My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 638: Perseverance of Dapeng Bird

When Nagato and Monkey King arrived here, they were fighting vigorously.

Upon seeing this, Monkey King wanted to make a move, but was directly stopped by Nagato.

Sun Wukong was a little anxious, with a face full of suspicion, and asked: "Nagato, why are you stopping me? You take a closer look at this Dapeng bird spirit, he is so powerful, if I don't take action again, I am afraid. The entire Leiyin Temple will be overthrown by him."

"This is the Leiyin Temple in Xitian. You don't need to take action if the Buddha is still here. Don't worry. Dapeng Bird Spirit is not as powerful as you think. Even though he has relics on his body, I can overcome it. His." Nagato explained.

Nagato knew that things were a little different from before. He watched the eighteen arhats release the eighteen arhat formations at the same time, and the huge diamond hood trapped the Dapeng bird spirit inside, so he brought Monkey King to Tathagata's side.

"Buddha, this is the most powerful of the three monsters in Shituoling. The white elephant and lion spirits have been defeated. The Buddha should know all these things, don't I need to say more?"

Nagato said this deliberately, but in fact he was telling Tathagata that the Dapeng Bird Spirit came at him this time.

Tathagata said, "Nagato, Goku, you can experience these, it is entirely your good fortune. The three monsters of Shituoling will run to the treasure elephant country to make "chaos", it is entirely because of the three relics in the treasure elephant. Son, now these three relics are returned to you."

After that, the Tathagata threw all the relics on these three monsters towards Nagato.

After Nagato caught the three relics, Tathagata continued: "You must hurry and find the remaining relics. There are already ten relics. You must collect all these relics and give them to Zhen Yuanzi. "

"Buddha, don't worry, since this is something that only I can accomplish, I will naturally help Buddha." Nagato agreed to what the Tathagata said.

Monkey King knew these things about the relic. He looked at Tathagata, and walked a few steps to the side of Dapeng Bird Spirit.

"Buddha, this guy has never changed his "sex", and he has already made trouble in Leiyin Temple. Isn't he just letting him go?" Monkey King obviously didn't want to let go of the Dapeng Bird Spirit, so he said so.

"I conquered the Dapeng Bird Spirit. I know what it will be useful in the future. Wukong, you shouldn't look at things the same as before. There are actually many monsters that can be influenced. You have followed Xuanzang for such a long time. You should understand this." Tathagata said earnestly.

Dapeng Bird Spirit suddenly shattered the golden bell of the eighteen arhats, and the eighteen arhats were all shaken out in an instant, and all were injured.

Monkey King took out his golden cudgel and waved it at the Dapeng Bird Spirit.

The Roc Bird Essence quickly dodges the attack of the Monkey King in the past, and Nagato's magic force directly stops the Roc Bird Essence.

"Nagato, it's really hateful that you attacked me behind my back."

Dapeng Bird Spirit was dissatisfied in his heart. He thought he was capable of defeating everyone in Leiyin Temple.

Nagato shook his head and walked to Tathagata's eyes.

"Buddha, the Dapeng Bird Spirit is supposed to be your uncle. Actually, I know all this. Now you don’t mean to destroy him. I believe that he will stay by your side and will definitely help you in the future. Yes." Nagato said affirmatively.

"You're right, I think so too." After saying this, he used magic power to instantly knock the Roc Bird Spirit back to its original form.

Dapeng Bird Spirit had become Dapeng, and he flew on the shoulder of Tathagata.

Tathagata looked at Nagato and Monkey King and smiled.

"Goku, this time your master and apprentice experienced these are only a small part of your suffering. You have a long way to go. Nagato is willing to help you, it is the good fortune of your master and apprentice, you should thank Nagato of."

"The Buddha is right. It is true that because of Nagato, our masters and apprentices have saved such a big trouble." Monkey King nodded gently at the Tathagata.

"Go ahead and do what you should do. I believe you can overcome difficulties and accomplish your mission."

As I said, waving his right hand, under the action of a burst of golden light, Nagato and Monkey King once again returned to the kingdom of Baoxiang.

Behind Monkey King was Tang Seng and others. He bowed deeply to Nagato and then spoke.

"Nagato, it's all because of you and the four masters and apprentices that we can alleviate this danger this time. If it weren't for your demon refining pot, my master would be in danger."

"You don't have to say this to me. My purpose is to find a relic. We are good friends. Besides, you are going to the West to learn the scriptures. Helping you is tantamount to indirectly helping me with sex." The door is very polite.

Nagato felt the heaven and earth treasure mirror shine again, this is the heaven and earth treasure mirror reminded him that the next place to go is the underground palace. ..

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