My Infinite Life

Vol 9 Chapter 114: Instinct and vampire fourth!

Just do it!

The long door reached out and gently in the void.

The void at the fingertips of the young man vaguely appeared a trace of ripples, a colorless source of power lingered around his fingertips, and then turned into a bead under the will of the long door.

The bead is colorless and transparent, but it shows extraordinary Longwei.

It is a pity that the people present, whether they are Nagato or Saya, are ignorant of this kind of coercion.

"Virtual Dragon Ball, I made reference to the Dragon Balls of the Nine Emperor Dragons, made with a source of strength. This thing will be merged with the evolutionary dragon, and it will serve as the basis for the existence of the dragon and even this building. Even because of this thing, The Dragon can also play for three minutes. "

Speaking of which, Nagato paused, looking at the evolutionary dragon above.

Whoosh! ! !

There is no need for Nagato to do it by himself. The virtual dragon ball flew out automatically, and merged into the dragon with the sudden sound of breaking the sky. Then, the dragon roared, and the vague fluctuations diffused from its body.

boom! ! !

At this moment, there was a deeper resonance between the whole string **** island and the evolutionary dragon. Soon, the dragon ’s will fell into the deepest level of sleep, just like a death, and the body dispersed in a moment, leaving only one. A dragon ball with six dragon phantoms on it fell into the altar.


Saya looked at this scene in surprise. With Saya's eyes, it was natural to see that the evolutionary dragon was not disappeared or transformed into a dragon ball, but was completely integrated into this huge building and maintained a resonance with the entire island .

Under the power of the Nagato, the entire building and the cornerstone of the string **** island were completely transformed into a whole!


"Brother Nagato, how could your means become so important?"

Blinking his eyes, Saya looked at the Nagato. Rao was accompanied for many years. Saya had almost no secrets between each other. It was also the first time he discovered that Nagato could have such a terrible manipulation ability.

Nagato is very strong!

This is a powerful experience from hundreds of years and adventures. It is undeniable.

However, the strength of Nagato lies in the strength of the heaven, the earth, and the human being, and it lies in the essential strength of life, not the application of knowledge.

In terms of this application of knowledge, Saya is indeed much stronger than Nagato.

It is a supercomputer-level head in itself. With the joint network of more than six hundred sisters, under this terrifying computing power, although it has not been said, everyone in Heavenly Baiyujing knows that Saya uses various knowledge. On, stronger than Nagato.

Although he can't grasp the power of the origin, Saya is also familiar with this kind of power that is almost a million oils, and often extracts such power from the Nagato for experiments, but as far as Saya is concerned, he can't do it. Like weightlifting.

"Is there anything surprising about this natural thing?"

Facing Saya's surprise, Nagato asked indifferently.

This rhetorical question suddenly reminded Saya of the feedback attribute of Shura Dao obtained by Nagato--

Instinct control!

Between the electric light and the flint, Saya suddenly appeared.

She understood--

It is this attribute that gives Nagato almost complete control over the three major systems in the body.

In particular, the dead and the dragon in the two modes of earth and humans, these two power systems require years of baptism before they can be continuously excavated.

After all, creatures like the dead and the dragon are long-lived species!

Even the long-term Tianzong Wizards can't really control it in just a dozen or twenty years.

There is no time for baptism, and many longevity species are not as good as normal human beings.

"It seems that the attribute is not just to let you, the elder brother of Nagato, master the original combat power before the source is awakened. It can even ignore the laws of time and fully control the instinct that belongs to the longevity species.

"I have to say, it's a foul attribute!"

Even Saya, after understanding the situation, couldn't help but sigh so much, Saya was also very greedy for this ability.

However, it is a pity that even if it is very clear how Nagato obtains these attributes, after many secret experiments by Saya, it is clearly obtained that the experience of Nagato is irreproducible.

"Say, girl, did you forget something?"

At this moment, Saya suddenly heard the sound of the long door, and subconsciously looked up, and the girl saw it. The red-haired and purple-eyed teenager was approaching him step by step. Suddenly, Saya suddenly thought of it and forgot. What, in an instant, his face changed.

"Wait, Brother Nagato, don't you admit that my approach is good for Jilong ?!"

"But I didn't say I won't teach you!"

Looking at Saya, Nagato felt the need for a certain power system in the body, and showed a smile that made Saya feel a bitter cold. The girl immediately exhibited her phase movement, ready to avoid!

"Huh, big deal, Miss Ben hides for a few days!"

Saya, who was thinking in this way, naturally used his abilities, but at the next moment, he found himself still standing on the spot, and Saya suddenly showed an extremely surprised expression!

But at this moment, Nagato has come to her.

"Dumbfounded, girl!"

Seeing Saya's surprised expression, the bangs on the forehead of the long gate slightly spread out, revealing the magic eye exuding a red six-man halo. At this time, the six-man star in the magic eye was constantly spinning.

"Brother Nagato, you Lai Pi, actually used illusion quietly ?!"

Seeing the operation of the magic eye, Saya didn't know where, he was almost equal to the illusion space arranged by the endless spiritual force, which affected his senses and suddenly he was corrupted!

"The soldiers are not deceitful!"

With such a smile, Nagato bullied him and hugged Saya tightly, lowered his head, and whispered in the girl's ear:

"I just used the fantasy reproduction and magic projection of the dead. After using it, I found myself a little blood-sucking impulsive, so myself"

During the talk, Nagato still quietly approached Saya's white neck, and his teeth were slowly buried into Saya's body.

"Really, foul!"

Shaye's eyes flashed with a touch of softness, and a weak breath came out of her lips, and the power slowly passed away ..

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