My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 661: Tathagata punishment

Nagato heard these words from Tang Seng behind him, he was really helpless.

The magic barrier around the dream demon gradually weakened, and the corners of his mouth rose, and he tried again, and the barrier instantly shattered.

Mengmo thought that he could regain freedom by smashing the mana barrier. When he saw that the place he was in was the Leiyin Temple in Xitian, his whole body was stiff.

"Why am I in this place, where is this place? Could it be the Leiyin Temple in Xitian?" Mengmo said to himself.

"You are right, this is indeed Leiyin Temple. Nagato brought you here before. I originally wanted to test you whether you will really reform and re-behave. I can't think of you. There was no repentance, but it became even harder. It really disappointed me."

As he said this, he used his mana to directly attack the dream demon's body, and this palm completely eliminated the mana in the dream demon and became an ordinary person.

Mengmo didn't believe this at all. He looked at his hands, facing the Tathagata before him, trying to release his mana, but the result was not what he thought.

"My mana really can't be released. Are you completely eliminating my mana? No matter how I say it is a monster, if I don't have mana, how can I return to the world? This nasty old bald donkey." Mengmo cursed with his finger at Tathagata.

Nagato has already felt everything that happened in Leiyin Temple.

Nagato watched the dream demon suddenly disappeared in front of her eyes and immediately used his mana to sense the location of the dream demon.

"The dream demon has been taken away directly by the Tathagata, and this is true. He took the dream demon away, but he didn’t tell me, no, I’m going to look for the dream demon quickly, and I’m going to see how it is. ."

Nagato said that he was leaving. He thought of the four monks and apprentices behind him, so he turned and came to them.

At this time, the monk just got some food, he put the food in front of Tang Seng, while looking at Nagato, and handed the two steamed buns in his hand to Nagato.

The Drifter said, "I have already given the master some food. You have been fighting just now. I believe you must be very tired now. This time I am for alms, the donor has given a lot of food, so you can eat some." Nagato shook his head and said, "No, I'm not hungry. You finally got so much food. You can eat it. I'm going to Leiyin Temple first. This dream demon has been taken away by the Buddha, I want to see the situation of the dream demon."

After that, Nagato disappeared.

Zhu Bajie took the steamed bun in the hands of the monk directly, and said, "Ren Changmen is a **** and Buddha, how could he starve to death. In addition, what I want to say is that this time it has something to do with the Buddha. I think we still It's good not to mix up these things."

Monkey King was thinking about what was just now, he always thought something was weird, but he couldn't figure out what was wrong.

"Wukong, Wu Purification Fate has some food, you hurry up and eat some food, we will be on the road in a while." Tang Seng shouted.

"No need to master, you just stay here, I'll go back as soon as I go." Sun Wukong dropped these words and flew towards Leiyin Temple.

After Nagato arrived at Leiyin Temple, he saw the scene of Mengmo and Tathagata just now.

Nagato appeared in front of Yumemo instantly, faced Tathagata, and spoke.

"Buddha, you suddenly summoned this dream demon back. Why did you not allow the dream demon to reincarnate before? I don't know what happened, you didn't tell me."

The Tathagata Buddha saw Nagato. He knew the purpose of Nagato's presence here today. He said, "I only said that the dream demon will be reincarnated, but I also said that I will give him a chance. Everything in the past is for testing. His, the result is that he didn't pass the test, will have today's result."

Nagato faces the Nagato. Actually, Nagato also understands why Nagato came here. After hearing the words Nagato asked just now, he said what he had just said.

The dream demon is indeed as the Tathagata said, there is no complete repentance, the current dream demon is only thinking about hatred, he has completely lost his reason.

At this time, the dream demon clenched his fists and was about to attack Nagato. When Nagato found that the dream demon had no demon power at all, he knew that the dream demon must have made it like this.

"Dream demon, now you have no magic power. Your demon power has completely disappeared. This is the greatest gift of the Tathagata to you. You can return to the world to experience again, and wait until you are repentant and willing When you are good, it is the day when you have cultivated the right fruit." Nagato said, looking at the dream monster.

Mengmo was not convinced in his heart, he didn't say anything, so he let Nagato use his magic power to fight back to the world. ..

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