My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 634: The Secret of Tiandibaojian

"Nothing, didn't you say you have something to deal with? Why did you come back so soon?" Monkey King looked blank.

Everyone thought that Nagato would leave them temporarily, and did not expect to come back so soon after Jin Yuanzi went to a certain place.

Nagato flew to the eyes of the four monks and apprentices of Tang Seng and said: "You have not changed from before. It seems that the special ability has not changed the four of you. The weasel has been defeated, and the snarling dog has left. Now you It’s good to be aware of the mistakes in previous things."

Zhu Bajie was even more "confused", he looked at Nagato and walked over.

"I said, buddy, you asked the weasel to help us. The four of our masters and apprentices were able to pass this difficulty because of you. But you look a little weird. Did you forget all these things?"

Zhu Bajie said these words readily, and he felt that Nagato seemed to be testing them.

Nagato had confirmed that even if Tang Seng and several people had changed because of everything around them, the memories they had experienced before still existed, which made him breathe a sigh of relief.

"In fact, there is nothing, I just asked casually." Nagato responded.

Tang Seng looked at Nagato, folded his hands, and said, "Amitabha Buddha, Nagato, if you have anything you want to tell us, you don't need to hesitate like this. Now the four of us have just rested and are ready to go on."

Nagato was about to speak to Tang Seng, and Tiandi Baojian suddenly glowed.

He could clearly feel that Tiandi Baojian seemed to take him to a certain place, so he answered Tang Seng.

"I said, there is nothing important. You continue on the road. I may have to leave you for some time. If something dangerous happens, I will automatically appear. Don't worry."

Nagato dropped such a sentence and disappeared in front of Monkey King and others.

Tang Seng always felt that Nagato was a little weird, and he said, "Wukong, why is Nagato so weird today? Is there something you want to tell us?"

Monkey King shook his head and said, "Master, Nagato has always done things by surprise. I believe that if he really has something to say to us, he will definitely tell us. Let’s stop guessing, let’s get on the road. ."

"Master brother is right, Master, we will continue on the road." Drifting said. The four monks and apprentices of Tang Seng continued to set off for the West.

Nagato's magic power activated Tiandi Baojian, and Tiandi Baojian took him to the Huaguo Mountain where Monkey King was before.

"It's Huaguoshan? Why does Tiandi Baojian want to bring me here? Is there a relic here?" Nagato said to himself.

He took out the heaven and earth treasure mirror, the heaven and earth treasure mirror kept shining, and a golden light "shot" directly on the heaven and earth treasure mirror from the air, and several large characters appeared in the sky.

Nagato raised his head, looked at a few words that almost came out in the air, and said: "Relic body, god, Buddha, god, no disadvantage, battle between gods and demons."

These sixteen characters were directly engraved in Nagato's mind, and the light in the sky disappeared.

"What's going on? Is Tiandi Baojian telling me to quickly collect all the relics? If the demons get the relics, will it be detrimental to everyone in the God Realm?"

Nagato had said so much, he felt that the treasure of heaven and earth belonged to Jin Yuanzi, and he should still go and look for Jin Yuanzi.

The Taoist temple of Zhen Yuanzi, Nagato turned around and appeared in front of Zhen Yuanzi.

"I said, Brother Zhenyuanzi, Tiandi Baojian told me something, and I will show it to you now."

Tiandi Baojian exuded a huge light, Nagato activated his mana, everything he had just experienced was revealed in Tiandi Baojian.

Zhen Yuanzi looked at everything displayed in the Tiandi Baojian, and he realized that things were not that simple.

"Nagato, you may experience some hardships next. Only you can find the relic, because you are the one chosen by the heavens, and only you have this strength." Zhen Yuanzi explained.

Nagato had expected these words to Jin Yuanzi. He looked at the treasure mirror in his hand, took a deep breath, and spoke.

"This heaven and earth treasure mirror is indeed a very spiritual thing, but I always find something strange, and I can't say it. In addition, I'm puzzled that you always hold the heaven and earth treasure mirror, Don’t you know these things?"

Zhen Yuanzi nodded to the doubts raised by Nagato, and said, "Yes, I really didn't know that Tiandi Baojian would tell you about the relics. The relics were left after the ancient gods passed away. This thing has supernatural power, which the Buddha told me."

Zhen Yuanzi held the treasure of heaven and earth before, and when he first became the ancestor of the earth immortal, Tathagata told him, let him protect the world, and let him protect the relics that have appeared in the world. ..

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