My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 839: Abnormal Leiyin Temple

After Tang Seng spoke, he turned and disappeared from Nagato's eyes.

Nagato stood up immediately after Tang Seng left.

"Strange, how come this Leiyin Temple is different from what I thought. Even if the Tathagata really built some houses here for the gods and Buddhas to rest, it shouldn't be like this. Things must be weird. The gods cannot be taken lightly."

After saying this, Nagato went directly out of his body, and followed Tang Seng.

Tang Seng came to Tathagata's side and merged his hands.

"Buddha, the deity has rested, and the disciples took the deity to a designated place to rest according to what the Buddha said."

"Xuan Zang, you did very well, but why didn't you go to rest, but came back by yourself?" Tathagat asked.

"Didn't you let the disciple come back from the Buddha? The Buddha is relieved to look good. The disciple does not have any selfishness. It is the honor of the disciple to be in front of the Buddha."

Tang Seng had just finished saying this, and the Tathagata directly detained Tang Seng with his force.

Seeing the situation in front of him, Nagato rushed directly between Tang Seng and the Tathagata, and interrupted the Tathagata's mana with his own mana.

"I said Buddha, why do you want to shoot Xuanzang?" Nagato asked Tathagata.

The face of Tathagata was very strange, and Tang Seng beside Nagato was also very confused.

"God, why did you come here? What happened?"

Tang Seng was suddenly attacked by the Tathagata, and he really thought this was very strange. Nagato just appeared next to him at this moment, and he immediately increased his vigilance.

"If I didn't guess wrong, I am afraid that the place where you brought me is not Leiyin Temple? The Leiyin Temple in front of us is fake, and you are also fake."

Nagato gathered his own mana and directly attacked Tang Seng, smashing it with a palm, and Tang Seng directly turned into powder.

A black energy appeared in the place where Tang Seng was eliminated, and this black energy continued to spread towards the air, and was finally eliminated by the mana of Nagato.

"And you, created such a illusion that the deity would not discover it? How could there be a special resting place in Leiyin Temple? When the deity went to Leiyin Temple last time, there was nothing. Suddenly this time?"

Nagato was obviously very suspicious of everything in front of him, so the soul had always been out of his body to observe all this, and waited until all this was clearly seen before he stood up.

"You are very careful to observe, you deserve to be the supreme of the world of gods and Buddhas. I originally wanted you to disappear quietly in this place, but I didn't expect you to find this. Since this is the case, then there is nothing to say between us. That's it."

From Nagato's point of view, the monsters in front of him were very strange, and all he had to do at this time was to completely eliminate these monsters.

"You monsters are so powerful in illusion. If this deity let you go, it would be worth it? This deity will never let you go so easily. You are ready to die."

He directly incarnates a golden light and entered the body of the monster in front of him. In the blink of an eye, the monster was directly possessed by Nagato, and a big hole appeared in the belly of the monster in an instant.

"Unexpectedly you would be like this, it is really hateful. I will not be easily defeated by you, and I will not admit defeat in any case."

As Nagato said, there is an extremely powerful mana in Nagato's body. His mana prevents the demon energy of the demon from spreading. Even though the demon hates Nagato, he has nothing to do.

"God respects me and is wrong. I also had such greed for a while. I hope you can forgive me."

The demon became his original form, a black aura, he could have a lot of moves, but he had no form.

"Seriously, the illusion you created is something I didn't think of. I really don't know why you created everything so simulated. But the matter is over. I don't want to continue talking nonsense with you. Yes, you should disappear from my eyes."

Heiqi knew that Nagato wouldn't give up on himself so easily. In fact, when he said so many words, he was also buying time for himself to escape.

"I don't want to continue to talk any more nonsense. In fact, you know better than anyone else. What I want to do now is to completely defeat you."

Without any hesitation, Nagato released all his mana. The black energy was instantly wiped out by the light of his **** and Buddha, and the surrounding illusions disappeared at this moment.

The sky was covered by a dark cloud, and he knew that it was another part of the black energy that had just appeared.

"This guy is really not as simple as I thought. If he is as simple as just now, he will be directly destroyed by my mana. What I need is to stabilize everything around him first, and then quickly tell the Buddhas about this.". .


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