My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 677: Purify the dirty air

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Zhen Yuanzi rested in his Taoist temple, and when he sensed the relic after all, he immediately sat up.

"It's Nagato here. It looks like he just flew back from the South China Sea, and he also got the relic." Zhen Yuanzi said to himself.

"You're right, I did fly from the South China Sea, and I did get the relic." Nagato said, showing the relic in front of Zhen Yuanzi.

Like Nagato, Zhenyuanzi could tell at a glance that there was something wrong with this relic.

"How can there be filthy air on your relics? It seems that this relic needs to be purified, otherwise, if this continues, I am afraid that all the relics will not be classified."

As Jin Yuanzi said, he took the relic from Nagato's hand and began to release his mana on the relic.

"It is precisely because I sensed the abnormality of this relic that I came directly to you. You don't have to worry about anything. I have a way to make this relic completely recover. But I need your help, you You need to transfer some of your mana to me."

Zhen Yuanzi only relied on his own mana, and could not completely restore the filthy aura on the relic. He could only guarantee that its filthy aura would not continue to spread. If he wants to completely purify the filthy breath of the relics, he can only be purified by relying on the powerful mana of Nagato and the rest of the relics.

According to Jin Yuanzi, Nagato stood behind Jin Yuanzi and continuously enhanced the power of his relics. The powerful power of the relics continued to gather. In the blink of an eye, the power of ten relics was all concentrated. On another relic.

Nagato looked at the filthy and purified relics, with great doubts in his heart. He asked Zhen Yuanzi, "Is the relics left over after purification by the Buddhist saints? Why do such sacred relics suffer from filthy air? of?"

"Although the relic was left behind by the ancient gods and Buddhas passing away, but this relic was infected with the aura of an extremely great demon. What I want to say now is that you must stabilize yourself. After the relics recover, you will understand what is going on."

Zhen Yuanzi only said this. Nagato before his eyes didn't think much about anything else. He continued to release his mana and concentrated all his power on Zhen Yuanzi.

The relics in front of Zhenyuanzi and Nagato recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye. This power quickly recovered completely. After the energy of the relics was restored, they became exactly the same as other relics.

Nagato closed his hand and watched the relic flying towards him, so he stretched out his right hand and caught the relic.

"This relic is different from what I thought. In fact, in my opinion, the power of the relic is extremely powerful. In any case, I will find all the relics. This time, in addition to the relics in front of me, another One is in the underworld." Nagato said the trace of the remaining relic.

"You are right. The accuracy of the calculations by Tiandi Baojian is 100%. Tiandi Baojian has an unspeakable connection with the relics. The relics in front of them become soaked in the blood of demons. That way, you should understand now, right?"

Zhen Yuanzi is actually half-knowledge, he just knows that the relic is soaked in the blood of evil spirits. As for who has the ability to do this, Zhen Yuanzi cannot figure out.

"Zhen Yuanzi, you don't have to think about other things. I have a way to stabilize these and make everything do as I want. You have to gather your own energy quickly, and I can pass through your heavenly eyes , I saw the location of the releaser of the blood of the evil demon." Nagato said seriously.

After Nagato finished saying this, Zhenyuanzi did what he said, gathering the power of the gods and Buddha in his body, and the magic power merged with each other, and Nagato locked a place, this place is the netherworld.

There was such a special demonic aura in the underworld, and he thought it was even more interesting.

Nagato faced Jin Yuanzi and said what he had seen through the eyes of the sky.

"Zhen Yuanzi, the blood of the evil demon is in the underworld, and the last relic is also in the underworld. If I didn’t guess wrong, the guy who released the blood of the evil demon must be thinking about the relic in the underworld. The son has become as dirty as the relic just now."

After Nagato finished this sentence, Jin Motoko immediately nodded and said, "It shouldn’t be too late. Let’s not continue to think that these are gone. At this moment, we must quickly stabilize our hands. Relics, and quickly find the relics of the underworld."

Zhen Yuanzi reminded him that he wanted Nagato to set off quickly. ..


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