My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 687: Heaven is doomed

Diting shook his head and signaled Nagato not to think too much about other things, just do things according to his own inner thoughts.

Nagato found it very incredible. He could easily see what Di Ting wanted to express, which showed that Di Ting was very blessed with him.

Nagato followed Sun Wukong with truthful listening. They knew that Hei Lian was targeting Nagato and Monkey King. Hei Lian couldn't shake Nagato, so he could only go to find Sun Wukong.

Tang Seng's master and apprentice have been waiting for Monkey King to return, and half a day has passed in the blink of an eye. Tang Seng can't help but worry about Monkey King. He looked at Zhu Bajie on the side and asked: "Bajie, what is going on, why is Wukong? Haven't come back for so long?"

"Master, don't worry about the big brother. The monkey has great abilities. How can something happen? I'm afraid he has eaten and drank all by himself, regardless of us." Zhu Bajie was very hungry at this time, he said This complained.

Drifting came over immediately and shook his head, "Second Brother, Senior Brother is not such a person."

Monkey King returned to Tang Seng amidst their discussion.

"Master, Bajie, Junior Brother Sha, don't worry about the three of you, my grandson did have my own business just now. I also brought you some food right now, so please enjoy it now."

After Sun Wukong said these words, he put some food in front of Tang Seng and the others.

Naturally, they couldn't see the authenticity of Monkey King before them, so they picked up the food and started eating.

It turned out that the Monkey King before Tang Seng's eyes was a six-eared macaque. At this time, the real Monkey King had just arrived here, and Nagato was close behind.

Hearing the constant screams, it seemed to remind Nagato something.

Nagato stopped in the air, he turned his head to look at Di listen, and asked, "Di listen, is there any special situation? I see you keep screaming, it seems you want to tell me something."

Di Hear turned into a human nature, and he watched Nagato express his inner thoughts.

"Nagato, the next thing is to be handled by Monkey King himself. This is also the test of the Buddha on Monkey King. I believe that this time the Black Lotus Monkey King can solve it with his own methods. You don't have to worry so much. "Di listened to persuasion.

In Di Ting’s eyes, there is nothing that Nagato cannot do. The reason why Nagato looks like this is actually due to some special reasons. He decided to focus all his attention on Heilian at this moment. . "Listen, what you said to me just now, I naturally understand. But this time the matter is not just the matter of the Three Realms, I decided to do it according to my own ideas, believe I won't have anything to do." Nagato said confidently.

Monkey King returned to Tang Seng's master and apprentice, and the true and false Monkey King appeared at the same time, leaving them all stunned.

Nagato also came here at the same time, but he did not choose to show up immediately, but chose to appear before their eyes.

"Everything is under my control. I already know who Hei Lian is. He is a six-eared macaque, a stone monkey just like Monkey King." Nagato knows everything, which makes the truth beside him listen. Surprised.

Di Ting couldn't help asking: "Nagato, you are a **** and Buddha in the sky. Although your mana is very powerful, these are some hidden secrets. How do you snoop on these secrets?"

"I didn't want to spy on the secrets, and I'm not that interested in these things. If I said that I didn't belong to this world, I just came here because I knew something about this world, do you believe it?" After Nagato talked, I heard nothing.

Monkey King and the six-eared macaque were fighting together, regardless of their mana or ability.

As the corner of Nagato's mouth raised, he knew that they would definitely go to the East China Sea Dragon Palace, the underground palace, to find Guanyin, and then find the Tathagata.

"Ty listen, you don't need to follow me anymore. The King of Ksitigarbha asked you to follow me, in fact, to catch the six-eared macaque. The six-eared macaque has been locked by me. You should return to the underworld." Nagato was a little anxious. Say.

Di Ting's feeling for Nagato is very mysterious.

Dihe didn't say any nonsense, and after leaving Nagato's eyes, he went straight back to King Ksitigarbha.

Nagato thought that since he already knew about this, and instilled special mana around the six-eared macaque, he could tell the difference between the six-eared macaque and Monkey King.

"Forget it, I'll go back to Leiyin Temple first, this is also the fate of Monkey King."

After Nagato's words, leave here as well.

As Nagato said, Di Ting had just returned to the underworld, and Monkey King followed the six-eared macaque here.

The two looked very anxious, rushing to ask the truth first. ..


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