My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 569: Spiritual butterfly

The long gate led the Tang monk to continue to move forward, he always felt that there was something specific among them, and it was already doomed. It's as if they already knew that in a place to go next, there should be something that can help him solve his serious problems.

When Nagato thought of this, don't continue to go forward. They even came to a plain. A butterfly was dancing, and the butterfly flew to the Nagato. Although Nagato was sitting on his tiger at the moment Above the mount, but he still spread his hands, and the butterfly fell into the hands of the long door.

Ordinary butterflies, which didn't attract their interest, but he looked at the butterfly in his hand comfortably, its wings still had a moment, and interacted slowly, as if it had taken the long door to dement. general.

The butterfly was in the hands of the long gate, and then flew above the sky after staying for a while, but it did not fly far, and it had been in front of several people in Changde, and he seemed to fly forward slowly.

Sun Wukong also saw this butterfly, feeling extremely strange, and also extremely curious.

"Does this butterfly at Nagato want to guide us where to go? He has been hovering in your hands, but now he has left your hands, but it doesn't seem to fly away."

The long gate didn't say much, so he followed the butterfly slowly and led the way in the front, but after a few years, he slowly followed in the back. Tang Seng thought it was useless at all. But he didn't say much.

From dawn to darkness, the butterflies have always led the way. At night, the butterfly somehow emits a light, and the traces of his flying along the road are also marked with a few stars on the sky. Light.

The miraculous is really too miraculous. They continue to move forward from the plains into a forest. The magical things in the forest are very green. Although it is night, the trees are full of green. The light, the grass on the ground is also exuding the green "color", as if here, it is a fairyland, there is no difference between dark and daytime, and these things seem to have their own magic and own energy.

Butterflies flew here and stopped moving forward, and stopped here. After the long gate saw it, he immediately got off his landline. He walked around and looked at everything around him. It was amazing.

The moon is still hanging high in the sky, and at this time, the Tang monk looked at the sky "color" too late, the long gate has already done it, and the other was also directly down, walking in this forest, he also felt strange Incomparable, but with so many things with Changmen and others, Tang Seng is no longer the one who was afraid of anything before.

The little butterfly did not continue to move forward, but stopped here and danced in the forest. When the long gate came down to look at it, the mountain forest was really extremely spiritual, and they could all feel that the mountain forest contained a certain Kind of energy.

Grass, trees, flowers, and all kinds of animals in the forest, all contain some kind of mysterious power, which can really be regarded as a fairyland.

The long gate squatted directly and touched his hand against the root of a large tree. After the long door closed his eyes slowly, feeling the energy from this big tree.

Nagato wanted to explore, what the **** this butterfly brought them to.

The big tree has been around for thousands of years, so now it is very large, and the branches are lush, with very dense leaves.

"Hurry up, hurry up."

Nagato for some reason, he attached his hand to the big tree and wanted to feel the big tree, but the big tree seemed to have spiritual "sex", generally only told himself these 4 words, let him leave quickly.

The long door was puzzled, but when he stood up again, the butterfly just hovered slowly in the air, and finally fell to the ground, forming a very beautiful beauty.

After seeing it, Nagato took a step back, and apparently he already had a deeper vigilance than just now.

The woman in front of this butterfly is wearing a pink "color" skirt, bare feet, fair skin, and sweet looks. There is also a light pink "color" origin between the two, and the hair is just spread around the waist.

After seeing this, Zhu Bajie stepped forward and walked a few steps. He had no interest in this place. Now that he saw such a beautiful woman, he went straight forward and extended his two big hands, so he had to shake hands with this beautiful woman.

Sun Wukong can even see the heart in the eyes of Zhu Bajie.

The beauties just bowed slightly to them.

"It’s good to see you guys. You also saw that I was just talking about the butterfly, but you can rest assured that I am not a monster, I am just your guide. You can call me Fluttershy."

Nagato heard special doubts. He is still very alert.

Fluttershy smiled softly at them, but he also refused, and Zhu Bajie just asked to shake hands with himself.

"This elder is coming from the Eastern Tang Dynasty. We have been waiting here for a long time, but now this is not a place to speak, or wait for you to move with me."

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