My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 459: Charity Boy

Nagato didn't do anything to him, but this was when the red boy looked at the Nagato a little laxly, and then fled again with his own mana.

Nagato once stood in front of him again, and this time Nagato reached out his hand directly, condensing an invisible power, and this power was actually imprisoning the red child.

The red child is now imprisoned, he really can't be arrogant again.

Nagato pulled him directly and entered the red boy's hole. The helpless Hongheer can only help Tang Seng to be untied. At this moment, Zhu Bajie was also directly put down.

"I have released them now, can you also release me?"

Nagato hesitated there, after all, if he let go of the red child now, if he was doing any conspiracy, he would always be in trouble.

Just when Nagato hesitated, a person came here directly.

"You let him go, Nagato."

Nagato looked at this man doubtfully. Isn't this the Guanyin Bodhisattva? He was just invited but he was not there, but now he is not invited.

"Guanyin Bodhisattva is not invited, is there anything?"

Guanyin Bodhisattva smiled. And then he looked at the red boy with a very angry expression.

"You red boy who kidnapped me like this has been known to me. I don't teach you anything now, and you don't know what happened."

At this moment, the red boy still refused to accept it. At this time, the Guanyin Bodhisattva did not make much nonsense, and looked directly at the red boy's hand and neck with two collars.

But the current situation has nothing to do with Nagato. Nagato went back quickly with Tang Seng and Zhu Bajie.

The two monkey monks, Sun Monkey Sha, saw that Zhu Bajie and Tang Seng finally went back, and they both took a long sigh of relief.

So long as the Nagato did nothing more, he flew directly over the tiger.

The red baby is very angry at the moment.

"What are you doing, Guanyin Bodhisattva?"

"I think you, a child, are also amazed. It's better to come to my seat as a good boy. If you practice well, then you will be the ancestor of Guangzong Yaozu, which is worse than you now."

The red child can't break away now, and he can only silently agree, and then he silently lifted off with the two Guanyin Bodhisattvas.

Pig Bajie saw this scene.

"Look, look, this Guanyin Bodhisattva took the red child directly to heaven."

"What the **** is this? The red child caught our master. Instead, Guanyin Bodhisattva did not do anything to him, but took him back to heaven instead."

At the moment, Sun Wukong didn't want to take care of this anymore. All this was not caused by Tang Seng's business, so he shook his head at the moment.

"Don't talk nonsense, since everyone has gathered together, then let's continue to go and see if the long door returns without saying anything, and if it is not the long door, you are still hanging there."

Tang Seng didn't dare to say anything because of the loss, and at this time, Zhu Bajie was silent there.

At this time, Sun Monkey was leading the way. They did not dare to slacken on and continue to move forward. After all, this is among the mountains and forests. If you leave as soon as possible, you may not find somewhere.

Nagato was sitting still on top of the tiger, and the tiger moved slowly, but Nagato said nothing.

Tang Seng sighed, let's continue the journey ...

Sun Monkey walked in front, and now he just looked at nothing here, slowly forward, walking and walking a few people finally found a broken temple.

Pig Bajie was very excited.

"Look at the ruined temple in front of us. Let's go to the ruined temple to sit down and have a good rest."

Pig Bajie is very happy now and hurry up, indicating that they are still pulling them and hurrying into the broken temple.

The long gate doesn't matter, but the Tang monk thought it was okay to find a place to take a good rest. It is obviously dark now, and now there is such a broken temple that can cover the body and is already a good choice.

Several people rushed into the broken temple excitedly, especially Zhu Bajie, sat down in the broken temple well, and enjoyed it at the moment.

"Senior brother, I am enjoying myself in this broken temple now, but if there is something to eat, it would be even better."

"Yeah. I'm also hungry now. Amitabha."

"Look at you when you are in trouble or hungry. Only then can you think of Brother."

Monkey Monkey finally heard the sand monk's words, and finally felt deeply touched. Then he looked at the sand monk in tears.

At this time, the monk Sha laughed.

"Brother, I am actually hungry."

Monkey Monkey could not help but spit out old blood, but he stopped it, and then said to them very helplessly.

"Don't act rashly in this ruined temple, I'll go find you fruit."

Before he left, he glanced at the long door, but the long door didn't do much. This was Sun Wukong's direct flight, and he flew out, but he always thought that there would be something wrong with this broken temple, after all, this is Barren mountains and wild hills, and the act of Nagato just made Sun Monkey feel strange.

The red child's long door was sitting there like a sculpture. Although this matter was often resolved in the end, Sun Monkey always felt uneasy.

The long gate sitting inside the broken temple is a good place to rest there.

Pig Bajie lay directly on the stack of grass.

"Brother Master doesn't know when to come back. Let's lie down here to rest and recuperate."

The sand monk and Tang monk were too tired to lie there and were drowsy.

After half an hour ...

Black smoke bursts, and this black smoke is also illusory, and it will be able to reveal its dark appearance for a while, and it will become invisible and tasteless for a while.

Several of the Tang monks were already sleepy. Now they are drowsy, but they have also inhaled a lot into their bodies, and slowly they are more sleepy. At this moment, they all fell to the ground.

And the long gate at this time has already fallen to the ground ...

Suddenly, the gate of the broken temple was kicked open.

"Hahahaha, the kings are too stupid. It's so easy to make a fortune. We quickly **** all these people, and we might eat for several days."

The monster waved its hands, and the little monsters tied them up one after another.

Especially Nagato was **** by the monster, but the monster didn't recognize Nagato.

"It seems that there are 4 mentors and apprentices. Why did another person suddenly appear? It's okay. It's good to have one more meat for one person."

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