My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 655: The sin of blasphemy

Nagato really believes this, and the Tathagata is for his good.

"In fact, these things don't matter. I don't belong to this world. The secrets of heaven are naturally out of reach for sentient beings in the Three Realms. Then you say that Zhenyuanzi already knows this, what will happen to him? "Nagato asked Tathagata back.

Tathagata shook his head, he directly released the mysterious light mirror in front of himself and Nagato with his force, and the entrance mirror showed what Zhen Yuanzi now looks like.

Zhen Yuanzi was like a three-year-old child. He played everywhere in his Taoist temple, and it seemed extremely abnormal.

Nagato did not expect that Jin Yuanzi would be like this. He looked at Tathagata and asked, "Tathagata, Jin Yuanzi would be like this, is it because I told him about the secrets before? If this is the case, Jin When will Yuanzi be able to return to his previous appearance?"

"Zhen Yuanzi will be like this, it is entirely his own sake. Zhen Yuanzi now wants to restore himself to the way he was before, unless he forgets all the secrets he knows." Tathagata explained.

Nagato understood that Jin Yuanzi didn't want to forget these things, that's why he became like this.

"Since I caused the problem, then I will help Zhen Yuanzi to make him forget these things. Tathagata, you shouldn't embarrass Jin Yuanzi and make him suffer so much, right?"

"I just said that Zhen Yuanzi became like this, it is entirely his own reason. You can see the future from the treasures of heaven and earth, it is your own luck, except you, no one, gods or demons can know , Otherwise it will become Zhen Yuanzi from the light, and the soul will be scattered."

Tathagata said this very seriously, he was telling Nagato, he couldn't tell anyone.

Nagato also fully understands that many things can't be changed by speaking out. Even if the final ending really changes, it is also God's will. He forcibly tells the people around him, they will be implicated.

Nagato does not belong to this thing. As a special person, he has a very special mana, which prevents anything from harming him.

Zhen Yuanzi Taoist temple, his disciples are very strange, they have never seen Zhen Yuanzi look like this.

"You said why the master suddenly became like this? Is it an evil?" a fatter disciple said.

"I don't know, maybe the master is possessed by some demon, but it doesn't look like it looks like it," said another female brother.

Zhenyuanzi Taoist turned one side of his body until Nagato appeared.

Nagato forcefully fixed Jin Yuanzi directly and spoke to the people around him, "You are all Jin Yuanzi’s disciples. I believe you must be very loyal to your master. I have a way to restore your master, but you cannot be People bother."

These people have seen Nagato. They know that Nagato is the **** and Buddha of the upper realm. No one dares to confront Nagato.

Nagato took Jin Yuanzi to the place where the immortal spirit is the most exuberant in the Taoist Temple, and then gathered his strength to treat Jin Yuanzi.

"Zhen Yuanzi, this is all because I told you the secret of the future that made you like this. Don't worry, you just need to relax and don't continue thinking about the future and the relic, you can fully recover. "Nagato said, strengthening his mana.

Zhenyuanzi seemed to hear Nagato's words, his body glowed slightly, and he quickly regained his consciousness.

"Nagato? Where am I, I..."

Zhen Yuanzi can't remember what happened before. He feels a pain in his head, as if he has just experienced a big battle.

"You don't have to think so much. I want to take all the relics. You can keep the treasures of heaven and earth. You don't have to think back about the original things. You can continue to practice mana in your Taoist temple as before."

Nagato dropped such a sentence, turned around and returned to Leiyin Temple.

Nagato faced the Tathagata in front of him and said, "Tathagata, this Jin Motoko has forgotten what happened before, is there nothing he has done now? What I want to ask the Buddha is whether these things have been won. Is it resolved?"

"Zhen Yuanzi has completely forgotten what you said to him, he will have nothing to do, you don't have to worry about it." Tathagata said with certainty.

At this time, Nagato felt a trace of luck. Fortunately, he did not tell Monkey King and the others that if they knew, the consequences would not be known.

"Well, this time the matter has been settled. I heard that you have collected ten relics. I wonder if you can lend me a look?"

Nagato didn't think much about it, he took out the relic and placed it in front of Tathagata. The ten relics glowed constantly, seeming to warn Nagato about something. ..

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