My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 754: Discover the secrets of the wordless book

Under the transmission of Nagato's mana, the Wordless Book of Heaven kept shining, and some words gradually appeared on it.

The Nagatokeeper read all himself in the Wordless Book of Heaven, and then remembered it in his mind. His eyes were full of shock. He did not expect that so many things would happen in the future.

"No, the wordless heavenly book is a secret. I can know these things, and I should know how to avoid them as much as possible. But the wordless heavenly book is afraid of blood, and I must not let it become a powder."

After Nagato finished speaking, he put away the wordless heavenly script.

After the mana of the wordless book was hidden, Nagato put it away.

Soon, it was getting late, and Nagato used his mana to find Zhu Bajie.

Zhu Bajie is resting now. When Zhu Bajie heard someone coming to him, he got up and saw Nagato.

"Nagato God, why did you come so soon? Could it be that you have already discovered the secret of the wordless heavenly book? The wordless heavenly book is an ancient **** book. If you know something, you should tell me quickly so that I can go back for business. "

Zhu Bajie originally slept very sweetly, and was very unhappy after being disturbed, but after seeing Nagato, he changed into another look.

Nagato shook his head and said, "I already know the contents of the wordless heavenly book, but this is a heavenly book. Not everyone can know the contents enough, and the secrets cannot be revealed."

In fact, Nagato came to Zhu Bajie to tell Zhu Bajie about this.

Zhu Bajie understood the meaning of Nagato. He looked at Nagato and sighed, "But the Buddha asked me to decrypt this wordless book of heaven. As a result, I came to help you. If the Buddha knew about this, how could he? Will you blame me?"

Nagato immediately understood the meaning of Zhu Bajie. Zhu Bajie wanted the wordless book to be taken back to study for himself, or directly to the Tathagata Buddha.

"The wordless book has become my thing. You can return to Leiyin Temple immediately and say that the wordless book is in my hands. You don't need to say anything else. I believe the Buddha will know what I mean."

Zhu Bajie didn't know if this method would work, but he saw that Nagato had no plans to take out the wordless book to himself. He could only return to Leiyin Temple to find Tathagata according to what Nagato had suffered.

In Leiyin Temple, according to Nagato, Zhu Bajie came to Tathagata's side and spoke.

"Buddha, this time the disciple did not do well about the wordless book. Now the wordless book is at Nagato. It is Nagato who asked the disciple to come here to tell you that it has become his. I hope the Buddha will punish it. "

Zhu Bajie knelt directly on the ground, he was worried that the Tathagata would really punish him, and his whole body was trembling constantly.

Tathagata said, "Bajie, you did this thing very well. In fact, you already know everything. You will do it like this. I am very happy. Not only will I not punish you this time, but I will also reward you. ."

Zhu Bajie did not expect that what he did this time would be counterproductive.

Nagato thought that according to the content recorded in the wordless heavenly book, Zhu Bajie would go to Huaguoshan to meet Monkey King and tell him about the wordless heavenly book, so he waited outside Huaguoshan early in the morning.

Zhu Bajie, who came out of Leiyin Temple, decided to inform Monkey King. He did so out of curiosity and wanted to ask Monkey King what he thought.

When Zhu Bajie reached the entrance of Huaguo Mountain, he saw Nagato.

"Nagato, how could it be you? Why did you appear in this place? Did you know that my grandson would be here?" Zhu Bajie was puzzled.

"Yes, I have already got the Wordless Book of Heaven. This thing can see the future. I naturally know that you will come here to find Monkey King and tell Monkey King about these things." Nagato explained.

Nagato has obtained the Wordless Book of Heaven. He knows all the things that may happen in the future. In order to make Zhu Bajie believe this time, he appeared in front of Zhu Bajie again.

Zhu Bajie was also dubious about the contents of the Wordless Book of Heaven, but when Nagato appeared outside Huaguo Mountain, he believed that the Wordless Book of Heaven could discover the future.

"Bajie, I can tell you that after you reach Huaguo Mountain, Monkey King will definitely attack you. If you don't believe it, just follow me in."

Nagato took Zhu Bajie and entered Huaguo Mountain together. When Monkey King saw Zhu Bajie, he punched Zhu Bajie without saying a word.

Zhu Bajie was directly hit by Monkey King and flew to the wall.

"Brother Monkey, why did you attack me as soon as you saw my old pig? I didn't do anything." Zhu Bajie asked with aggrieved expression. ..


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