My Infinite Life

Vol 9 Chapter 137: Dating and interception second more!

"There is not much time, make a good decision!"

After leaving such a word to Lavria, the shocked girl was left, and the long door left.

Although there are attempts to see this peerless empress, Nagato is not in a hurry at all.

In the eyes of Nagato, this clever girl will definitely make the most reasonable decision. After all, at any time in the end of the future, no one can beat the outside world except the dawn from the world. That guy.

Even the original fourth true ancestor, this complete body known as the strongest vampire, could not beat it.

As for the other three true ancestors?

From the purpose of the fourth true ancestor, it can be seen that there is still a large distance between them. Otherwise, why did the three great ancestors raise the idea of ​​making the fourth true ancestor?

And this situation is destined to how girls will choose.

Under that inevitable choice, her life will be completely entangled with herself, and she can no longer be separated forever.

When leaving the girl about twenty meters, the long door stepped out, and the whole person disappeared in place.

At the next moment, the figure of the red-haired boy appeared on the corner of a commercial street on Xianshen Island.

Mengzi, who had long been waiting there, approached the long door almost at the same time, and naturally wrapped his arm around him.

Feeling the softness of Niuzi's chest, although I haven't known how many times I played with *, Nagato still felt a little comfortable, and then said, "Speak, where are we going?"

At the request of Ms. Nai, Nagato deliberately took some time to go shopping with her today.

Xianzi smiled: "I listen to you today."

"Then we go to the city center, where a new coffee shop has recently opened, and the evaluation is quite good."

After thinking a little, Nagato made this judgment.


Walking on the road, Mengzi's exquisite appearance attracted a lot of attention. On the contrary, Nagato felt that if his eyes were substantial, he might have been killed by thousands of swords, although in any case, he could not help Nagato.

"Yuzi, your return rate is so high."

"Ahra, under such circumstances, shouldn't Nagato be happy?"

Xianzi's hand around the long door was tighter, and the softness and deep contact with the long door's arm made the surrounding people, especially men, show their murderous eyes.


Regarding the behavior of Mengzi, Nagato didn't take it seriously, just reached out and nodded the tip of his nose.

"Hee hee!"

Xianzi chuckled, then seemed to remember something, and asked, "Yes, Nagato Jun, I haven't seen Xuecai and Saiyah since last night. Sister Saya is also missing. Where did the two of them go? ? "

"Well, they went to clean up a group of bored guys."

Nagato thought a little and replied: "Because the guy in the outside world is coming out, Shaye and I are going to completely remove some hidden dangers of Xianshen Island. In a few days, Xianshen Island will have a carnival. "

"Oh, carnival?"

A look of expectation appeared on Xianzi's face.

"Yes, the super criminals who have been imprisoned for twenty years on the island of String God. There are elves, vampires, and even dragon slayers. In short, it can probably meet the wish of the child, and go and cut people!"

The amazing words were spoken lightly, and the coldness of Nagato was undoubtedly revealed.

Hearing the words of Nagato, Mikako smiled happily, wrapped her arms around the neck of the boy in front of her, and offered a kiss.

Nagato was also stunned by the sudden welfare, but it quickly reacted and responded to the past.

The two kissed uncontrollably on the street. After a full dozen minutes, the two clinging to each other were separated, and a silver thread was stuck between their lips.

There was a sudden uproar around!

Just as Nagato was making a pleasant date on Xianshen Island, far away from Xianshen Island, an unnamed island in the Pacific Ocean.


Silently, Saya in white and light gauze, with her bare feet, set foot on this deserted island, looked at the few preparations, and the girl showed a happy smile-

"No mistake, the destination is here!"

As the girl's words just fell, there was a trace of ripples in the space behind Saya, and a space channel was formally formed. The first time, the two witches Ji Xuexue and Huang Bansha Yahua appeared behind Saya, and then appeared again. Close to double-digit magician.

boom! ! !

When these people appeared, the whole island seemed to touch something. The barren scenery in front of them resembled a mural, and it shattered. Then, the surrounding scenery changed and a rather large palace appeared.


"No, there are enemies!"

At the same time, the silhouettes of people in different costumes seemed to be awakened. They appeared in front of the crowd, and there were still a lot of them. There were nearly fifty people. Among these people, nine were headed. Magister holding a magic book.

"Who are you, and what's the purpose?"

It was a short-haired girl holding a magic book that opened her mouth—

"To be honest, I don't think you are passing by accident!"

This girl seems to be the leader of these people. The guardian like a knight behind her shows the identity of the other witch.

I saw that the girl was always looking at the space channel behind Shaye when she was talking. The look of surprise in her eyes was obvious. It was obvious that Shaye's ability to show space made her very worried.

"Oh, of course, we didn't pass by, but came here deliberately!"

Saya answered the girl's question with a chuckle, and at the beginning of the remark, the fire in the air suddenly rose to a level. However, Saya seemed to think that the fire was not strong enough and continued to say:

"We are the people at dawn!"

"In view of the fact that many people do not understand, the greatness of our dawn, dear library magicians, do n’t need to wait for you to make trouble, we decided to take the lead and use the destruction of the library to declare the power of dawn. ! "

In an instant, the battle is on the verge! ..

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