My Infinite Life

Vol 9 Chapter 123: Visits and provocations first!

When Nagato and Xia Yin arrived in the logistics department at dawn, it was ten minutes later.

After dominating the Kanshinjima and taking over the industry of the artificial island management commune, and integrating it with the industry that Dawn had originally expanded, Nagato and Saya divided the industry that Dawn organized on the entire artificial island into four section.

Armed Forces Department, Commerce Department, Intelligence Department and Logistics Department!

Among them, the logistics department not only guarantees the material reserves of Dawn, but also researches on various medical treatments. Here, it gathers various medical technologies found by Dawn, and even some Nagato and Saya choose , Throw out the technology of other worlds.

In terms of technology, Xianjindao probably has the world's top medical level!

And their purpose here is to visit Ye Lai Xiansheng.

In fact, Nagato was not interested in Ye Laixian ’s being injured or not, and he did n’t care much about the intrusion of the dawn organization on the Xianjin Island. Anyway, there was a big problem with the dragon and the artificial island. The dragon will wake up automatically.

And if the Dragon did not wake up, it is obvious that no matter how many times, that kind of invasion attack does not need to care much.

For the kind-hearted Xia Yin, although Ye Laixian Sheng gave her a lot of suffering, after all, Ye Laixian Sheng was Xia Yin's adoptive father and gave her a lot of help in her childhood. She couldn't ignore it.

Such kindness, although Nagato himself is not grateful, does not prevent Nagato from loving such kindness.

Of course, the premise of all this is that as long as such kindness does not become an obstacle on the way forward for Nagato!

"I said, you are really slow!"

When Nagato and Xia Yin just entered a medical office in the logistics department, what appeared in front of Nagato and Xia Yin was an expressionless Gothic Loli, only 11 or 12 years old, and it was an artificial island. The coach of the security team, Nangong Nanyue.

"Yo, that month sauce!"

Seeing that month from afar, Nagato raised his hand and greeted him.

I saw Nangong stared quietly at the long door that month, and an uncomfortable emotion clearly appeared in his eyes.

"Obviously this island is yours, but it costs me a lot of vacation to deal with this kind of trouble, the old lady is very unhappy!"

Looking at the long gate and Xia Yin who came slowly, Nangong didn't say anything more that month, but his eyes revealed such a meaning, but it was easily caught by the long gate.

"I can't help it. Who called Nayuki Sauce, you are the chief instructor of the guard team of Xianjin Island!"

Seeing that month's eyes, Nagato sent a thought directly into that month's mind, and then gave this teacher Lori a sudden anger, but there was some helplessness. After all, in a sense, Nagato has become the boss of that month Too.

Although one of Nangong ’s many identities in that month was a national attacker, Nangong ’s month had really no destination for the island nation.

Not to mention that Nangong was not an islander in terms of surnames that month.

Nangong, who lived on Xianshen Island since childhood, did everything for this island, or for his own hometown, and showed his strong power in Nagasu and Say, and became the master of Xianshen Island directly. Afterwards, she did not hesitate too much, quite simply, directly betrayed the island country and became a member of the dawn organization.

"Teacher Nangong!"

Compared to many people, Xia Yin, who followed the Nagato, was much more polite. At the first moment of seeing Nangong's month, she performed a little salute, which gave Nangong's teacher's heart a little satisfaction.

"Cough, Xia Yin, you are here, Ye Lai Xiansheng is over there, go and see for yourself!"

With a soft cough, Nangong put away the folding fan that opened in his hand that month, and the young teacher took out his proper gesture, pointed to the care room behind him, and said to Xia Yin.

"Thank you, teacher!"

Thanks again to Nangong that month, Xia Yin looked at the long door, and after receiving the nod from the other side, the whole person took a small step and quickly walked into the care room not far away, pushing the room away The door, went in.

"Let's say, which little thief actually dared to call the tiger beard!"

After watching Xia Yin walk into the room, the softness of Nagato's face gradually faded. Although there was no special performance, Nangong felt a little palpitations in that month. Obviously, Nagato was not like it appeared on the surface at this time. Don't care.

In other words, what Nagato cared about was not the casualties brought by the invasion at dawn, but that his organization could not even catch an invading little thief.

Although there are reasons why the organization's establishment time is too short, it also makes Nagato very uncomfortable.

"The specific situation is not very clear. If you look at the situation on the spot, the one who attacked Ye Laixian should be an alchemist!"

Seeing the expression of Nagato, although not able to read the mind, but also understand the atmosphere that month, without much hesitation, immediately said what he knew, "and still a very powerful alchemist."


Hearing that month's words, Nagato thought slightly.

Although it came to this world soon, but because Saya wandered around the world and collected a lot of data, Nagato could also understand the existence of the category of alchemy.

Although there are many types, in general, the ultimate goal of alchemy is to exceed the limits of humanity and approach the realm of ‘God’.

In a sense, the appearance of artificial life, and even the fourth true ancestor, are inseparable from alchemy.

Thinking of this, Nagato remembered one thing, that there was a great alchemist who really arrived in the field of ‘God’ on this island of string gods. Although it looked like she was dead and warped.

"No matter what he is"

Just when Nagato wanted to set the tone for this matter, in his perception, there was a sudden surge of magical shock, which made the red-haired boy suddenly feel a terrifying chill, and Nangong also in that month. Some dumbfounded--

This magic shock is simply provoking the long door!

"Very good, scum, you successfully provoke my anger!"

With a low smile, the long door stepped out, and the whole person disappeared ..

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