My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 801: Frozen is not reliable

The time wheel was sealed by ice, and the mana barrier on it was powerful, but it gave Nagato a bad feeling.

Nagato stared at the time wheel in front of him carefully, then looked at King Ksitigarbha, and said, "I always feel that things are not as simple as I thought. The time wheel is a combination of ancient divine power. Mana is not that simple."

Ksitigarbha King listened to Nagato's words, also lost in thought.

After a while, the Ksitigarbha king said, "What does the **** mean exactly when he said this? Isn't the time wheel now blocked? Could it be that the time wheel cannot be frozen?"

"This deity really doesn't know. I need to wait here for a while before speaking." Nagato said his thoughts.

These days, Nagato has been busy day and night. He is worried that there will be variables in the Three Realms. The evil spirit that he has eliminated before tells him that the dangers of the Three Realms will only increase day by day, which makes Nagato very puzzled.

The judge and Yama came to Nagato at the same time, and Yama spoke.

"God, no matter how you say you are the body of a **** and Buddha, staying in the underworld for a long time will affect your power of the **** and Buddha. It is better for the **** and Buddha to leave the underworld first. If you have any questions, we will tell the gods and Buddhas again, how?"

He also said that after discussing with the judge.

"Actually, this deity thinks this way. Since you all said so, then the deity departed. But you must remember that when the deity is not here, you must guard it anyway. Let this matter go wrong."

Nagato instructed the ghosts of the underground palaces such as the king of Jizo and the king, and then left the underground palace with a single turn.

The Ksitigarbha king was very solemnly facing the Hades and the judge, repeating again, "Do you remember what Nagato God said just now? This time wheel is the only evil thing in the underground palace, and I can clearly feel it. This thing is abnormal."

After saying this, the Ksitigarbha king looked at the time wheel carefully, and the time wheel seemed to have nothing, but in fact the evil spirit inside was about to move.

Leaving the Nagato of the underworld, he flew straight to Jiuzhongtian. After seeing Nagato, the heaven soldiers guarding the Nantianmen knelt down respectfully.

Nagato ignored them, and walked towards the palace of Taishang Laojun.

Taishang Laojun happened to be in the Palace of Dust, he felt the breath of God and Buddha, and he was about to go out to meet him. Nagato has flown in before he leaves the Palace of Dousiz.

"Master, it's been a long time since I saw you, how are you doing recently?"

"It turns out that it was God Venerable Nagato. I don't know God Venerable Nagato came to my Dust Palace suddenly. What instructions do you have?" asked Tai Shang Laojun.

Nagato gathered his mana on his right hand, and directly transmitted everything he had experienced in the underworld into the mind of the old man.

Taishang Laojun immediately understood why he was like this. He shook his head, and after a bitter smile, he said, "It seems that the goddess wants me to help you. If this is the case, then this treasure should be able to help gods and Buddhas. ."

He took out the diamond ring from his hand and handed it to Nagato.

After Nagato took it, he asked with some doubts, "What is this? Could it be the diamond ring you used to hit Monkey King when he was making a fuss in the sky? How can such a thing help me?"

"The diamond circle has aura. Any monster, after being hit by this diamond circle, will lose its mana within a short period of time. If the gods and Buddhas are really worried about the time wheel, it is better to seal it again. ."

Taishang Laojun determined to help Nagato, so he transferred his mana to Nagato.

You must know the mana of Taishang Laojun, but not inferior to the Jade Emperor.

After Nagato received the support of Taishang Laojun, he decided to go to the underworld again and seal the time wheel again.

"Thank you, Madam, the deity believes that if you have your magic power to help the deity this time, the deity will definitely succeed."

He really thanked Taishang Laojun. After saying this, he turned and went to the underworld again.

Nothing has changed in the underworld. When Nagato came to the time wheel, it was the King Ksitigarbha personally guarding it.

"God, you are back." Ksitigarbha king said.

"Yes, there should be evil in this time wheel. In fact, I can feel that the evil inside has not been completely wiped out by me. I am afraid that the frozen time wheel will not work. It needs a treasure. You Go back a little now and look at me next."

When the king of Jizo heard Nagato say this, he took two steps back.

Just when Nagato was about to attack the time wheel, the ice in the time wheel was all shattered, and the evil spirit inside instantly strengthened, dispelling the seal left by Nagato. ..


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