My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 602: Outsmart the Great White Worm

At night, the Bajie Drifting Monk stayed at the wild boar Jing's house to protect Tang Monk. And Nagato, Goku, and Boar Spirit have already left.


Wukong turned into a small fly at the entrance of the cave and flew in. Wukong flew and flew for a while, I was a good boy, and I saw that there was no other world in this cave.

There is more than one hole in this cave, and the wall is also a circular hole. And every hole seemed to be shut down.

Wukong Fei took a closer look, and turned out to be a member of the wild boar spirit.

Wukong saw the big white worm sleeping on the seat Zhengxiang, Wukong changed back to the original.

Seeing this big white worm holding the gourd he gave him in his hand, he wanted to take it back.

change! Seeing Wukong propped his hand, a gourd immediately appeared in his palm.

Wukong carefully took out the gourd from Da Bai Chong's hand. I saw the big white worm turned over, and now it was done, Bao Gourd was pressed under the stomach by the big white worm.

Wukong pulled out a "hair" from his body and poked it into Bai Chong's nostrils. Bai Chong scratched his face and continued to sleep.

The Great Sage still couldn't get the gourd. At this time, Wukong continued poking its nostrils. Now the Great White Insect sneezed and sat up, but Wukong reacted in time.

Pulling out the bell and shaking it, Da Bai Chong suddenly stood up, shocking Wukong.

Thinking that I had made a mistake, I tentatively said "Sexually", "Let me take a look around."

Bai Chong did what Wukong said, which is very interesting. Wukong said with great interest: "You jump from here to the door."

White insects did so immediately, jumping out one after another.

When the wild boar Nagato met, he immediately took up his weapon, and Monkey King made a shush with his finger in his mouth.

Then he took out the bell and gestured to the two of them, and now they both knew what Sun Wukong meant.

The wild boar hurried into the cave to rescue people. At this time, the Great White Insect also woke up. The Great White Insect saw Monkey King in front of him, then looked at the bell he was holding, and immediately took the treasure gourd and collected the Great Sage.


"Okay, you attacked me unexpectedly." Monkey King threw the bell at Nagato. Nagato quickly picked up the bell, just about to ring the bell.

The white worm flew one by one, and the bell fell to the side. The white worm was too strong, but Nagato did not grow up as a vegetarian.

Nagato took off with his hands, Foshan has no shadows, and Nagato's feet quickly slammed into the belly of Da Bai Chong.

When the big white worm fell down, Nagato flipped, grabbed the bell with his hand, and shook it. Before the big white worm could react, the big white worm stopped moving. Nagato walked over, picked up his treasure gourd, released Monkey King, and the tiger put it in.

At this time, the wild boar spirit also rescued his tribe, and the wild boar spirit led the tribe to thank Nagato and Monkey King.

Wild boar village

The Drifting monk guarding at the door saw that Monkey King and the people from the Wild Boar Village had returned, and the Drifting Monk was also relieved.

Immediately enter the house and report to Tang Seng. When Wukong came back and saw Ba Jie sleeping, he used to grab Ba Jie’s ear and said, "Lazy and lazy again."

Ba Jie was picked up and called in pain, "Master, Master Monkey bullied me again."

"You idiot, you know that you are lazy and you know that you are lazy, and let Junior Brother Sha guard outside the door." Wukong said while patting Ba Jie's head. At this time everyone laughed.

The next morning, Sun Wukong and his party will bid farewell to the pigs in the wild boar village, and the pigs in the wild boar village came to send them off.

The wild boar said: "If the Great Sage is useful to me in the future, he can manage to find me. Thanks to you, I almost made another big mistake."

"Where and where, goodbye by destiny" Wukong waved his hand, Ba Jie also waved his hand.

"Nagato, thanks to you, your baby will be back to you" Sun Wukong said while holding the treasure gourd. "By the way, there is one more thing. This bell is also yours."

Nagato took Bao Hulu and said, "It's okay, everyone is good brother, brothers work together to cut money!"

"Nagato, take this bell, this bell is the treasure you harvested from fighting monsters, and we don't need him," Monkey King said.

Nagato knotted a bell, "Then I will use it to deal with the fairies when we need the bell."

"Good!" Wukong replied.

"Nagato, you are like a big omnipotent bag that can be taken out of thin air," Ba Jie said.

"This is one of my skills, don't be too envious" Nagato laughed.

"Fool, you are considered to have the skills of Nagato, and you have no brains," Wukong said with a pat on Ba Jie.

"Don't look down on pigs, my nine-tooth rake drove away monsters a few days ago," Ba Jie said proudly with his belly.

"I think if it weren't for Nagato, you must be the first to run" Wukong said disdainfully, carrying the stick on his shoulder, holding a grass in his mouth.

Ba Jie picked up the nine-tooth nail rake and hit Wukong, "Oh, the idiot will be able to bear it, see if you can catch up with me."

Seeing Wukong flew lightly, he flew far away, and said to Ba Jie, "This is it?"

Monk Sha shook his head and smiled. Drifting said, "Ride slowly, and don't fall."

Nagato laughed and said, "If you don't quarrel someday, then you are really uncomfortable!"..

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