My Infinite Life

Vol 9 Chapter 133: Lavria is second!

It was already an hour later when the spaceship, which resembled a heavenly palace, landed on Xianshen Island.

Looking at the slowly opening door of the spaceship, as the leader of the spaceship, the silver-haired girl named Lavliali Havane finally packed up her emotions as she witnessed an amazing battle.

A warm smile appeared on his face, and the girl stepped out of the door immediately.

I don't know if it was a coincidence. The port where the spacecraft arrived was the port where Huang Quan and the sages fought.

Standing at the door of the spaceship at this time, looking at the renewed harbor, the eyes of the silver-haired girl flashed a trace of indescribable complexity.

You know, an hour ago, it was almost beaten here.

But now, in front of himself is still intact!

As the first princess of the famous Nordic magic industry kingdom, Lavria, who is known as the silver queen, knows best how powerful alchemy is to achieve this kind of thing.

"Welcome, Your Highness Lihavain!"

Just after getting off the passage of the spacecraft and stepping on the shore, Lavria saw a team of dozens of magicians standing on both sides. Located in the center of all the magicians is a kimono, which looks elegant and luxurious. A purple-haired girl who makes you feel good.

However, at the first sight of this purple-haired woman, Lavlia suddenly felt an indescribable feeling.

To make it clear, this girl is not supposed to be a diplomatic messenger, but a real king. Although the king's temperament appears to be a diplomatic messenger, although it is ridiculous, Lavria firmly believes in herself. Judgment.

Because, at this moment, she remembered the identity of the other party--

"Where are you in trouble!"

Faced with the presence of this kind of presence, Lavria did not dare to be negligent and immediately replied, "Although I haven't met before, I think that my sister is the legendary sword that destroyed the island nation's fleet, the sister of the poison island. "

As soon as the words fell, Ravlia felt keenly that an attacker behind the purple-haired woman shook.

With keen eyes sweeping over each other, Lavria was filled with surprise, because she found out that the attacking magician was actually the information she had obtained, the six-blade of Taishi Bureau captured by the poisonous island child, the black one Sword and Witch, Feiqi Haze!

"It's really unfathomable that even the people in the Taishi Bureau can regain it, dawn!"

All of a sudden, Lavria thought a lot, and finally said such a sentence in her heart, with emotion!

"The Blade of Death, it's quite appropriate!"

Hearing his title in the outside world, the son was irresponsible, just said this, and then walked forward and made an inviting gesture, "But that does not matter, sister Lavria, now, I am just a string island Of diplomatic messengers. "

"In short, come with me first!"

Under the leadership of the concubine led by the concubine, the mighty convoy was driving on the island of Xianshen at night. On the way, Lavlia showed her diplomatic talents and kept talking long and short with the concubine. Laughed.

However, as a **** killer, Xianzi had an extremely powerful intuition.

If it wasn't for Lavilla itself, it was not malicious, and really admired the maid, I am afraid there is no such effect.

After about half an hour, the convoy drove to the core of the island of Xianjin Island, a huge pyramid-like building-the cornerstone gate!

"Okay, here we are, this is the cornerstone gate, and Changmen Jun and Sister Saya are waiting for you inside!"

Going out of the car door, Xiezi looked at the girl who had a good sense in front of her, thought for a while, and said seriously, "Sister Lavria, you are smart, you should understand that in front of some people, smart is not needed. , Just need to be honest! "

"Thank you sister for your reminder!"

Hearing the reminders from the poison island, Lavria couldn't help but move her heart. The girl understood that this was the wife reminding herself how to face the famous leader of the dawn, and the two leaders, could not help but say aloud.

At the same time, Her Royal Highness also understood a bit about the existence of the leader of dawn.

Under the leadership of Ms. Lavria and her knights, they stepped up the rising elevator in the building of the corner gate. Not long after, the elevator stopped and appeared in front of an open courtyard.

The slight light flashes, and it intersects with the moonlight in the sky, making it look like a beautiful scenery on earth.

"Welcome VIPs to come!"

A crisp and sweet voice echoed in the space. I saw a man and a woman sitting opposite each other drinking tea on a high platform deep in the courtyard, and it was the girl in it, the white gauze. , In the moonlight, extremely holy.

"Sister Saya who died, next to her is Nagato Jun. Next, you go there yourself, the rest of you, please come here!"

At this moment, Xunzi spoke, separating her from her guardian knight in Lavria's eyes.

"Your Highness!"

Seeing this scene, the knights were a little uneasy and could not help making a sound.

"You go with sister Xianzi, this is the base of dawn, it will be fine!"

However, under the gesture and persuasion of Ravlia, the knights had no choice but to accept the arrangement, but the silver-haired girl did not know that her move suddenly made the young woman smile.

If Ravlia allowed the knights to revolt and bring them with him, although the wife would not object.

But Xie Zi's impression on it will definitely plummet.

Fun, general, and very good!

"It seems that I might be like a sister again!"

With such thoughts, the son brought the knights down, leaving only Lavria facing the highest head of the dawn

On the second day, the daybreak organization of the island of God of the Strings officially established a diplomatic covenant with the famous Nordic Kingdom of Magic Industries and the Kingdom of Aldikia, and even the world-famous silver queen was stationed on the island of String of Gods as a diplomatic messenger. , Suddenly caused uproar around the world.

ps: I feel nothing ..

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