My Infinite Life

Vol 9 Chapter 125: Nina Yadilad is third!

Boom! ! !

The violent blasting sounded suddenly, and there was a slight turbulence on the hillside, the noisy dust flying, covering everything up.

Fortunately, it was already the setting sun, and the Caihai Academy near the ruins of the Adilad monastery was also on holiday. Such a violent explosion roared without causing much confusion.

For a long time, the evening wind blew past, took away all the dust, and exposed the red-haired boy standing in the blood flame.

But the dark fluid monster, and the alchemist named Tianzu Mercury, did not know where to go.

"It seems that I have found something interesting!"

Standing in the circle of blood flames, the long door looked at the red beads in his hand and a little red special fluid substance, revealing a trace of interesting smile, so muttered in his mouth.

Nagato knew that the name of the thing in his hand was called nuclear refining!

This is a fusion liquid metal living body with powerful self-proliferation function. The magic catalyst that exists in order to control the "spiritual blood of the sage" can also be said to be a curse-like memory medium.

If you want to make it simpler, it is the solidified soul of human beings!

"Can you perceive that there is indeed a wave of consciousness in this stuff, then, that monster just now is the so-called sage's spirit blood?"

The sage's spirit blood is a crimson liquid metal lifeform with independent will created by legendary alchemists to reach the realm of gods.

If you can transplant your soul into this immortal metal life form, you can become a real immortal.

What makes this miracle possible is the bright red gemstone-a control unit called "nuclear refining".

By transferring consciousness to "nuclear refining", the fusion person can maintain his own consciousness in the case of fusion with "spirit blood", and by transforming his own body into an immortal metal life body, he obtains near eternity The "life" also possesses a magic power that can rival the true ancestors of vampires.

Recalling the various information that Saya received, after thinking for a while, Nagato threw away the nuclear refining in his hand, and in a flash, the blood-like flames rose up and surrounded the nuclear refining.

boom! ! !

Suddenly, a whirlpool of magic formed a vortex around it, stirring the blood flame into a **** vortex, and some red special fluid substances scattered around due to the explosion were also attracted by the **** vortex and gathered together.

"Well, who is Ru?"

The fluid blood flame gradually condenses into a female figure, which has not yet completely solidified, and a long voice is ringing around. This voice is very lazy, and when you hear it, you feel that a girl has just fallen asleep from sleep Awake like.

As soon as the words fell, Blood Flame solidified into a naked woman.

This is a crimson woman with long blond hair. Her skin is not particularly fair, but is full of healthy wheat color, but the most striking thing is that she exceeds the size of the chest of ordinary women.

"Er, it seems that this time the concubine was awakened by an unexpectedly powerful person!" Not waiting for the long door to answer, the woman shook her head slightly, glanced at the surrounding scenes, and the information on her body, her thoughts moved, a red blood flame ignited and instantly turned into A set of clothes appeared on the woman.

Seeing this scene, Nagato was slightly dumb, never thought that this mysterious woman had such a skill, and she could manipulate the blood flame at the first time, although it had the ability under the default of Nagato——

Because the woman's body is composed of blood flames, the highest authority of life and even the soul is actually no longer on her own.

"I like you very much, say, your name!"

Looking up and down at the woman in front of him, Nagato said almost ordered.

"The concubine is the last descendant of Hermes Storis and Gistos, the seeker of" magnusops. "Nina Ayrad of Palmia."

Hearing Nagato's question, female, no, it was Nina who frowned, but under some strange power, she answered the Nagamon's question honestly, but after she finished speaking, Nina frowned even more. Anymore--

"It's such a horrible thing to play with a concubine's soul! It's a terrible person!"

"It really is you, Nina Adilard!"

For Nina's complaints, Nagato ignored them. After all, Nagato had manipulated everything on the other side. Isn't he allowed the other side to complain?

Nagato confessed that he had n’t had that kind of mind, and--

Nagato did not expect that this time he actually got such a famous alchemist!

Although Nagato had this idea when he noticed the spirit blood of the sage before, but after verification, Nagato was still very happy, he could accidentally get the creator of the sage's spirit blood, and he has survived Alchemist over 270 years

"So, the consciousness hidden in the dark fluid just now is the sage ?!"

He whispered to himself, although Nagato used interrogative sentences, but there was absolute affirmation in the words. Then, the red-haired boy looked at his body and studied his body from the beginning. Nina, ask—

"Nina, who is the funny alchemist just now, do you know?"

"Tianzu Mercury is a concubine's disciple. No, because he was already expelled from the concubine, it should be said to be the original disciple."

Although he didn't care much about the other party, under the power of the blood spirit, Nina couldn't refuse any words from the Nagato with a hint of command, and the great alchemist felt helpless.

"It turned out to be a disciple, but you will actually accept a puppet as a disciple, Nina, your vision is not so good!"


Hearing the words of Nagato, Nina suddenly shook her heart slightly.

Obviously he didn't even know the name of his original disciple, but he could see the details of the other party at a glance. Where is the man in front of him?

"Oh, my name is Nagato!"

Seemingly seeing Nina ’s psychology, the long door approached a few steps, stroking her hand against Nina ’s cheek and gently stroking, saying, “Remember, starting today, you belong to me Things, do you understand? "..

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