My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 704: Guard Huaguoshan

"I don't know whether Wutian can unify the Three Realms. If we continue to develop under this situation, the result will be at least terrible. I know that you are the only one who can help me, so I specifically tell you this." Nagato Explain to Monkey King.

When Nagato said that only Monkey King could help him, he looked at Tiandi Baojian and suddenly remembered that he was alone.

Nagato continued, "No, Jin Yuanzi is the ancestor of the earth immortal. Maybe he has a way. Why not go to Jin Yuanzi's Taoist temple now?"

Monkey King naturally agreed with Nagato's approach. He hadn't spoken yet, and the sky over Huaguoshan instantly became gloomy.

Nagato and Monkey King felt that it was very dark. The two flew out from Huaguo Mountain at the same time and looked at the sky not far away. They knew that this was the demon coming to Huaguo Mountain.

"Thanks to me being a step earlier and telling you these things. Wutian now wants to find a helper to help him unify the Three Realms. I rejected Wutian. He has no choice but to take me. This time he came to Huaguoshan. The purpose is definitely to persuade you." Nagato said.

Sun Wukong sneered. He looked at the black air in the air with a nonchalant expression, "These monsters are really brave, even my grandson’s Huaguo Mountain dare to force it. Even if it’s naive to come here, My grandson is also not afraid."

Wutian did not come in person this time. Instead, he let his law-protecting black robe bring many demons to the surroundings of Huaguo Mountain. Hei robe also has Wutian’s primordial **** Black Lotus. From the perspective of Heipao, he has black Lotus Bodyguard, even Monkey King is not necessarily his opponent.

Soon, Heipao led the army to crush the realm and came to the surrounding Huaguo Mountain.

In front of Heipao's eyes, Nagato and Monkey King appeared.

Heipao has never fought against Nagato. He only heard from Wutian that Nagato is very powerful, so he looked at Nagato and persuaded: "Nagato, Wutian Buddha said you are very powerful, so I don’t have to fight with you. , My goal is only Monkey King.

"Black Robe, I know that you are a great protector of the lawlessness, and your skills are also very powerful. But do you really think you can defeat me? You have some skills, but if you are smart enough, take refuge in my Buddha. Maybe you still have a way out." Nagato said nonchalantly.

Sun Wukong stood in front of Nagato. He faced the black robe alone and laughed: "Within the Three Realms, no one knows the name of my old grandson. No one knows. You are here to find my old grandson's troubles. , Isn’t this looking for a dead end?"

Monkey King didn't say anything else, and quickly rushed towards the black robe.

He took the golden cudgel into his hand and waved it vigorously at the eye mask in front of him. A powerful force directly wiped out the demon in front of him.

Heipao didn't expect that Monkey King would shoot so quickly, and his mana was so powerful that he would attack easily, and his large group of men disappeared.

Sun Wukong came up and gave Black Robe a disarm, warning Black Robe: "You still don't fight against my old grandson, you will not be against my old grandson. My old grandson’s mana is much stronger than you, and we fight It doesn't make any sense."

Nagato watched from the side, he knew that Hei Pao could not be Monkey King's opponent, and he ignored this incident. At the same time, he also wanted to see how much stronger Monkey King's mana would be after he became a fight and defeated the Buddha and became a true fruit.

Heipao picked up his weapon and rushed towards Monkey King. The black energy wrapped around his body. He and Monkey King fought together.

The surrounding area of ​​Huaguo Mountain exploded constantly because of their mana competition.

Nagato saw that it was not a way to go on like this, so he stretched out his hands and released his magic power against the two of them, and the two were instantly frozen.

Both Monkey King and Heipao wanted to break free from Nagato's fixation technique, but there was nothing to do.

"Heipao, it is absolutely impossible for you to capture Huaguo Mountain. You should give up this idea. In fact, I understand that you would do this. According to Wukong just now, you return to the land where Wutian is. , Tell him that his strategy will not succeed."

Nagato and Monkey King looked at each other, and their abilities between them were also very powerful, at least in their opinion, if the black robe left with the soul black lotus, this would be the best thing.

The black robe faced Nagato, and he found that his body could move again. It was Nagato that had canceled the fixation technique.

"This Nagato is so powerful. If he hadn't lifted the fixation technique just now, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to leave the place in front of me. It seems that I should leave Huaguo Mountain first. Happening."

Heipao said these words to himself and prepared to leave. ..


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