My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 586: Bandit

At this time, another Xiao Er also gave them a pot of tea, let them drink it first, because after all, Sun Wukong and several of them haven’t ordered, and they don’t know whether they should eat or not, but pig bajie has already Not hungry anymore.

Pig Bajie asked Sun Wukong with some fears, "Brother, can we order some food first? I'm starving to death. If I go on like this, the master can't bear it."

After Sun Wukong heard it, he stared at him with fierce eyes, then called Xiao Er again, and then ordered some food, but they did not order anything, but ordered some dry food, because Sun Wukong was in When looking at the people at the tables next to them, they didn't eat anything, just a plate of a few glasses of wine.

Sun Wukong took all the dry food into his house. Sun Wukong and Tang Seng lived in a room, and Zhu Bajie and Sha Seng lived in a room, but this time all four of them were squeezed into a room.

Although some pigs do not want to eat these things, but now only this thing can be eaten, Sun Wukong also looked at it very fiercely, pig eight rings can only pretend to be particularly delicious, a gobble eating, after all, now It's most important to eat a full stomach. Sun Wukong didn't say anything after watching Zhu Bajie finished eating.

The Tang monk was tired after eating something, and originally wanted to go out and take a look around, but it was stopped by Sun Wukong in time, and the Tang monk could only sit on the bed and rest.

After seeing that Tang Seng was asleep, Sun Wukong planted an enchantment around Tang Seng, and it was still a double-layer kind. I was afraid that after he had left for a while, there must be a group of people downstairs who were malicious and came up again It would definitely be very dangerous to hurt Tang Seng, and after finishing these things, he went out.

After all, Sun Wukong still has some doubts about this post. After the last loss to Fluttershy, Sun Wukong no longer dare to believe that the thing in front of him is really true. He also feels that his flaming eyes are wrong.

After Sun Wukong flew to a particularly high place, he patrolled it again with golden eyes, but he still saw the house, and saw that the people inside were still human. There were no monsters at all, so Sun Wukong did not know whether to believe it or not. . After Sun Wukong came back, he saw those people sitting and eating in their original positions, but the eyes of these people were like staring at the food, which made Sun Wukong particularly uncomfortable.

After Sun Wukong returned to his room, the people who had been sitting apart suddenly reunited together, seeming to be whispering all the time, but the voice was so low that when Sun Wukong returned to his room, he could not hear clearly. What are they talking about.

However, the pig bajie and the sand monk relaxed their vigilance. They did not find this post to be particularly weird. Instead, they were like ordinary post, but they did not find that the people sitting in this post were not merchants at all, but just came over At that time, the man introduced that in front was a post where a businessman often lived.

Sun Wukong discovered this, but he did not tell Ba Jie and Sha Seng, but simply reminded them to watch out. Sun Wukong did not dare to sleep at this time. He had been sitting next to Tang Seng, fearing what might happen.

Sure enough, after the three of them fell asleep, Sun Wukong sat there with his eyes straight at the door, and suddenly a pipe was inserted into the door, and the mist "fogging" appeared in the pipe, Sun Wukong saw Afterwards, I felt particularly doubtful.

However, he also knew that this would definitely make some of them sleep better, so Sun Wukong quickly sealed his mouth and nose. Although these human "medicines" didn't work for him, he still had some fears. These people know they are monsters.

On the side of Zhu Bajie and the sand monk, they gradually felt that it was difficult to breathe, and there was always something else mixed in the air. Zhu Bajie woke up first, and he also saw the mist "fog" rising from his house. This made Zhu Bajie's first reaction to a fire, which also made him yell.

The screaming of the pig Bajie suddenly made all three of them panic, but the group of people outside was also more nervous because they didn’t know if the fog was fascinating them. , Plus a few of them blocked the door again, so they could not get out for a while, but what they did not expect was that these people were monsters.

It turned out that a group of robbers lived in this post, they were specially deceived by passing merchants, and robbed their belongings, but each of them could only scare and scare them, and they did not have any martial arts.


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