My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 780: God's test

"This is what God created us. I think we should not go against the will of God, I..."

Before Guanyin's words were finished, Nagato fixed it with magic.

"Avalokitesvara, no matter how you say it is a bodhisattva, what you just said to the deity will be treated as if you have never heard it. Since you said that this is a gift from the heavens, then I will go to see Yuelao. what is the problem."

Nagato left his words and flew to the place where Yue Lao was in charge.

The Moon Palace was resting, and suddenly a divine light fell in front of him, and Nagato appeared.

"Who is it, don't disturb me drinking."

Yue Lao was already drinking dizzy at this time, and he did not see who came to him.

"Yue Lao, you are so comfortable, the deity asked you, did you entangle the love of Guanyin and the deity because of drinking?" Nagato asked angrily.

Nagato released his mana to make Yue Lao sober, and Yue Lao saw that the person in front of him was Nagato, and was so scared that he lay on the ground.

"God of Nagato for mercy, these little immortals you are talking about are completely ignorant. But gods and Buddhas don't have emotions. Even if there are really seven emotions and six desires that are missing, they are not controlled by Xiaoxian.

Yue Lao said that gods are divided into two categories, one is gods and the other is gods and Buddhas. Gods and Buddhas have no emotions, at least he has no control over them.

Now he was even more puzzled as to why Guanyin became like this. He felt that only the Tathagata could tell him the answer.

"Forget it, this deity doesn't blame you this time, because the deity is too abrupt. Since there is nothing big, then the deity will leave first."

He thought that Guanyin was still trapped by him, so he should release her first.

Nagato returned to Luojia Mountain again, and the Guanyin in Luojia Mountain was very happy to see Nagato return.

"God, are you angry with me?"

"Kuanyin, don't you want to meet the Tathagata with the deity? I can promise you to meet the Tathagata together, but after seeing the Tathagata, you must first stand by." Nagato demanded.

Guanyin immediately agreed with what Nagato said, and in this way, the two of them flew to Leiyin Temple.

The gods and Buddhas in Leiyin Temple were chanting, and when Nagato and Guanyin arrived, they all stopped. Tathagata has already figured out Nagato's intentions, and he waved his hand to indicate that these gods and Buddhas can all leave.

There were only three of them left in the blink of an eye from Leiyin Temple. Tathagata said, "Nagato God, if you have anything to say to this seat, even if you say it, there are only three of us here."

Guanyin wanted to speak, but Nagato directly held her with force, making her unable to move her body, let alone speak.

"Tathagata Buddha, this deity went to Luojia Mountain this time, you also know the reason. But after seeing me, why Guanyin said that he admired me like that? Is there any problem?"

Nagato said his thoughts. He knew that it was only a **** and Buddha, and that he had gone through so many things. Now he wanted to become a stronger person. He also wanted to cultivate his magic power to make himself stronger.

"It's hard to say, because you used the time wheel to make some changes that should have occurred, so there will be such a result." Tathagata explained.

"But I can't let Guanyin follow me all the time? Is there any way to change these?" Nagato asked Tathagata.

Tathagata thought for a moment, and directly turned into a bowl of water.

"Let Guanyin drink this thing, and she will forget the things she experienced near Leiyin Temple. As long as she forgets these, she won't feel like you. Don't worry, this thing will not have any side effects. ."

Nagato didn't say anything else, and used his mana to directly let Guanyin drink this magical water, and Guanyin fainted.

After Guanyin fainted, Nagato decided to send her back to Luojia Mountain first.

"Tathagata Buddha, anyway, thank you for this incident. I will first bring Guanyin back to Luojia Mountain. After she wakes up, I will be sure that she is fine, and I will come to Leiyin Temple again to find you."

After Nagato talked, he disappeared in Leiyin Temple.

Tathagata shook his head and said, "Amitabha, everything is the cause of causality. A calm mind can change everything. I hope you can realize this."

In Luojia Mountain, Nagato put down Guanyin and used his mana to help Guanyin. He wanted Guanyin to wake up quickly.

Under the influence of Nagato mana, Guanyin quickly regained his consciousness and gradually awakened.

"Where am I? Luojia Mountain?" Guanyin wanted to come to see Nagato and asked immediately.

Guanyin got up, she felt that her body was extremely comfortable, but she always felt that she had forgotten something.

Nagato said: "You have returned to your Luojia Mountain. You can rest here. I have other things to deal with, so I will leave."


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