My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 457: The power of Samadhi

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Sun Monkey smiled and scratched his head, but also embarrassed.

"I don't know what the **** is this. The Red Boy was so determined that he didn't even recognize his cousin."

Sha Monk had a plan at the moment.

"Brother Master, if this is the case, you might as well move some rescuers. Isn't Brother Two burnt by fire? You are going to the Dragon King to ask them to borrow rain. When the time comes, you will directly extinguish his fire. Will succeed. "

Sun Monkey smiled. He even forgot that this matter was just too anxious, and the thought of being the son of Niu Demon, but eager to recognize relatives, I did not think about it.

Now that child can't obey, now it can only do so.

Sun Monkey went straight away with a somersault cloud.

"You take good care of the master, I will go back as soon as I go ..."

Pig Bajie and Sha Monk sat there, very helpless at the moment, but they looked at Nagato again, and Nagato was still unmoved ...

It ’s really uncomfortable for Nagato to be there for two days, but he slowly broke through, and after finally reaching the last level, the whole mountain and forest moved between the mountains and there was a powerful gas rushing from Nagato ’s body. Out.

The Nagato was like smoking, and suddenly the monk Sha and the pig Bajie frightened them.

The two looked in the direction of Nagato, who was still smoking there ...

Pig Bajie and Sha Monk are dumbfounded.

"Second Brother, what is this situation? Why did the long door seem to be burned?"

"Who knows his nagging day and night, he doesn't know what to do at this critical moment."


Nagato suddenly opened his eyes at the moment, and scared the pig Bajie and Sha Monk.

The two retreated. Could it be that all the bad things he said were heard by Nagato?

The long door jumped directly after opening his eyes.

"The two of you are sitting here, what about the monkey and the Tang monk?"

Pig Bajie is very helpless.

"What the **** are you doing? Just sitting there just like a statue, suddenly smoked all over, and asked us what happened after coming down."

The monk Sha was also speechless.

Nagato didn't want to explain more to them. After all, they talked to them about their breakthrough, and they didn't understand it at all.

A long star at Nagato, Zhu Bajie and Sha Monk collapsed to the ground in shock.

"It's not that there was a child who was calling there to call his life-saving master to save him, but the brother didn't help the master until the end, the brother carried him, and then he seemed to throw him somewhere, and suddenly there was an evil wind Instead, the master was scraped away. "

Nagato was very surprised when he heard it, oh, it turned out to be the case.

At that time, the monk Sha was smiling there.

"However, you are really powerful at Nagato. This gust of wind is so powerful that even Brother Two has been stuck in a branch, but you are still unmoved sitting on this tiger."

Nagato didn't want to do more nonsense.

"Now that Tang Seng has been arrested, what are you two sitting here doing? Hurry up and save. Is it still pointing me?"

Pig Bajie is so embarrassed now, he quickly pointed to himself.

"Look at me like this. How embarrassed it has been, thanks to the monster."

Nagato noticed that Zhu Bajie was now in ragged clothes, and seemed to have been burned by fire. Pinch fingers at this moment, nodded.

It turned out to be him.

Well, Monkey Monkey has arrived at the East Sea, thinking of asking these dragon kings for help, and letting them help themselves when the time comes, lest the monster just blaze at them directly.

Monkey Monkey had a very happy chat with this dragon king.

The Dragon King was there to swear.

"The matter, Grand Saint, leave it to us, and a few of us will help you. When you attack, we will rain in the sky."

Monkey Monkey is very satisfied.

He just wanted to take a few dragon kings away, and suddenly there was another figure in this dragon palace.

Several people were very surprised when they saw it, but they were completely surprised.

"Nagato, why did you come suddenly?"

After seeing this man, several dragon kings were very surprised. They didn't know who he was, but an ordinary person could not enter the East Sea Dragon Palace at all, so several dragon kings looked at each other.

"I don't know if you are ..."

At this moment, Nagato gestured to them.

"I'm just an ordinary person. I really don't need to introduce more to you"

Nagato, without saying anything, directly pulled Sun Wukong, and the two disappeared in an instant.

Then came the voice ...

"Thank you, Dragon Kings, but we don't need your help now."

Sun Monkey and Nagato directly reached the land, and now Sun Monkey has a question mark on his head.

"What are you doing at Nagato? The dragon kings have just promised to help us, but now they say they don't have to. Is there any way for you?"

It was Sun Monkey who remembered it, and then he questioned there.

"And what did you do long ago? If you protect the Tang monk well so that the monk won't be blown away by the wind, are there such things now?

Nagato shook his head helplessly.

"Don't say there are some of these and none."

Sun Monkey is very angry now, obviously this method is very good, but Nagato directly let those old dragon kings go back.

They pulled Sun Wukong in an instant, and directly reached the mountain forest where they were before. At this moment, they appeared in front of the two pigs.

The two monks Zhu Bajiesha looked east and west, but they couldn't find the figures of several dragon kings. The two were already blinded at the moment.

"How about the two of you Dragon King? How could it be possible to extinguish the fire without the Dragon King?"

Sun Wukong didn't want to say much.

"You ask Longmen to see what he has done."

Nagato stood directly there, but he felt that there was nothing wrong with what he did.

"You are so stupid, do you really think this dragon king's water can help you extinguish you? His fire is not an ordinary fire, but a three-flavor real fire."

Suddenly, the little flame appeared directly in the hands of Nagato, and the little flame directly reached the grand monkey.

Sun Monkey saw that his whole body was on fire. At this moment, he was lying there and tumbling back and forth. After a lot of effort, the fire was finally extinguished.

But Sun Monkey has been burned like the pig bajie ...

"Nagato, what are you doing to treat your brother?"

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