My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 608: Deep in Niuzhuang

When Tang Seng and the others came out of the lotus flower, Ba Jie said, "Awesome, big brother."

"This is what Nagato thought of! Nagato is really our Zhiduoxing!" said Monkey King.

At this time, the frog spirit just went into the woods to pick ingredients and came back to find Tang Seng who was about to escape.

So catching up, an old elder with a tongue out, went straight to the target, and curled up Tang Seng.

Nagato immediately took out his profound iron sword and slashed at the frog.

Unexpectedly, the tongue of this frog spirit is as hard as the lotus.

"Good guy! See if I won't beat you up as a frog!"

Nagato took out a boomerang at this time and flew away like a frog spirit.

The frog spirit immediately blocked his attack with his tongue and knocked out Nagato's boomerang.

Just when the frog was so proud, Nagato made a sword, and with a click, the frog was beaten in two and turned back to its original prototype.

Tang Seng closed his eyes and lowered his head and said: "Amitabha."

"Good job, Nagato!" Monkey King said.

"Goku, you bury this monster and bury his body!"

Tang Seng said, "I'm super saving for him, I hope he won't be a bad fairy in the next life."

"Well, I listen to the master." Wukong scratched his head.

Monkey King buried the frog essence, and Tang Seng chanted sutras for it.

Tang Seng and his party continued to go west again.

"My old pig's belly is not as hard as that of the frog essence" Zhu Bajie said while "touching" and "touching" his belly while holding the white dragon horse.

"Hey, I think your idiot's face can match that of that frog's tongue!" Monkey King looked up and smiled.

"Hey, I said, Brother Monkey, you can't see the advantages of me or why did you drop it?" Zhu Bajie asked.

"You idiot really has an advantage that no one can compare to you" Monkey King said, leaning to Zhu Bajie's ear.

Zhu Bajie said, "Then you quickly talk about it." "Eat and sleep and wait for the first thunder to stop!" Wukong said with his arms akimbo.

"Hahahahahaha" Drifting laughed. "Look at others Sha, Junior Brother Sha agrees with my point of view," Wukong pointed to Monk Sha and said.

Tang Seng Changmen also laughed. Watch while walking.

"Master, look, there seems to be a village ahead! We can just go to Huazhai" Zhuba said, pointing to the front.

"Look, what am I talking about, eating and sleeping rank first" Wukong said while jumping.

Nagato put a hand on Bajie's shoulder and said, "Actually, Bajie is cute sometimes."

"Nagato has the foresight!" Bajie said, "Smelly monkey!" "Hahahaha" Monkey King smiled.

"Niuzhuang!" The Drifter looked at the name of the village and said. Ba Jie said, "Ho, this name is domineering!"

As soon as they entered the door, the people here did not run away or shouted at the monsters, but stood at the door and watched Tang Seng and his party.

"Master, how do I feel weird here" Zhu Bajie's rope pulled the white dragon horse tighter.

Tang Seng said, "Amitabha, the poor monks also think the people in this village are weird."

"Master, don't be afraid, wait for me to look through it with Fire Eye Fine Gold." Monkey King looked at it for a while.

"Wukong, what can you see?" Tang Seng asked. "Master, we may have entered the monster den," Wukong said in a low voice.

Now Ba Jie couldn't calm down after hearing it: "We have just left the wolf den and entered the tiger den!"

"Bajie, take the master and them back first, Drifter, protect Tang Seng" Nagato said.

Drifting Bajie nodded, and Wukong said, "Nagato, you have to be more careful. When the fight starts, I will fight this side, and you fight the other side."

"Okay!" Nagato was ready.

Wukong said: "I want to ask you bull demon, we are the monks who are going to learn scriptures here, are you letting go or not letting go?"

At this time, there was a laugh from the quiet village, which made the village even more weird.

Wukong looked back and said, "Fool, Junior Brother Sha protects the master and takes care of the white dragon horse."

"Brother, don't worry!" Ba Jie responded loudly.

At this time, another voice came from the village, "You have kept me waiting for a long time, and I am worried that you will be caught by other monsters and eaten. As expected, the name of Monkey King is not for nothing!"

"What kind of fairy is doing evil here, why don't you dedicate yourself?" Monkey King said.

"The Great Sage is anxious, let my group of brothers come and serve you first! Hahahahahaha."

At this time, the sound disappeared, and the bull monsters in the village took out their weapons and ran towards Monkey King Nagato.

Nagato picked up the profound iron sword and slashed across the ground, only to see golden light everywhere, and this ray of light slashed towards the fairies like a sharp blade.

Wukong picked up the golden cudgel and waved the golden cudgel, one by one monster.

On Nagato's side, there are strokes, but some monsters are agile. Avoiding Nagato's attack, he picked up the axe and chopped it off like Nagato.

Nagato jumped up, his toes lightly jumped on the axe that was cut at him, flew into the air, and waved his profound iron sword.

She-, a huge light flashed from the sky and flew over to the ground, only to see that the land was unlocked, and the bull demon was knocked to the ground.

At this time, Wukong made seventy-two changes and helped Wukong resist a lot of damage. Wukong's stick hit the ground, and the ground trembled...

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