My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 631: Snarling Potential

"Yes, I know that Master Tang met the weasel this time. You came to me this time to get the Snarling Dog to face the Weasel. I can promise you all this, but..."

The Jiro myth stopped halfway through.

"But what? Just tell me what you have to say, I have no extra time to waste."

Nagato thought that Sun Wukong and others were all in the cave of the weasel, he couldn't let his mission fail.

"The ability of the Weasel has been greatly improved. In fact, the reason why he does this is because he has a magic weapon of Zhen Yuanzi, Soul Orb." Erlang Shen explained.

"Ding Soul Orb, what kind of treasure is that? How come I have never heard of it? And even if the Soul Orb is really powerful, why didn't you use it on me before?" Nagato said all the questions in his heart.

Nagato said such a question, the **** Erlang magically transmitted all the past about the soul bead and weasel to Nagato's eyes, and Nagato chose to accept it.

The Soul Orb was part of the spirit orb power that was dispersed when Zhen Yuanzi practiced the Heaven and Earth Treasure Mirror. Its power is so powerful that the spells released by the user will not be cracked.

"Treasure Mirror of Heaven and Earth? Ding Soul Orb, so I will find Zhen Yuanzi this time and let him use Heaven and Earth Mirror to smash Ding Soul Orb?"

Nagato didn't know whether he should do this, so he asked Yang Jian.

Yang Jian directly summoned Tiandi Baojian and placed it in front of Nagato.

"Actually, Zhen Yuanzi explained to me before that the only thing that the soul orb will crack is the treasure of heaven and earth. He originally wanted to hand this thing to you, but he just happened to have something, so he asked me to pass it on to you. "Yang Jian told the truth.

Nagato nodded in satisfaction, and said, "Yes, it seems that Motoko is still very smart, guessing that I will come to you. Now that you have said so, let the snarling dog go to the weasel with me. location."

The Roaring Dog was summoned by the God Erlang, and at the same time he gave orders to the Roaring Dog.

"Snarling Sky Dog, when you go to the mortal world to perform your mission this time, you must obey Nagato's words and subdue the weasel spirit."

"Don't worry, the snarling dog will definitely help Nagato and subdue the weasel." The snarling dog said confidently.

At the time of turning around, Nagato had left the heaven with the Roaring Dog.

Erlangshen nodded in satisfaction, he still believed in the abilities of the Sky Dog.

Nagato, holding the treasure of heaven and earth, brought the Snarling Sky Dog to the weasel's hole in a blink of an eye.

The ground where the Weasel's Cave was located trembled, and with an explosion, Nagato leveled the entire cave.

Nagato flew into the air, facing the weasel and said, "Weasel, it seems that you are ready to eat Tang Monk meat, but unfortunately, you do not have this life."

"Nagato is you again? I heard that you are very cunning before. I thought it was because they praised you too much. Now it seems that you do have this ability. But what about this, you can't beat me. "The weasel quietly raised the corner of his mouth.

Monkey King and Zhu Bajie appeared behind the weasel at the same time, took the Drifting Monk and Tang Monk aside, and protected them with magic power.

"Sun Wukong, I didn't expect you and Zhu Bajie to come behind me silently. If I don't wipe out all of you today, it seems that I can't eat Tang Seng meat with peace of mind." The weasel spirit roared.

The weasel looked at the meat that had reached his mouth and was rescued like this, not to mention how angry he was.

Nagato waved his right hand, and a ray of blue light covered the bodies of the four monk Tang and his apprentices, and they went directly behind Nagato.

The Weasel knew that there must be a battle between him and Nagato. Just as he was about to take action, the Sky Dog appeared in front of everyone.

"Snarling Sky Dog? Why are you here? Shouldn't you be by your Master's side in the Heavenly Court?" The weasel was greatly eclipsed.

The snarling dog stepped forward, approached the weasel, and spoke.

"Yes, I should be by my master's side, but this time I came here, obviously to deal with you, you are ready to be bound."

Without any hesitation, the Roaring Sky Dog quickly rushed towards the weasel, and the two came up and gave a palm to each other.

The weasel backed a few steps in succession, and it was obvious that he was not the opponent of the weasel.

The Weasel was aware of the seriousness of the matter, and knew that if he didn't use the Soul Orb, he would be defeated and caught by the Sky Dog.

"Snarling Sky Dog, it's really a pity. Although you restrain me and are above me, can you defeat it?" The Weasel took out the Soul Orb from his arms.

The Dinghunzhu kept changing "color", and a black "color" aura entered the weasel spirit's body.

The eyes of the Weasel were all red, and he opened his mouth, spouting a huge fire. ..

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