My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 769: The python spirit wakes up

Nagato and Taishang Laojun both looked at the place where the alchemy furnace exploded, and the python spirit came out again.

"Nagato God, you don’t have to do fearless things on me. I have been completely occupied by the essence of this snake spirit. I am no longer the original bird fairy. I am a heinous monster, you Kill me quickly."

She knew that her regaining her sanity was only temporary. After a short while, the demon energy in it would completely appear. This time the demon energy would completely penetrate into its heart, making her a demon.

Taishang Laojun also knew the seriousness of the matter, so he immediately attacked the python spirit.

The diamond ring flew into the air and was about to hit the python spirit in front of you.

The python spirit did not dodge the attack from the diamond ring. After being hit, she lay on the ground, temporarily restrained by divine power.

"Nagato God, you have also seen how powerful the Anaconda Essence is and how powerful it is. We absolutely cannot let her go like this. I have already severely injured her with the Golden Port Stock, just add the God and Buddha power of Nagato God. , It can be wiped out."

"The deity feels that the matter is not serious enough to this point. In fact, I have a way to recover. This time the incident was caused by me alone. Let me deal with it."

Nagato didn't wait for Taishang Laojun to be nothing else, and once again used divine power to inhale the python essence into the small bottle in his hand.

This time it was different from the previous one. In addition to adding a seal on it, Nagato also injected his divine power into the bottle.

"Oops, such a huge python spirit, whose python essence is in its body, if she is allowed to regain her freedom, I am afraid that the three realms will be in chaos. For the safety of the three realms, I should go to the Jade Emperor and inform the Jade Emperor of this. thing."

Taishang Laojun ran towards the Lingxiao Hall, but Nagato came towards Monkey King's Huaguo Mountain.

Monkey King was recuperating, he opened his eyes when he sensed someone coming.

"Nagato god? I don't know what you do when you come to the Huaguo Mountain of my grandson?"

"I came here to look for you this time because I want you to help this deity in a busy time. The old monarch already knows about the python spirit being taken away by the deity. He must inform the Jade Emperor of this matter. You should understand what I mean." Nagato said.

Sun Wukong immediately understood the meaning of what Nagato said, and said, "The **** is saying that the Jade Emperor will send someone to interrupt you to help the python essence heal. I want my grandson to solve these problems, right?"


Nagato said simply that he believed that Monkey King would help him.

"Although don't worry, there is my old grandson, no **** or Buddha can bother Nagato deity. However, this python spirit is so devilish, my old grandson has a creepy feeling, why does Nagato deity want this? Help her?" Monkey King asked.

Nagato told the story of Niaoxian, he actually just wanted to prove that he could help Niaoxian to correct evil and get the snake spirit out of her body.

This matter is very difficult to complete, both Monkey King and Nagato knew.

"The deity has its own arrangements. Just help the deity and leave the rest to me."

Nagato dropped these words and entered the bottle that sealed the python spirit with force, and then hid them.

As Nagato said, the old monarch was worried that he would not be able to take up this responsibility. He told the Jade Emperor about the python spirit, and the Jade Emperor immediately sent a heavenly soldier to capture the python spirit.

Clairvoyance and Shunfeng ear informed the heavenly soldiers of Nagato's location, and they all came to Huaguo Mountain.

Nagato faced the python spirit and awakened the python spirit with his mana.

The python spirit looked at Nagato and said, "Where am I? Nagato, you damned fellow had better let me go. When my mana is fully restored in a while, it's time for you and the Three Realms to suffer. "

"Anaconda spirit, you don't have to wake up and just say this to the deity? What you were like before, you know better than anyone. You still don't continue to be an enemy of the deity, just follow what the deity said. Doing is to give yourself a chance."

Nagato said the words just now very seriously, but for the python spirit only, she felt that Nagato was deliberately taunting her.

"Do you really think that I will not be free again? The Niaoxian you previously knew has completely died. You'd better not think about the rebirth of the Niaoxian. I tell you very clearly, I It's python spirit now."

The python spirit exploded out of her demon power, and the powerful demon power directly dissipated the surrounding barriers. When she thought she could fly out of the bottle, she realized that there was a second barrier around it.

The python spirit was shocked, but she did not give up leaving from here. Chapter 770 Catch the Python Spirit

"How can this be? You can set up two enchantments of the power of the gods and Buddhas at the same time. This really makes me look at you with admiration." At the same time as the snake spirit said this, the demon power has already gathered around the body.

Nagato had already seen that the python spirit wanted to leave here, so he strengthened the mana barrier again.

"Anaconda spirit, I'm actually helping you. If you are willing to make corrections, go to Leiyin Temple with me. Don't think about escaping from the place in front of you. If you leave the protection of the deity, you will be forever. "Nagato said seriously.

He felt that Niaoxian was originally a **** who did good things, but because of the essence of the python essence, he finally became like this. The reason Nagato did this is entirely to help Niaoxian.

The python spirit had completely occupied Niaoxian's body and mind. After Nagato's many trials, he found that the python spirit could not fully recover his true essence.

"It seems that you really can't return to the way I thought you were. You have been completely occupied by the monsters, and you can't do what you were before. This really disappoints me. Since I can't influence you, then there is only Destroy you."

When Nagato said these words, the python spirit in front of him was not idle.

The python spirit keeps running its mana, it has restored its mana, and its previous injuries have completely disappeared.

"You may be able to do what you just said. I'm afraid it's not that easy now, right? I tell you that my injury has been fully recovered and my mana has risen to the next level."

After finishing talking to Nagato, the python spirit condensed his mana together and directly caused the bottle to explode.

She and Nagato appeared in Huaguoshan in an instant, and she broke through the barrier of Nagato.

"Yes, this is much stronger than the deity expected. But just looking at you like this, I think you are very ridiculous. Although you escaped from the bottle just now, do you think you can escape to heaven? "Nagato snorted coldly.

Li Jing, Erlangshen, Nezha, and the Big Dipper came to Huaguo Mountain together. Monkey King was still confronting them. Suddenly Nagato sent a message to Monkey King and asked Monkey King to take them to the place where the python spirit was.

Monkey King didn't know why Nagato suddenly changed his mind, but he did what Nagato said.

A group of heavenly soldiers will appear around the python spirit. They know that the most important thing now is to work together to eliminate the python spirit. As for other things, they will talk about it after they think of eliminating the python spirit.

Nagato stood beside Li Jing and them, facing the python spirit together.

"Li Jing, you can come to Huaguo Mountain with the Heavenly Soldiers and Generals. This deity is very happy. There is no need for us to have conflicts now. The existence of this python spirit is a threat to the Three Realms. The demons will be eradicated."

"God, we have always thought this way. This time we appeared on the Huaguo Mountain, and it was also the order of the Jade Emperor. This monster must be eradicated, otherwise she will endanger all beings in the Three Realms." Li Jing said his thoughts.

Erlang God summoned the Roaring Sky Dog directly. Go up and fight with the python spirit.

"The magical power of the python spirit is not trivial. She has tens of thousands of years. How about letting my grandson take action together and helping him?" Monkey King asked Nagato.

"Both of you have seventy-two changes, and your magical powers are equal. If you want to defeat this monster, you must have one heart and one mind. This time is the time to test both of you. The deity also said what you just said." Nagato agreed.

Monkey King and Erlang Shen joined hands, and the two attacked towards the python spirit together.

Nagato is very confident in this fight. He believes that Monkey King and Erlang Shen will work together to eliminate the python spirit.

After being attacked by Monkey King's golden hoop, the python spirit was attacked by Erlang's heavenly eye. The python spirit was immediately seriously injured and unable to escape.

Li Jing threw his exquisite pagoda into the air, and directly received the python spirit into his exquisite pagoda.

"Nagato God, the python spirit has been subdued, and now he will return to the heaven with the python spirit to recover."

Li Jing said he was leaving, while Nagato was standing in front of Li Jing.

"The python spirit has been caught by you, this **** will meet the Jade Emperor with you, just as I have something to say to the Jade Emperor."

Li Jing didn't say anything to Nagato. All of them flew into the air, and Monkey King followed.

In the High Heaven Hall, Nagato stood in front of the Jade Emperor, all the heavenly generals stepped back, and he told the Jade Emperor all the things that had just happened.

The Jade Emperor looked at Nagato’s eyes and asked, “Actually, the clairvoyance and Shunfeng ear have told me what the gods said. I have always been puzzled. Is this python spirit just because it is a bird immortal that all gods think Do you want to help him?"..


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