My Infinite Life

Vol 9 Chapter 118: Zhu Yue and the fate are fourth!

Time advances by one hour.

Under the magical power of the dragon's veins drawn by the dragon, Nagato suddenly turned into a red light to break through the barrier of space, and actually jumped into the moon in one step.

Originally in the idea of ​​Nagato, I would see the depleted earth, the barren world, and the moon craters that were hit by unknown meteorites, but I never thought that Nagato stepped in and came to a vermilion. space.

In addition to the crimson, what he saw in the eyes of Nagato was crimson.

No sky, no land, nothing!


At this time, even a fool feels something is wrong, not to mention the Nagato, but the red-haired boy doesn't have much tension. Today, the accumulation of Nagato gives him confidence to face any situation.

Just being confident is not arrogant!

Under unknown circumstances, Nagato did not intend to keep it. For the first time, he opened his life wheel eyes. The red halo flashing the six-pointed star was still outstanding in this vermilion space, blooming a chilling magic.

In an instant, endless causes and effects were revealed in front of the long door.

"I have seen you, come out!"

In front of the intricate network of cause and effect, the posture of people outside Longmen looked down, and then ignored all the complicated points, directly traced to the source of all causes and effects, and then looked at a place and said indifferently.

"It's an amazing magic eye, even if it's the dead eye in Yu Zhi's memory."

At the moment when Nagato's words just fell, the entire vermilion space gradually shattered, shattered, and turned into countless vermilion light spots, revealing what the moon should have in the memory of Nagato, barren, dead, and full of moon pit .

"Well, it's the second meeting!"

Vermillion's light points converged into a noble beauty with blond hair and red eyes, wearing a white dress, taking small steps and slowly approaching the long door, "Rebel rebels who killed Yu's remnant soul!"

"Juyue Brunnstad ?!"

Looking at the real ancestor girl who came step by step, the memories of a few years ago poured into my heart, which filled the emotion of the long door, but as the other party approached, all the words finally turned into a sentence-

"Obviously it is a different plane world. How did you come here?"

"It turns out that this is really another world!"

Hearing the words of the long gate, Zhu Yue stopped, and the slightly arrogant face showed a little suddenness, and looked at the long gate, revealing a complex expression that seemed to be non-smiling, and sighed after the talk.

"This kind of thing, I can't tell clearly, if you insist on saying it, it's fate!"

"it's fate!"

Hearing this special vocabulary, a flash of light flashed in the head of the long door, and the magic light in the left eye seemed to penetrate the fate of time and space. He actually saw the cause and effect of Zhu Yue's appearance here in an instant, and suddenly a hint of wry smile appeared.

The appearance of Zhu Yue has to be said, really fate!

Zhu Yue He Xuren also.

The moon in the lunar world, the embodiment of the will of the planet, the original true ancestor, and maybe even the last devil in the future. It can be said that Zhu Yue's existence runs through the fate of the lunar world.

Her existence can be called the incarnation of Xingyue's fate!

At this time, many parallel worlds of the Xingyue World are merging. As the world merges, the world will become stronger. And the souls will have stronger potential because the parallel self disappears. It seems that they seem to have swallowed the parallel self unconsciously.

Actually, otherwise.

In the integration of parallel worlds, the biggest source is actually charged by the root cause and the two major inhibitory forces. They just got the leftovers, but this is the only way, so that the future creatures of Xingyue have powerful potential.

But there are two exceptions in this.

One of them is absolute evil, and the other is Zhu Yue!

The former is the existence of detachment restraint, which will only accumulate evil and become stronger, while the latter is due to the superposition of fate caused by world fusion, and its power has shown an essential transformation.

"It seems that in the final battle of the Xingyue Holy Grail, I still have to consider the last strongest Zhu Yue!"

Thinking this way, Nagato already understood why Zhu Yue appeared here.

"You actually started to understand the legendary fate law beyond the world, the projection of fate? Ha! What a surprising situation!"

After analyzing the situation of Zhu Yue, Nagato did not deliberately hide it, so he said so.

"Fate, although unpleasant, is indeed a powerful force!"

Hearing the long door waking up, Zhu Yue was suddenly in a sudden, and he was immediately aware of his situation.

Hearing Zhu Yue ’s unpleasant words, Nagato can only sigh, and he has no good feelings for destiny. He is actually standing on the edge of the law of destiny, only half a step away. of.

Now, he finally understands that there is a terrible force in this world, that is called 'destiny'!

The magical power is not as good as the number of days.

The fate is coming, and nothing can be blocked, just like the one who has obtained the key of the world, and it has never been able to stop it. From the strong, the destiny plot, and the world, they can't stop their footsteps.

"No wonder, my third sword will subconsciously call it a fate!"

In this way, a red sword resembling a glaze appeared in the void in the right hand of Nagato, vaguely, revealing a terrible power that cut off all causes and conditions, so that Zhu Yue appeared Erase prudence.

"It turns out that I don't want anyone in my subconscious mind to go beyond the sky because of fate!"

Holding the Excalibur in the void, Nagato felt for the first time that his derived law was having the deepest communication with this Excalibur, and suddenly let Nagato understand his path to humanity—

Walk on the path of detachment and master all fate!

"Still fight?"

With this enlightenment, the origin of the dead in the Nagato is boiling up, calling for the projection of Zhuyue in front of the Nagato beheading and entering a new stage!

ps: make up for yesterday! ..

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