My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 605: Pack the centipede

Nagato used thousands of miles to transmit sound to Wukong. Wukong sensed it and gave Nagato a position.

"Brother Monkey and the old Daoist went to fight in the back mountain" Nagato preached to Tang Seng.

Tang Seng immediately put his hand on Nagato's arm, "Nagato, is Wukong all right?"

Nagato said, "Don't worry, I'll help Brother Monkey!" After Nagato finished speaking, he looked at Bajie and them, protected the master, and flew out immediately.

Nagato flew to the back mountain, only to see the old Dao grow into an old centipede. Take its feet to beat the Monkey King.

I saw that the foot was hook-shaped and sharp. Nagato read the encyclopedia, sighing that this centipede is not easy to deal with. His pair of feet has toxic glands on the hook ends, which can secrete venom.

But the natural enemy of the centipede is a rooster, but can this become a fine centipede that an ordinary chicken can deal with?

Nagato called the Great Sage, Wukong immediately backed away, and Nagato set up a screen around the centipede.

Nagato Fei went over and said to Wukong, "Brother Monkey, my screen can't last long, do you have a fairy friend who has a big **** into a fine class."

Wukong scratched its head and said, "I really know a friend like this, but he has already risen to a god. I will invite him."

Nagato nodded and said, "Then go, I am here looking at this centipede."

Not long after Wukong left, the centipede broke Nagato's screen.

Then Nagato made himself bigger and wanted to step on this centipede to death, who knew how fast this centipede was running.

Nagato picked up a javelin, whoosh-the javelin hit the centipede's tail, the centipede turned into a human form, and pulled off the clothes.

"Why, take your clothes off if you can't fight?" Nagato said.

"You wait and see," Centipede Jing said.

Centipede essence is shooting golden light on Nagato's body, and Nagato immediately feels tingling and has no strength...

Astral Hall

Nagato came to the Hall of Stars and called "Is You Daxian? You Daxian" at the door. Wukong looked at no one, and didn't see anyone guarding the door. I said no one, so I went in by myself.

Just as Wukong was about to walk in, You Daxian appeared, and You Daxian said, "Why are you here, Dasheng?"

Wukong pulled him and said, "Follow me, I will tell you on the way."

Wukong talked to Youxian about what happened on the road. Youxian took out an embroidery needle.

Seeing the embroidery needle, Wukong said, "Are you going to use this to beat that centipede?"

Youxian said: "Yes, otherwise?"

"If this embroidery needle could solve this centipede, I would have eliminated it a long time ago," Wukong said with his waist sticking in his waist.

"Don't underestimate my embroidery needle. My embroidery needle is neither gold nor silver nor bronze. Just wait and see," Youxian replied.

At this moment, the two of them had reached. Seeing the Nagato illuminated by the centipede, Wukong just wanted to pick up the stick and knock on it. Youxian stopped him and flew the embroidery needle in his hand. The centipede was instantly transformed. Back to the original, want to escape, can't escape, motionless in place. This time Wukong clapped his hands and immediately went over to help Nagato.

Nagato said: "This centipede just opened his clothes, and seeing his belly shoot out too much, it hurts my whole body."

Youxian said: "This is his skill, which will prevent people from getting close to him. It just happens that my embroidery needles cleaned him up."

Nagato Goku thanked Youxian. Wukong just wanted to take the golden cudgel and kill the centipede. Youxian stopped it. Youxian said, "Wukong, you also see that there is no one in my Astral Hall, so just let it do it. The gatekeeper will make up for it!"

Wukong said: "That's fine too" Wukong finished speaking, and Youxian returned with the centipede spirit.

Nagato leaned on Monkey King's shoulder and said, "Fortunately, Brother Monkey came early, otherwise I might be blind. There is something in its golden light."

Monkey King patted Nagato: "Don't worry, your monkey brother is very reliable hahahaha"

"Let's go, let's go back soon, we are all worried about you" Nagato said.

Wukong said casually: "Cut, my grandson is not worried about them at all."

Nagato knew that this monkey was shy and affectionate as he was not serious.

This is the dead duck with a hard mouth, Nagato didn't say anything. The two returned to this Jinguang Temple.

When Tang Seng saw Wukong coming back, he asked, "Are you okay"

"Master, who is Brother Monkey? Our senior brother is amazing, let alone Nagato!" Ba Jie patted his stomach and said.

"Just come back" Drifting also said.

Now Wukong was embarrassed. Wukong was staring at the Drifter at this time. The big guy saw Wukong staring at the Drifter, so he looked over.

"Hey, Junior Brother Sha, your beard is gone, blame it for being pretty" said Zhu Bajie.

"I just patronized the nervousness and didn't notice it, so I said how I felt cold on my face," the Drifter said, "touching" his face.

Monkey King exclaimed and exclaimed more than a thumbs up!

Nagato also said, "Brother Sha, you look so handsome! It's really the beard on your face that seals your appearance!"

Everyone laughed now, "Let's get on the road!" Wukong said.

Tang Seng nodded and said, "The journey to learn from the West is still very long. Let's hurry up!"

After speaking, these five people continued to embark on the path of learning from the West! ..

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