half open, the long door suddenly appeared, and the monk Sha Tang Tang was sober than anyone else.

"Ah ... scared me to death"

Pig Bajie is not happy anymore.

"What the **** are you calling there? You can't get a good night's sleep."

I opened my eyes and saw that it was a long door. At the moment, I covered my mouth there and dared not say anything.

Nagato didn't want to talk nonsense with them. He took out the golden pill directly and gave it to him.

At the moment, the two monks Sha and Tang Seng were there to watch a good show, although they didn't know what role this Jindan had.

After the Nagato, it counted there. 1, 2, 3 ... 10.

In the 10th second, the man sat directly with his eyes wide open.

After seeing this, the monk Sha Tang monk withdrew afterwards, especially the monk Tang was scared at the moment. This is obviously a dead person, but what is the situation? Is it back to the light?

When the man got up, he smiled directly, but this made Tang Seng feel even more weird. When he got out of bed slowly, he had to kneel down to the long door.

Nagato quickly helped him up.

The man saluted the long door at the moment.

"Thank you, lord. If you weren't, I'm afraid I wouldn't be today."

They still feel very strange, but now that this is the case, everyone has not asked anything at all ...

Long Gate didn't say much, he clapped his hands. A person directly opened the door to enter.

"Is the father you?"

The king was very surprised when he saw it, but now he is more moved. "Prince is me, and I am your father."

The two hugged each other tightly, and the prince finally believed that the one in the palace was really fake.

At this time, Tang Seng directly picked up the handkerchief there and cried with a snot and tears. Monk Sha touched him.

"The father and son believe what you are crying here."

"You can't allow me to be touched. Am I not touched? I haven't seen such a moving picture for a long time. I really can't hold my tears."

The prince bowed to Nagato.

The long door said to the prince, "You have more time to meet your father and king, but I am afraid that now the monster has found its clue, you should go back quickly, otherwise your mother ..."

When the prince heard this, he was very frightened, and he knelt down directly and begged the long door to go with him.

The long door lifted him up. In a flash, he and the prince disappeared. Sun Wukong, Tang Seng and others have already seen it, especially Zhu Bajie fell there and fell asleep ...

The prince looked at everything around him, wasn't this in the palace? And this position should be the position of his mother.

The prince looked at the long door in surprise. Who is this man?

However, he now has full confidence in the long door, and at this moment there is not much to say, the two are slowly walking towards the Queen's Palace, at this moment they are listening to a quarreling voice.

"Hurry and say where is the Prince?"

"King, I really don't know."

"You don't say it, do you? If you don't say it, you will blame me."

"King, I am your queen. How can you treat me like this? Ah ... no."


After hearing this, the prince was very anxious and rushed in with her sword.

"I'm here with you monster, you don't need to pretend at all now, I already know your true face."

And this is that the queen still doesn't believe. He didn't understand what the prince and the king were doing there, but now why did the prince say so suddenly?

"Emperor, what are you talking about there? This is your father."

The prince shook his head.

"Mother, you are wrong, he is the old master, and our father was killed by him half a year ago. Thanks to the long door, we can save our father."

The prince was very anxious now, and the queen didn't understand anything. At this moment, the prince didn't want to talk nonsense at all.

There was a mist and the old master disappeared ...

The queen ran to the prince.

"Emperor, are all the things you just said true? He really is not your father."

The prince nodded at the moment, but it is still the most urgent time to find that person, and it is not the time to reminisce.

The prince ran out quickly, and now that he does not catch the old master, it is endless trouble, and Nagato has been beside him at this time.

But the prince now clearly couldn't find the long leader. The long door smiled, swaying back and forth twice with his hand, and suddenly there was a strong wind, and the mist that filled the air disappeared.

The prince searched nowhere, and the prince sat on the ground helpless ...

The long door patted the prince. The prince smiled triumphantly along the long door and then chased there .........

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