My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 478: Enchantment

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Tang Seng quickly walked to the side of the long gate, and at once he took the clearance document in his hand and carefully read it.

Tang Seng can conclude that this is his customs clearance, but it is a very strange thing how to get into the hands of Nagato.

"How did you do it? And why does it seem like you all know what I don't know?"

Nagato smiled, but said nothing at all. At this moment, he was directly thinking and drifting into the distance, always thinking about the monster's affairs, as long as the monster didn't resolve for a day, it would be a permanent trouble.

It was Pig Bajie. Sun Wukong and Tang Seng explained the reason. Tang Seng nodded there when he heard it.

And this is the thought of Nagato always drifting back.

"Since this is the case, then we will hurry up tonight, otherwise we will always drag on like this, and we will always be in trouble."

The mentors and apprentices also completely agreed that everyone had to take a quick hurry at the moment. After all, they had to take the night road at night.


late at night

The moon black wind is high, and the moon tonight is somehow round for some reason.

It was also straightforward for the Nagato to bring the Tang monk, master, and disciples, and he flew out of this country with mana. Now that they have a customs clearance, they can leave directly.

And this night the dark wind was high and the breeze was blowing. After going out, it was a mountain forest, and in this mountain forest, there was a stormy wind ...

Tang Seng, he felt very scared when walking. Now he is very close to the Nagato. He always feels that something like this will happen. After all, he and the Nagato have been away for a long time. He can still predict Judging these simple things.

And now there are even some colds, and Pig Bajie is also a little unhappy. Obviously, eating and drinking in the palace is very warm. Now after coming out, I have suffered these crimes.

"Nagato, can we still find a place to rest today? It's so cold this day and the pretense wind is really unbearable."

Nagato didn't have time to take care of him. Suddenly he noticed a change and quickly made a silent gesture to them.

Nagato closed his eyes and felt the movements around him. Suddenly, Nagato's body turned to the southwest. As soon as he opened his eyes, he felt something strange in the southwest ...

In a cave ...

"Better to the king. The Tang monks and several of them and the human beings are coming in this direction."

After hearing this, King Meishan was very happy, and finally it was time for him to avenge himself.

There is another monster beside King Meishan. The monster looks gorgeous. Dress in a long dress. Hair is also a beauty plan.

"Haha, since I came here this time, I want to see what they can do. I actually beat you up like this last time."

"Sister, do n’t underestimate them. They are a few mentors and apprentices. But one of them, that mortal kid, is very powerful. Brother, I took his losses last time. If my sister saved me, I'm afraid they would have died in their hands. "

After hearing this, the female goblin was even more angry, and it made her brother fail. What a terrible character this is. But this time she had already anticipated it, and she must avenge her brother ...

On the other side, several people in Nagato have been standing still. At this moment, Zhu Bajie is very confused. Is Nagato listening to his complaint?

"Nagato, you listened to my complaints, but there is no rest at all in this place, let's keep going."

Nagato was helpless.

"I think the whole environment is very strange, and everyone is very careful, but don't let the monsters take the loophole, I always feel that the atmosphere is so strange, I am afraid there is something to come."

After hearing this, Tang Seng was so scared that he had just fled the poisonous hand, but he did not expect that such a thing happened again. Tang Seng was very helpless. Is it that he is so hot, everyone wants to eat his own meat?

Pig Bajie snorted.

"God, Master, do you want to be so hot, just got rid of this queen, and now someone wants to eat your Tang monk's meat, pity that we will suffer with you."

Tang Seng was helpless, but he wanted to refute and could not say anything, but there was not much to say there.

At this time, the long gate motioned to Sun Wukong.

"Goku, you have flaming eyes, you jump directly into the sky to see if there are any abnormalities around, mainly looking at the southwest direction, I have sensed the southwest direction, it seems that there is a monster."

At midnight, he could not stop Sun Wukong's strength at all, so he turned his muscles into the sky and looked at the southwest direction. Indeed, he saw a stone cave in the southwest direction, and the whole body of the stone cave was exuding Group gas.

Sun Wukong immediately landed.

"Sure enough, as you said at Nagato, then there is a stone cave further southwest, and at that time, the whole body was breathing black gas, I am afraid ..."

Tang Seng was already very scared.

"What should I do? Nagato, think of a way, you can't be caught by them this time."

The monk Sha on the side spoke directly:

"Master, why do you worry so much, what are you worried about when there is a long door around us? This time, you also encountered a lot of dangers, don't you have nothing to do every time?"

Tang Seng heard Sha Monk say this, and thought about it too, but his small heart could not bear so much fright, it was better to have one more thing than one less.

The long door looked around. At this moment, he closed his eyes and slowly gathered the energy in his body. One cleaver cut four trees.

Under his energy, these four trees directly flew up, and the long gate used his energy to slowly run. The tree was directly cut into wood and formed a small shed.

Zhu Bajie and several others had been dumbfounded, but the long door did not take it for granted, and directly entered the shed.

"We will rest here tonight. After all, there is always a monster in Yueheifenggao who wants to make trouble. I will set up a protective barrier outside this shed. Everyone will sleep peacefully, and we will continue our journey tomorrow.

Then everyone all followed the long door, but today I can really get a good night's sleep. Sure enough, there is a long door, everyone is very relieved!

Several people were sleeping soundly, and it is already early in the morning, and I can still hear the snoring of Pig Bajie, but everyone is really tired, but no one has been awakened, and Xiangxiang is still asleep there. ...

But at this moment, there were two black shadows coming quietly. When the two black shadows saw the mentor and apprentice, they smiled at each other. Slowly came towards Tang Seng several people ......

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