My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 682: Help the Ksitigarbha

Nagato smiled and nodded, "This is natural, we all need to help each other. I have other things to do. You can take the relic and return to your Taoist temple first."

Zhen Yuanzi didn't say much else, turned around and flew towards the direction of his Taoist temple.

After Zhen Yuanzi left, Nagato took out the wordless book again.

"The Wordless Book of Heaven, you haven't finished what you said to me just now. What can I do to help the evil demon and restore him to his original form?"

Nagato asked this sentence because he believed that the wordless heavenly book knew this.

"The master asked this question very well. I do know that there is a way to make the evil spirits become the original form, but it also requires the cooperation of the evil spirits, otherwise this method will be ineffective." Wu Zi Tianshu said.

Nagato pondered for a moment, and said, "I have a way to restore that evil spirit to his nature and not continue this way, but before that, I have a question that I want to ask you, and I don't know how to say it."

"Master, just say it, as long as I can do it, I will help the master."

The wordless book showed great loyalty to Nagato, and it was willing to tell Nagato everything it knew.

If he knows everything from the Zhi Wu Zi Tian Shu, the moment he gave the Wu Zi Tian Shu to Nagato, it shows how much he trusts Nagato.

Guanyin Bodhisattva returned to Leiyin Temple again, and she was surprised when she learned that the Tathagata had given the wordless scripture to Nagato.

Guanyin looked at the Tathagata and asked, "Buddha, this wordless book is my Buddhist holy relic. Is it really good to give such a precious thing to Nagato?"

"Although the wordless heavenly book is a sacred object of Buddhism, if such a sacred object cannot serve its purpose, what use is it to keep?"

Tathagata trusted Nagato very much, and he ignored Guanyin's persuasion.

The relic has returned to twelve. After Zhenyuanzi returned to the Taoist temple, he placed the treasure of heaven and earth in its original position. The mana of the treasure of heaven and earth and its fast speed restored its mana.

Zhen Yuanzi was also relieved when he saw this.

Zhen Yuanzi looked at Tiandi Baojian, and said to himself, "This Nagato has used so much power from Tiandi Baojian, which shows how powerful the opponents he encounters are. If it weren't for Nagato, these relics I’m afraid I can’t fully return to the position now.” After Sun Wukong and his party experienced the Jinghe Dragon King, Sun Wukong walked towards the underworld according to what he had promised to Nagato.

When he arrived at the underworld, he found that Nagato had already left, so he turned and left.

Guanyin was very concerned about this matter. When she helped the Ksitigarbha to suppress the Ksitigarbha's ability back then, she personally helped the Ksitigarbha to suppress demons, so she was very concerned about this matter.

Guanyin is harmful to Ruo said something, and Tathagata chooses to believe in Nagato, but it does not stop Nagato.

Nagato learned this from the wordless book, he asked the wordless book about Guanyin, and then after Guanyin left Leiyin Temple, he caught up with Guanyin.

"Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, I have been waiting for you to come out of the Buddha's Leiyin Temple. I know you are worried that demons will retaliate against you, although rest assured, with my Nagato, he will not hurt you." Nagato said confidently and slowly.

Guanyin wanted to ask how Nagato knew about these things, but when she remembered that Tathagata had given Nagato's wordless book, she didn't ask about it.

"It seems that the wordless book says all this. The evil demon has fallen. The monks should have been compassionate. The Ksitigarbha has been unable to influence it for thousands of years. Do you think you can do it?" Guanyin It was also very dissatisfied with the evil spirits that he said this.

"I naturally understand the meaning of Guanyin. Since I choose to help the Ksitigarbha, I have my own way." Nagato said proudly.

He decided to go to Zhenyuanzi's Taoist Temple again and use the power of these twelve relics to help the demons and eliminate the demon nature from him.

In fact, this time Nagato came here to find Guanyin because he wanted to use the water droplets from Guanyin's jade bottle.

"Guanyin, you must be very clear about the purpose of my coming here, and I believe you will choose to help me." Nagato said while looking at Guanyin.

Guan Yin didn't say anything else, she also chose to believe in Nagato.

She sprinkled the celestial water droplets from her jade clean bottle on Nagato's body, and Nagato's body was instantly covered with the mana of Guanyin.

"Thank you Guanyin Bodhisattva. With the drops of your jade clean bottle, I believe the evil demon will remember all the previous things sooner." Nagato dropped these words and returned to the underworld again.

As soon as Nagato left the Tiangong, Monkey King discovered Guanyin in Jiuzhongtian.

"Bodhisattva, I didn't expect to see you here. I wonder if you saw Nagato?" Monkey King asked. ..


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