My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 759: Final execution

Nagato felt that something was wrong more and more. This "Old Ancestor Huang Mei" was not the original "Old Ancestor Huang Mei". His instinct told him that he must have admitted the wrong person.

"Tang Seng, take a closer look at the person in front of you, do you find that he is different from what we think? This guy has a lot of devilish energy on his body, and these things he did seem to be the same as the old Huang Mei we know. Like the ancestors, they are actually not alone."

After Nagato said these words, Tang Seng began to carefully observe Huang Mei in front of him, and he found that it was really like this.

"You’re right, I’m actually another demon of Huang Mei’s ancestor. I am also called Huang Mei’s ancestor but not Huang Mei’s ancestor. The reason why I call myself that is because I have completely replaced it. ."

Nagato knew that the monster in front of him had revealed his nature. He gathered the power of the gods and Buddha around his body, and the light of the Buddha made it impossible for the monster to approach.

"Since you are the heart demon of the ancestor Huangmei, there is no meaning in existence. I will completely eliminate you at this moment, so that you can no longer appear in the Three Realms to do evil."

He injected the power of the gods and Buddha into the body of the monster in front of him, and the monster instantly turned into powder.

Tang Seng thought that things were very incredible, he didn't expect that Nagato could wipe out this monster so quickly.

"Since the matter has been resolved, we should immediately return to Leiyin Temple and tell the Buddha about this matter." Tang Seng said.

Nagato shook his head. His instinct told himself that the person who came here this time should not be only Tang Seng alone, so he asked.

"Seng Tang, if the deity guessed correctly, you just became a **** and buddha. It is impossible for you to come by Tathagata alone. There must be other gods and buddhas coming with you?"

"The gods are right. Guanyin Bodhisattva should have come here with me. But I am very worried about Wukong's safety. There is still an evil spirit spreading around Huaguo Mountain, so..."

Tang Seng's implication was very clear. In fact, he was worried about the danger of Monkey King, so he asked Guanyin to go to Huaguo Mountain first.

Nagato took out the Wordless Book of Heaven and used magic power to activate the Wordless Book of Heaven again.

"Master, what's the matter?" Wordless Tianshu said after waking up.

"I want you to help me see where Guanyin is and whether the Huaguo Mountain where Monkey King is in danger." Nagato immediately ordered the wordless book.

The Wordless Book of Heaven received Nagato's order and flew into the air to release his mana.

Nagato and Tang Seng appeared in front of the mysterious light mirror released by the wordless heavenly book. The mysterious light mirror showed the every move of Guanyin at this time and the evil spirits around Huaguo Mountain.

Guanyin was unable to enter the Huaguo Mountain, and was using his mana to drive away the evil spirits around him, and was now in the painful dispelling stage.

"Unexpectedly, a mere evil spirit still has such power, delusional to block the path of this seat."

Guanyin strengthened his mana and continued to release his fairy energy.

After Nagato learned about these things, he speeded up his speed, and he took Tang Seng's effort in a blink of an eye and went outside Huaguo Mountain.

"Guanyin, this evil spirit is not ordinary evil. It can completely surround Huaguo Mountain. I think it is still a ghost left by the magic power left by the previous lawlessness. Wait for me here. It seems that only I can do this. solve."

Nagato didn't want to continue wasting his time outside Huaguo Mountain. He knew that this matter could only be solved by finding Wutian.

He came back to the long gate of the Nether Abyss and used his mana to open a channel through which he and Wu Tian could talk.

"Wu Tian, ​​I know you can definitely hear me, I am Nagato God."

Nagato's voice followed the passage of the Nether Abyss into it.

Wutian was gathering his magic skills in the Nether Abyss. When he heard the voice of Nagato, he immediately got up and answered.

"Nagato? I've been waiting for you for a long time, you guys finally appeared. I tried my best to make you appear in front of me, and finally the emperor paid off. You should understand that my purpose for letting you appear in front of me is What?"

"Wu Tian, ​​you have been imprisoned here. In fact, your heart should know your situation better than anyone else. Why do you want to do those unnecessary things, can't you just meditate on your own?"

Nagato wanted to tell Wutian the truth that he could become a Buddha by putting down his butcher knife, but Wutian didn't take this set.

"I was sealed in this dark abyss by you with relics. Do you know how painful this is? The last evil spirits I left in the Three Realms are spreading in this world. I believe I will be free again by then."

Wutian fully knew that Nagato had discovered the evil spirit he left behind, and he also knew that the purpose of Nagato's visit to him this time was to get him to take back the evil spirit. ..


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