My Infinite Life

Vol 9 Chapter 128: Resurrection sage first!

boom! ! !

The unprecedented explosion skyrocketed, and the earth was shaken.

It took a long time for the shock caused by the violent explosion on the harbor terminal to calm down slowly.

Under a sudden sea breeze, the flying dust spreading over the harbor gradually spread out, just like someone wiped off such a dust, and exposed the harbor after explosion.

Standing between the clouds and looking down, Nagato and Nina were silent.

The entire port and harbor have been extremely damaged, and even the terrain of the entire harbor has changed, just like watching the civil war city after the bombing baptism.

However, the scars left on the building are obviously different from the traces left by simple destructive weapons like bombs.

The cross-section of the collapsed machine was as smooth as it was swept across by an invisible giant blade. However, the warehouse made of concrete was melted and collapsed due to high heat.

"That was the attack of the heavy metal particle cannon!"

As a former alchemist, when he saw this scene, he said with a sullen face.

That's a laser weapon that can break down things within a radius of several kilometers to an atomic level. If this kind of thing is used in urban areas, Nina can't estimate how much damage it will cause. The worst result is that the city of Xianjin will be destroyed instantly.


"That's the power of the sage!"

As the eternal guardian of the once sage, the alchemist made such a judgment!

Regarding Nina ’s judgment, Nagato did not express any opinion, but looked forward to the center of the harbor. Huang Quan and Kagura, located in the protection of the scarred red lotus and Bai Rui, accurately said Is Huang Quan.

The face of the red-haired boy showed a look of anticipation--

"Now, Huang Quan, let me see if you have the potential to keep up with me!"

"Cough !!"

At this time, Huang Quan didn't know that someone was looking at her with such an expectant look. At this time, she was holding the chaotic red lotus body in a state of embarrassment and stood up. At this time, Huang Quan found out that beside her, It is a stunned Kagura.

After checking the situation of Kagura, it was found that the other party was only unconscious, and Huang Quan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"This time, really, so dangerous!"

Having glanced at the chaotic red lotus and Bai Rui, who had almost lost most of their fighting power, Huang Quan expressed his sincere gratitude to Nagato for the first time.

If it were n’t for Nagato who transformed these two spirit beasts into the physique of the dependent beasts, so that they can continue to recover under the impact of the explosion, relying on the endless magic of Nagato, I am afraid that these two spirit beasts ca n’t stop it Terrible blew.

In that case, whether it is Huang Quan or Kagura, facing the explosion like this, the terror is definitely more fierce.

"However, it looks like the battle is not over!"

I glanced at the surrounding environment, first I felt the terrible power of the inexplicable explosion in my heart, and then looked at the desolate land, a group of mercury that is constantly condensing, and the pseudo-nuclear on the mercury.

"You stay to protect Kagura!"

He glanced at the two spirit beasts that were drawing their magic power to restore themselves, Huang Quan commanded so.

After getting the nods of the two spirit beasts, Huang Quan dragged the lion king's sword and walked out of the protection circle of the two spirit beasts, toward the group of mercury that was constantly recovering.

The black long straight girl experienced such an explosion, and the bottom of her eyes was actually a will to be destroyed by the crazy suppression.

Huang Quan understands that he needs to vent his negative thoughts.

As a spiritual practitioner, especially the spiritual force in charge of destruction, Huang Quan understands that he must maintain his own soul, his personality, and not be distorted by the destruction.

The twisted spiritual power is not spiritual power.

That's called evil force!

In front of the true essence of spiritual power, the evil power is unbearable. Just like no matter how many sprites you face, the bellflower can completely destroy it with a single arrow. The witch-broken witch is truly aware of the existence of the true drops of spiritual power.

When Huang Quan reached the distance of less than twenty meters in front of the mass of mercury-

boom! ! !

A pulsating voice suddenly sounded in Huang Quan's ears, so that the black long straight girl suddenly got cold hair!

The keen sense of spirit tells the girl that a terrible existence is emerging.

"How is this going!"

At this time, mercury condensed the upper body of Mercury of Tianzuka. I saw that the alchemist was looking at the staff trembling slightly in his hand, or the skull on the staff, and questioned—

"Just now, did you plan to kill me even? And—"

"Why do you seem to be resurrected, don't you need sacrifices?"

Tianzuo Mercury was very frightened at this time, not only because he was almost completely annihilated, but also because he discovered that the sage seemed to be deceiving him, and he clearly began to recover, and no sacrifice was needed.

"Kaka Kaka Kaka-didn't you think of it, why not be sure?"

At this moment, a sudden sound came from the sea on the edge of the harbor, echoed in this unmanned destruction harbor, and immediately, a huge red liquid poured out of the sea water, and swept over the mercury , To swallow it.

"Sage !!!"

"what are you doing!!!"

"You promised me to return my half body to me so that I could become a real human being!"

Being swallowed insanely, the alchemist showed a face of fear and madness, saying so, but then got a smirk from the cold voice in the red fluid-

"Kaka, do you really think you are a human who has swallowed half of my body?"

"No, no, you are just a puppet I made. Now the master needs it, hand over everything you have!"

As soon as the words fell, the red fluid swallowed it completely when Tianzun Mercury showed a desperate face, and then turned into a golden giant six or seven meters tall, with a burst of arrogant breath all over his body.

An artificially perfect human created by an alchemist!


The official resurrection debut! ..

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