My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 488: Baffling sand

Niu Demon rushed towards Nagato as if his speed had reached the highest level, Nagato stood there motionless.

Just when the Bull Demon was about to arrive at the Nagato, the Nagato suddenly grew a hundred times taller, and he took out a big red cloth. After seeing it, the Bull Demon somehow blushed and suddenly rushed towards K.

Monkey Monkey has looked ignorant on the side, what does that mean? Suddenly changed from war to performance?

After the Niu Demon rushed over, he rushed over again, but still hit the red cloth several times.

Nagato laughed there.

Niu Demon had already fainted. At this moment, he was directly **** by the long door, which stepped on the head of Niu Demon with his feet.

Monkey Monkey came over immediately and laughed.

Nagato didn't want to say much. The main purpose of his coming this time was only the banana fan, but he didn't expect to delay such a long time, and he still relied on this bull demon king, and he would really find something for himself.

"It's already at this point, haven't you handed over the banana fan yet?"

The Demon King Niu was helpless, but he still had the strength. At this moment, the long gate was not afraid, and he directly signaled to Sun Monkey.

Sun Monkey quickly entered the cave, and Princess Iron Fan was very surprised to see Sun Monkey.

"How did you come in? Ming Ming Wang defended the two of you in front of the door. Could it be ..."

"Yes, you should still persuade your king, otherwise, as he is now, I am afraid that he will lose money sooner or later."

Princess Iron Fan rushed out quickly and saw that her husband had been tied there. In any case, the demon king was her husband, and she immediately knelt down.

"It's because we don't know Mount Tai. You can let my husband do it. We want to give you something, isn't it a banana fan? You just give him your husband."

Niu Dewang shook his head, facing his wife's full of guilt, but now he directly took out the banana fan with a mouth, and gave them a few.

"What is the spell?"

The Demon King Niu had no choice but to speak a spell. After hearing it, Nagato was very satisfied and nodded and left with Sun Wukong ...

The Princess Iron Fan is obviously dumbfounded, why do they already know the spell but do n’t let go of the Bull Demon King?

"Hey, did you forget to let my husband go?"

The figures of Nagato and Sun Wukong have drifted away, leaving only a long sentence.

"Do not worry, if we really passed the Flame Mountain this time, we can return the fan directly to you. The Bull Demon King will also be loosened by me directly."


Niu Dewang shook his head.

"Ma'am, I'm sorry for you."

Princess Iron Fan hugged and held the Demon King Niu tightly. I do n’t know why because of this incident, Princess Iron Fan always felt that the feelings between the two of them and the Niu Demon King became deeper and deeper.


Several Tang monks have been waiting here for a few more days, and there is still no trace of their subordinates and whereabouts.

"Master, I said they could n’t come back, and that time was just a blinding way for Nagato. Let ’s divide the things and go back quickly. We ’ve been staying here now. . "

Tang Seng suddenly panicked, and he was even more panicked when he heard Zhu Bajie say this.

"Master, don't listen to him, I think they will definitely come back from their long door."

"You speak for them without reason, and then you will get nothing at all. It will be very pitiful for the three of us to depend on each other. It would be better to go back to your Liusha River directly. My master Gao Laozhuang and I went directly to Datang, Everything has ended smoothly. "


"Let me see who wants to end it all."

Upon hearing this, Zhu Bajie immediately frightened to the ground, and Nagato and Sun Wukong stood in front of them.

Sand Monk is excited.

"Brother Nagato, you are finally back."

Although Tang Seng did n’t say anything, he was also very happy. After all, Changchangkou finally came back. Otherwise, he was really afraid that he and Zhu Bajie and Sha Monk would have been here. What would happen? Wouldn't it be easy to eat your own meat?

The long door waved.

"It's time we left."

Several people marched to the Flame Mountain smoothly. Sun Wukong took the fan and flew directly to the sky. The fan was getting bigger and bigger, and a Flame Mountain returned directly to calm.

Several monks of Tang Dynasty walked smoothly, but the mountain was not as hot as before. Several of them walked and walked to the middle, a little tired. Let's take a rest there first ...

Pig Bajie is also very satisfied. Today's Flame Mountain is not the same as before, just like an ordinary mountain, but it is very tired to climb the mountain.

The Tang monk sat there, but the monk Sha gave him a little water, which was also taken from the farmer's family just now, and they also prepared something early.

Tang Seng looked really surprised when he looked at everything around him. For the first time, he saw such a scene. Apart from Huang Sha, there was nothing at all. Tang Seng once again marveled!

Nagato stood here and said nothing more ...

Suddenly, the yellow sand rolled up like a sandstorm and swept back and forth around the pig Bajie. Several people were shocked. The monk of the sand had already flew away. He and Zhu Bajie quickly followed. The tornado blew aside ...

"Nagato Goku, save me, save me."


Sun Wukong felt something was wrong when he heard it, could it be?

The yellow sand immediately dissipated, but it was also calm, and Nagato stood there. Zhu Bajie and Sha Monk grabbed the luggage tightly, and Sun Wukong looked left and right. Just don't see the Tang monk.

Sun Wukong was helpless. This time, the Tang Seng was arrested again!

Pig Bajie and Sha Monk came back very helpless.

"No, the Flame Mountain has just been halfway through and the master has been arrested again. The frequency of the master's arrest recently has been a bit high."

Nagato shook his head, and at this moment he was directly holding his breath to detect the surrounding area. After a good detection, where was this Tang Seng captured again?

However, after a good probe, he still didn't detect any results, and Nagato was a little speechless now.

"What are you still doing here stunned? Hurry up and look around the Flame Mountain to find out whether Tang Seng's whereabouts."

Pig Bajie, Sun Wukong, and Monk Sha finally heard it, and quickly went around looking for it. They just froze for a while! ..



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