My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 741: Nagato is Canonized God

Lingshan has been reoccupied by the Buddhas of the Three Realms. Tathagata faces the Buddhas of the Three Realms and speaks.

"Nagato really did not disappoint everyone. He re-entered the Nether Abyss, suppressed the monsters in the Nether Abyss, and destroyed the Nether Ancestor. Together with Wutian who was caught by the Nether Ancestor into the Nether Abyss, he was defeated by Nagato again. And it's sealed."

The words of the Tathagata relieved all the gods and Buddhas in Lingshan.

Soon, Nagato flew to the West Tianling Mountain. When he arrived, he found that Lingshan had become the land of gods and buddhas again, and after the power of the gods and buddhas of Lingshan was restored, the surrounding immortal spirits also increased a lot.

All the gods and Buddhas are waiting for Nagato's return, and they all have prepared the ceremony to welcome Nagato.

Nagato had just stepped into Leiyin Temple, except for the Tathagata, all the other gods and Buddhas knelt before Nagato's eyes.

"I am waiting for the arrival of Nagato God and Buddha, Nagato Venerable Blessed." It was Tang Seng who took the lead in saying this.

After Tang Seng, Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie, Guanyin, Drifting, and Zhen Yuanzi are also here.

"Everyone, what are you doing? I just returned here and everyone is like this. This is completely unnecessary. Also, why do you all call me a god?" Nagato asked a little puzzled.

Nagato asked everyone to get up, and Monkey King explained: "This is because the Buddha gave you such a title. Your current identity is equivalent to the ancient Buddha of the burning lamp. You are already under one Buddha and above ten thousand Buddhas. ."

After Sun Wukong said this again, he bowed down to Nagato again.

The reason why Monkey King bowed down to Nagato again was actually because he thanked Nagato for doing so. He knew that if he hadn't had the help of Nagato at that time, he had already become a lonely ghost, and even disappeared in the Three Realms.

"Get up quickly, Goku, things are changeable, if you don't encounter some problems in the middle, you don't have to suffer that much. But I want to ask you a word at this time, I hope you can tell me the truth. "Nagato opened.

Nagato was serious, and Monkey King had actually guessed what Nagato wanted to say.

He faced Nagato and walked over, standing in front of Nagato and staring at him.

"Nagato God, no matter how you saved my grandson, if you have anything you want to say, just ask it out." Monkey King looked refreshed.

Nagato took out the Wutian primordial **** Black Lotus, placed it in front of Monkey King, and said.

"Did you catch the soul black lotus at the beginning? You were thinking about suppressing the soul black lotus with your own strength, but what you didn't expect was that the soul black lotus Lian’s mana is too powerful, plus your own calamity, so it failed."

Sun Wukong sighed and said, "Yes, my old grandson was exactly what the gods said at the time. But things have passed, Wutian has been sealed in the abyss of the underworld forever. What I wonder in my heart is why this Will the Black Lotus Lord bring it back to Lingshan again?"

Monkey King's question was exactly the question of the God and Buddha of the Three Realms. Nagato did not directly answer Monkey King, but took Black Lotus back into his own hands and continued to suppress it with force.

At the same time, Nagato flew to Tathagata's side and looked at Tathagata.

"I don't know if the Buddha understands, why I put this thing here, there would be such a reaction? I left the black lotus, I believe the Buddha should know."

After Nagato finished speaking, Tathagata nodded and smiled: "What you said is not wrong. Hei Lian stays here, but it is actually monitoring Wutian. The deepest power in the abyss of the underworld, as long as We can all discover any abnormal behavior in Wutian."

If he talked about Nagato's thoughts, in fact, he understood that Nagato also made this decision to prevent Wutian from returning to the Three Realms one day or being affected by other people in the Three Realms.

Tathagata put the black lotus in his hands directly into the sacred water of the Tianchi, and instilled his mana into the sacred water of the Tianchi.

"In this heavenly lake holy water, there is an infinite immortal energy. In addition, I have strengthened my strength again just now, this has completely changed these, making the Wutian primordial black lotus suffer from many injuries. Don't worry, nothing It is impossible to break the seal within a short period of time."

As Tathagata said, Wutian in the Nether Abyss is constantly gathering his mana. He wants to break through the seal of Nagato, but he naturally ends in failure.

Wutian looked viciously at the seal enchantment in front of him, and was extremely angry deep in his heart.

"Nagato, you hateful fellow, when I leave this place, that's when I ask you to settle accounts."

The evil spirit of the Wutian primordial black lotus is disappearing, and the evil spirit on the black lotus has almost disappeared.

Tathagata and Nagato were alone in front of the holy water of Tianchi, and they breathed a sigh of relief at the same time. ..


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