My Infinite Life

Vol 9 Chapter 130: Huang Quan's style is third!

The night sky at a kilometer altitude.

There is a spaceship flying at a uniform speed.

It is a huge armored spaceship with a total length of more than seventy meters, covered with a hard shell of special alloy, equipped with four turboprop engines and twelve cannons.

Depicted in Anding Wing is the battle of Otome with a large sword—

That was the coat of arms of the royal family of Arutkia in Northern Europe.

The spindle-shaped hull is dyed bluish-white as if the glaciers are shining, and it is bordered by gold decorations, which is an air fortress that only the royal family and its servants are allowed to achieve.

The figure bathed in moonlight and floating in the darkness is the palace of heaven.

In this heavenly palace, there is a solidified atmosphere at this time. Inside the spacecraft, huge virtual images are showing the battle situation on the port of Xianjin Island where their spaceship is going to arrive.

"Obviously it was just a private, informal diplomatic visit. It was really amazing to see the sages!"

It is a noble girl with silver hair, which has a similar appearance to Xia Yin, but the eyebrows are filled with an indescribable British spirit. At this time, the girl is sitting in the middle position, which is obviously the leader.

"What is the situation on Xianjin Island, how can there be only one girl to deal with the sage!"

Looking at the black long straight girl who was still heroic under the various attacks of the sage in the video, a hint of interest appeared on the face of the silver-haired girl, and then said to the knights beside him.

"Your Highness!"

Hearing the girl ’s question, a knight walked out next to him, kneeling halfway on the ground, "Just already contacted Xianshen Island, the other side said, we do n’t need to ignore that battle, it was just a trial."


"Well, this behavior is indeed domineering regardless of the true situation at dawn."

"If the group of alchemists two or three hundred years ago knew that their work was treated as a small trial, I'm afraid they would get out of the grave with anger."

Hearing what the men said, the silver-haired girl said with a smile, but there was a little more dignity in her words.

In the heart of the girl, the image of dawn has changed a lot. Such dawn may be very unfavorable to the purpose of this trip.

Between the thinking of the silver-haired girl, a huge change occurred in the image. The attack of the sage pointed at the comrade of the black long straight girl, forcing the girl to face the sage's heavy metal particle cannon directly.

In an instant, the smoke filled the virtual image!

"Ah, how is it going!"

Seeing this scene, the curiosity in the girl's heart reached its peak, and at the next moment, several dark blades of light broke through the smoke and smashed on the sage, cutting the three-headed and six-armed sage instantly into a headless and armless Giants

On the battlefield, the situation is unpredictable!

At the last moment, under the attack of the sage, in order to protect the Kagura Huang Quan, he had to personally block the heavy metal particle cannon that was enough to bombard the material into atoms, and at the next moment, the sage was in the dark , Was cut off his hands and head!

"This, how is this possible!"

The sage who had been cut off three heads and six arms had undergone a huge deformation, and a head was extended from the body again, and there was such a roar in his mouth.

At this moment, the sage known as the perfect human, finally revealed the heaven beyond the arrogance of being a perfect human, and was really horrified--

If anyone takes a closer look, perhaps it can be clearly seen that there is still a dark air remaining on the sage who is in a crazy transformation, which is constantly eroding the indestructible body cast by the spirit blood, hindering his transformation.

"I'm totally present, how could there be a flaw !!!"

With the call of the sage, a huge magic power burst out, and the sage bluntly washed away the dark air brought by the dark knife light, and then absorbed a large amount of material around it, transformed into a more than twenty M giant!

"Kaka Kaka, that's it, I am"


Just before the sage's words were finished, the icy words echoed around, and at the next moment, a huge dark blade of light at least 30 meters long came out across the sky, and immediately passed across the sage , And even burst into the sea, set off endless waves.

boom! ! !

I saw that the sage went from head to toe, and even split in two, crashed to the ground, and set off a lot of dust.

"Every inexplicable alchemy creature must have a limit for arrogance!"

Along with such words, the Black Witch wandered out of the smoke and dust. At this time, Huang Quan's skin showed a morbid whiteness, and the clothes on his body showed a touching black of destruction.

"What, it feels good!"

"I really don't know what the messy question I was thinking before, but hesitated, not like me at all!"

"I would be afraid of my own strength. Sure enough, I still need to grow!"

Ignoring the sage giant who was cut off by himself, the black witch named Jianshan Huangquan perceives his situation and reveals a smile, and the deep purple eyes flash a chilling ruin will.

Putting aside any thinking, and simply taking the guardian spirit as the starting point, Huang Quan finally mastered his own power!

"Ah, hateful, dare to hurt me completely, I want you to die!"

At this moment, the two parts of the cut-off sage turned into a liquid and fused together, and then a huge head was again formed. The endless golden beams once again converged, which was more than any previous heavy metal particle cannon. Coming soon!

It is completely conceivable that if this attack erupts, the bay will definitely collapse, even affecting the entire artificial island.

and so--

"Don't see the reality yet?"

The quiet voice echoed in the ears of the sage, and I do n’t know when, Huang Quan has crossed the distance between the two, the lion king sword in his hand has been completely dyed black, and the endless power of destruction is flooding it. on--

Slashed out, bombarded on a huge head, the destructive force cranied it, and even directly annihilated the concentrated beam ..

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