My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 461: Another one?

Nagato did not make much nonsense, and at that moment the horn reached his hand.

This monster does not have any mana except for the horn. Its most powerful one is its own horn. When he blows it, he can make his enemies have a headache and lose his instinct to fight with him. Not afraid.

At this moment he quickly knelt and begged for mercy.

"Sorry, I'm sorry, I don't know Taishan, but I didn't find you so powerful"

The horn stopped, and Sun Wukong stood up directly, but now he is no longer like a headache.

Sun Wukong hated the fact that someone could read the mantra. He actually hated the Tang monk very much, but he did n’t have much to do with him, but now this person has the same skills as the Tang monk. The corner fell to the ground.

Sun Wukong directly rushed to the long door and grabbed the horn in his hand.

"It's this broken horn that makes me headache, and see my grandson doesn't smash it now."

The monster was crying with a snot and tears at the moment.

"Don't want it, don't want it, this is my baby. After you smash it, I will have no mana."

When Nagato waved his hand, the horn returned to himself.

At the moment it is drawing something with his hand there, and this thing is directly attached to the horn.

The long door waved the red corner and returned directly to the monster.

The monster is grateful at this moment, but thank you there again and again.

Sun Wukong was very puzzled.

"Nagato, what did you do to make it clear that this monster is picking things first, and now you give him his things first"

Nagato adheres to the principle that one more thing is worse than one less, and does not want to say more at this moment.

At this moment, the monster played a horn directly.

This is how Sun Wukong guessed. Generally, such monsters will not beg for mercy easily, and he must be cheating.

Sun Wukong was very helpless. He directly took his stick and competed with the monster, and now he can't spare him.

Nagato no longer did much, so Sun Wukong went away. He didn't expect the monster to think about the final fight.

But just when Sun Wukong was about to hit the monster with a stick.

Suddenly, there was another poisonous mist in the air, and this poisonous mist was very powerful. Suddenly, Wu Wukong's eyes could not see anything.

"My eyes, my eyes."

Sun Wukong slowly and stepped back, but now the long gate sees Sun Wukong like this, but also thinks that this matter is getting more and more difficult.

Suddenly, a monster appeared to "reveal" and the man was blue, and his tongue was hissing slightly there.

Looking at the long door, it turned out that the monster was moving rescuers, and the monster looked like a snake spirit, so the long door was shaking his head there, and the smoke was getting deeper and slower. Slowly reaching the long gate ...

The snake spirit slowly spit "dew" smoke, while the monster just blown his horn slowly, and now it is making people more uncomfortable. Pig Bajie, Tang monk, and sand monk have been lost . Although Monkey Monkey is still conscious, he ca n’t see anything.

"Nagato, where are you?"

At this moment, Nagato directly pulled Sun Monkey behind him.

After that, he put his hand on Dantian, slowly rose to the end, and put it in front of his eyes. In this way, his eyes seemed to form a protective cover, and the smoke could not enter his eyes at all.

But the monster was not afraid of seeing the Nagato. At this moment, he poisoned all of himself again. Even Neidan had already sacrificed. He didn't believe it and could not hide the Nagato.

The voice was still there one after another, and now Nagato felt that he was mentally disordered, which was the first time he felt this way.

Nagato felt at the moment that he couldn't let them go easily. It seemed that he didn't move, and he really couldn't cure them.

Nagato shook his head. Fly up directly.

And his hands were condensed in the air, so a jade flute was condensed.

The long door started blowing up there ...

Slowly I saw the smoke slowly dissipating, and the sound was attacked by the sound of the jade flute of the long door, and at the moment the two sounds struck together.

At this moment, Nagato started laughing, and then flicked a force with his finger.

The monster's horn just thought very clearly, but now it can't make a sound.

Nagato has just made a horn on this horn, so now the monster has no way at all.

At this time, when the long door reached out and took the red horn, it went directly to his hand. When the long door clenched his fist, the horn was directly broken into slag, and all fell to the ground. Waving into dust.

The monster had obviously collapsed and knelt on the ground.

"My weapon, my horn. Ooo."

The green snake mainly summoned his own inner dan. Now it is Naindan, who is spitting out various poisonous "liquids" outwards, slowly slowly towards the long gate.

Nagato took a deep breath and then condensed in the sky, and the kind of gas mask he radiated all over the body pushed back all the poisonous "liquid".

The green snake had been taken by the gas mask at this moment, and was shocked to fall directly to the ground. At the moment, he also spit out blood.

"Brother, he is too powerful, and I have no way at all."

"Sergeant, it seems that we really met a powerful person this time. We did not expect that our greatest enemy is not the grand monkey, but this ordinary human being called the Nagato."

They said nothing more, and the flute of Nagato slowly began to sound again, and in this way, the pig Bajie, the monk Sha, and the Tang monk slowly recovered their reason.

But now Sun Monkey's eyes are still in an invisible state.

Nagato walked in front of Sun Monkey and flicked Sun Monkey's eyes with his two fingers, and Sun Monkey's eyes expelled black poison.

Slowly, Monkey Monkey opened his eyes slowly, and this time he finally realized that he had n’t thought that this poisonous "liquid" was so powerful. He was flaming eyes, but he was also poisoned by this poisonous "liquid".

At this time, Nagato directly intended to kill the two monsters in a single net. Suddenly, the little black cat jumped out and stopped before the two monsters.

The long gate was obviously blinded, he quickly recovered his strength, and now he stood there, watching the little black cat slowly ran to the two monsters.

It ’s obvious that Nagato is now confused that Sun Monkey hastily put down all the people of Tang Bajie and Zhu Bajie ...

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