My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 628: Dizzy

Bajie picked another fruit for the weasel, and the weasel said, "You can eat it, I'm not hungry yet."

Zhu Bajie said: "I'll pick more, my master and they are still waiting for me at the foot of the mountain."

Zhu Bajie then asked, "What is the name of this fruit? Why is it so delicious!"

The weasel said: "This fruit is called faint fruit, it tastes sweet and delicious."

Zhu Bajie said: "The name is a bit strange..." Before he could finish speaking, Zhu Bajie fell to the ground.

The weasel saw Bajiebian who had fallen on the ground and said, "This dead pig has finally passed out, get a good night's sleep!"

The weasel changed into the appearance of Zhu Bajie.

He looked at Bajie on the ground and looked at himself. I sighed in my heart and said, "Well! This is simply portrayed in a mold! It looks like a lot!"

The weasel was very happy, thinking that there would be Tang Monk meat to eat, and that Tang Monk meat would still live forever.

The weasel picked up the faint fruit on the ground, picked up the water sac from Ba Jie and bounced to the foot of the mountain.

Seeing the figure of Bajie coming back, Monkey King said: "Bajie, why are you so grind and chirp. Why don't you steal food behind us?"

Nagato said, "Bajie, where is my water?"

The weasel saw a "hair" ball full of "hair" and a handsome man talking to him.

Weasel thought carefully that there could be such a beautiful man in this world. His face is like a sculpture with distinct features, his eyes are like pools, fresh and handsome, and he looks very beautiful.

The weasel kept staring at Nagato, and the Harazi strayed all over the floor.

"Fool! What are you doing?" Monkey King shook the eight precepts of the weasel.

The weasel reacted and said, "Brother, I have filled you with water and brought fruit."

The weasel spoke and looked at Monk Tang and Monk Sha.

That Tang Seng is also extraordinary, and looks very delicious.

"Bajie, why did you change after you went there?" Monkey King said.

The weasel said: "Where and where, brother."

Monkey King said: "How can you stare at Nagato and Master Liu Harazi?"

Nagato smiled and said, "Is there something delicious on my body? Brother pig, please quickly wipe the saliva from the corner of your mouth!"

Seeing Nagato who smiled, it was really like a spring breeze. Weasel thought carefully, I must take his skin off and hang it on the wall in the hole.

The weasel said: "All the big guys come and taste the fruit I just picked!"

Monk Tang and the others looked at the huge fruit, and Monk Sha asked, "Brother, is this fruit poisonous?" The weasel said: "Don't worry, I just ate it, but it's delicious."

Sun Wukong said: "Let me just say it, no wonder it took so long to come back, and let us steal it!"

In order not to reveal his identity, the Weasel concealed and said, "I still understand me, hahaha."

Watching Monkey King, they put the fruit in their mouths. The Weasel "exposed" a smile.

Seeing that the weasel hadn't eaten it, Nagato asked, "Bajie, why don't you eat it?"

Monkey King said: "Don't worry about this idiot, he must be carrying us back after eating and eating."

Nagato pointed to the weasel and said, "Brother Pig, you are not authentic!"

The weasel smiled and said, "Hey, I'm hungry."

After a while, Tang Seng said, "I'm so dizzy." Monk Sha hurried to help his master.

Monk Sha said, "Master, are you too tired and didn't rest..." Sha He still fainted before finishing talking.

Nagato also fell to the ground. Monkey King wanted to say something, but watching Nagato, they all fell to the ground and fainted.

The Weasel spirit transformed back into its original form and said: "Hahaha, it turns out that Monkey King's Fire Eye Fine Gold is nothing more than this!"

Weasel spirit dragged Monkey King and they into Huang Daxian cave.

Monkey King opened one eye at the moment and glanced around. He glanced at the person in front.

It turned out to be caught by the weasel. Sun Wukong thought that the Weasel spirit had so many little brothers. I admire you.

"My lord, you are back, you are..." said a little monster.

The weasel said: "Brothers, we can eat meat tonight!"

The little fairies cheered long live the king!

The weasel said: "Do you know who I dragged back?"

The fairies underneath, look at me and I will look at you, staring at me with big eyes and small eyes, and said, "Lord, don't betray you, how do the little ones know."

The weasel said: "This is a monk from the west."

A little monster asked, "Great King, is that the monk who has eaten Tang Seng meat forever?"

The weasel said: "Yes! The big guy has been with me for so long. I'm not disappointed with the big guy. Let's eat Tang Seng meat together."

The little monsters raised the triangle cross in their hands and cheered long live the king!

The weasel said: "Then you will tie up the four people on the ground first!"

The monsters tied Tang Seng and his party to the pillar, and a little monster said: "The king is rumored to have a pig's head in Tang Seng's scriptures, and there is no fat-headed pig here?"

The weasel said: "That pig's head, that pig was left by the road by me hahahaha!"..

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