My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 650: Jade Emperor's Choice

Sun Wukong knew that the Jade Emperor was somewhat skeptical. He looked at the Jade Emperor firmly and replied: "Jade Emperor, I did not go to Leiyin Temple with Nagato, but I believe in Nagato. Jade Emperor If you don’t believe it, we can go to Leiyin Temple immediately to check."

The Jade Emperor shook his head and said, "I don't need to go to the Leiyin Temple in the West. I just asked casually. I didn't really plan to go to the Leiyin Temple in the West. I have learned everything and decided to send heaven soldiers. Heaven will help you."

After the Jade Emperor gave the order, Nezha, Li Jing, and Yang Jian followed Monkey King and Nagato to return to the world together.

Yang Jian took his snarling dog with him, and he ordered the snarling dog to look for the evil spirit, and he followed Nagato.

Nagato felt that Yang Jian was a little strange. He turned to look at Yang Jian behind him, and asked: "Yang Jian, what's the matter with you, how do I feel that you are a little weird today? It seems that there are some problems, and it seems quite normal."

"Really? I have always been like this, without any problems. You ask me like this, is there anything I need to do?" Yang Jian asked back.

Nagato and Monkey King looked at each other, and now they both believed that all the gods and Buddhas were different from before.

Monkey King took the lead in speaking to Nagato's heart with force.

"Nagato, do you feel that this time when we go to the nine heavens, everything is not what we have seen before, nor is it what we thought. I think these gods and Buddhas are problematic, if I didn’t guess wrong If they do, they must have a problem."

Nagato understood what Sun Wukong meant, and he thought so too, so he said to Sun Wukong, "Wukong, it's better to go back to the place where your master is. I will follow Yang Jian and the others to find the monster. I believe I will find it soon."

While saying this, Nagatoman Tiandi Baojian gave magic power to Monkey King, which Yang Jian and others didn't know.

Monkey King was indeed worried about his master, he turned and left from the place in front of him.

Nagato didn't hesitate, and when Monkey King left, he immediately attacked Yang Jian.

A golden light suddenly hit Yang Jian, and Yang Jian spit out blood.

Tota Heavenly King Li Jing and Nezha also noticed the anomaly in front of them, and they both walked directly towards Nagato.

Li Jing was the first to speak, "Nagato, we are ordered to help you, why do you want to hurt our companions?"

"Li Jing, if I didn't guess wrong, you are not a celestial general. I have been watching you and the Jade Emperor's unusual behavior. Do you think you can hide it from me?"

Nagato didn't say much, and rushed towards Li Jing and Nezha, and the two sides fought together instantly.

Monkey King returned to the place where Tang Seng was. Zhu Bajie watched Monkey King come back, and then stood up from the magic circle.

Zhu Bajie watched Monkey King come back and said, "Brother Monkey, I have been waiting for you to come back. Although you can make us safe from the magic circle of King Kong, I have always felt very boring. This time you finally came back. ."

"Bajie, you are still the way you were before. I came here to make sure that you and the master have something wrong with the white dragon horse?" Monkey King looked around and found that there was no white dragon.

Monkey King's instinct told him that the three people in front of him were not Zhu Bajie, Drifting, or Tang Seng.

Xiao Bailong has always been by Tang Seng's side. He is the person who protects Tang Seng. This time Xiao Bailong is not there, and Monkey King naturally thinks things are strange.

On the other hand, Nagato had already defeated the God of Erlang in front of him with force, and the God of Erlang was directly beaten into a black energy, and then disappeared in front of Nagato.

Nagato took out all the relics and injected the mana of the relics into himself.

"You guys should know the relics, right? You waste so much time and energy. Don't you just want to get the ten relics of me into your hands? I tell you, you are not capable of defeating me. "Nagato said confidently.

Nezha and Li Jing are indeed not real, and the magic weapons in their hands are also fake.

The two of them saw with their own eyes how Nagato had just done something to his companion. At this moment, they were already scared.

Nagato realized that they wanted to escape, so he took out the immortal rope from his body and threw it directly on them.

The two black qi in front of Nagato had been beaten back to their original form, and the Nagato flew in front of them, completely frozen them, and opened his mouth.

"How is it? Do you think that the biggest mistake is to fight with me? I have given you the opportunity, but you don't know how to cherish it."

Nagato asked again, "You have one last chance to tell who your main messenger is? What happened to the Jade Emperor and others?"..

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