My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 559: No, what about the master?

No way, the king could only leave that place again, and just before he left, suddenly the fake king vomited blood.

No, over the giant glaze...

The fake king hurried out quickly, disregarding several of his men, and quickly moved to the national treasure. Now the night is dark and high, and there is no one at all, but there is no one in this glass.

After that, something really happened that I didn't dare to anticipate...

The king had no choice but to go back to the palace first. Investigate this matter in secret.


Nagato took the king to a hidden place. This was again his barrier, so the monster should never find it here.

Nagato worked hard to gather strength in his palm, and soon he was in the palm of his hand, fueling the fire. Unexpectedly, the power of the Phoenix could have originated from his own body, and whenever he needed it, he could also generate a igniting power.

Nagato was very contented, his two hands were burning, and Nagato suddenly placed both hands on the king.

Sun Wukong was surprised.

"Nagato, what are you doing? Are you going to kill him?"

The long door shook his head and didn't say much. What Sun Wukong didn't think was that the flame contacted the king, and he did not treat the king. Instead, the flame was very pure, and the king's body was tempered to emit black "color" gas and the king gradually opened. Open your eyes and look around.

Sun Wukong nodded his head, Gao was really tall, and he never thought that Nagato had this method.

When the King saw Sun Wukong, he stumbled back one after another. Since what happened before, he was afraid of everyone.

Nagato knew that there must be some misunderstandings, and this king must have been violently stimulated, otherwise he would not be able to do so and responded violently.

The long gate walked past a point of the king's "acupuncture point", and the king immediately stopped.

"We are here to save you, you don't have to panic. But I want to hear the ins and outs of things."

The king looked like this, otherwise, I'm afraid he didn't wake up at all.

——I was framed by the monster and trapped there. At that time, I trusted the monster very much, and the ability of the monster surprised me a lot, but I didn’t expect it.

You're about the same thing, Nagato nodded.

"We will help you, but we will also fight against the monsters as soon as possible, as long as you come forward, draw your nationals, and your soldiers."

The king nodded.

Nagato immediately said no more nonsense, and took the king directly to the palace, after all, this matter ended as soon as possible...

The long door waited to go back, first to "stun" the soldiers around the long door room, and then quickly entered the room, the long door signaled to make the king quiet, but just entered the room, but the long door found that there was one less person in the room.

Long door helpless, this person is the Tang monk, is there a monster to take him away, want to eat Tang monk meat?

But this palace should have no other people except the fake king. The Changmen was furious. He had already found the true king, and he could completely pierce him. The most important thing now is to find the Tang monk, who is angry. But he could only calm down. The three poles in the sun, the pig bajie, and the monk Sha were all awake, but Nagato just wanted to see Nagato sitting on a chair, staring at them.

Pig Bajie stumbled and took a picture of his head when he got up. He even suspected that he had a nightmare, and Sha Monk didn't dare to say anything.

Pig Bajie helpless.

"Nagato, do you know that you are so scary, what's wrong?"

Nagato didn't know what to say. How often did Tang Seng disappear with the two of them and the three of them?

"I didn't see anyone missing in the house."

Zhu Bajie realized this, and then he looked left and right.


"Where is the bad master?"

The long door sighed, if they were like them, then they didn't have to do anything at all, and they didn't even know when Tang Seng was lost every time.

However, the three poles in the day, it was the long door waiting for the opportunity, then stood up and led the king and walked straight away.

Pig Bajie sand monk, you look at me, I look at you, Sun Wukong helplessly went straight forward. Take a picture of two people one by one.

"What else do you want? Hurry up and follow the long door."

The two reacted at this moment, and quickly followed the direction where the long door just left...

The Golden Temple of the King. There are two bodyguards guarding there, and there are two maidens beside them.

A scene that surprised them quickly happened. Several of them widened their eyes. When the king went out, he didn't even know himself, and when he gathered with the monk from the Tang Dynasty.

However, the king's guard is also a monster, but the monster's mana is not high, so it is impossible to distinguish their boss from the real king.

The king walked to the front, and the long door knew at first glance that this man was also a goblin. He said something in the king's ear, and the king nodded.

"I'm going to open the door."

The guard was strange, but he had to obey what his boss said, so he quickly opened the door and let his boss go in, but everything was extremely strange.

The guard did not go in, but also stayed outside. The false king sat on the bed, and suddenly heard a noise. I wanted to see but stopped.

There was no one in the bedroom and Ben, and the Nagato did not give up, and it was as expected to detect with his own consciousness.

"Don't hide, come out, I already know where you are."

The monster is not afraid, come out directly. The two people who looked exactly the same looked directly at each other. The true and the false king were really indistinguishable by their looks.

Even Sun Wukong was very surprised when he saw it, no wonder everyone would make a mistake.

The real king shook his head.

"You have hurt me so badly, I have been trapped in the glass for so many years. If it wasn't for Nagato and others to save me, I'm afraid..."

The false king disagreed and said the same thing, but now the behavior of the two kings is exactly the same, which makes the Naruto feel a little difficult.

At the sight of Monkey Monkey, the two laughed directly. Pointed to one of the kings.

"Nagato is fast, he is real, the other is fake."

Nagato Suo "sex" directly listened to Sun Monkey's words, took his own weapon, and thrust straight at the monster, the monster's energy was inferior to Nagato, and he planned to leave.

The monster directly flew out, and Nagato and Sun Wukong also followed directly...

The real king was left alone...

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