My Infinite Life

Vol 9 Chapter 140: Crushed, the second true ancestor? Ask for a subscription!

"God, broken, one mouth"

The girls looked up at the hole in the sky that did not know where to lead, and such an idea rose at the same time in their hearts.

Although it is known that it is a different space that was forcibly exploded, but visually speaking, the sky seems to be blown away by the powerful wave of energy, just like the collapse of the sky in ancient myths and legends.

Xuecai is a little better, but whether it is Saiyahwa or Xiandu Muyouma, he took a breath.

The weapon in the hands of Saiya can cut the space, while Xiandu Muyu is good at space magic. The two girls' perception of space is very good, so they understand better, similar to the golden warrior, it directly smashes space with energy Scary.

If the sea is used to compare space, Saiyahwa and Yuma are people who cross the sea in various ways, and Saya--

The sea is completely filled!

The gap between them is unreasonable. Especially, it is a different space with a long time. The stability of its space must be known, but it has been tens of hundreds of times higher than the general space.

"Yo, it seems that the door is open, then, go!"

Seeing the big mouth in the sky, the picture behind Shaye radiated a burst of light, shrouding Shaye, along with the golden warrior, and then turned into a ray of light, rushing into the big mouth in the air.

"Hey, Lord Saya!"

Seeing that Saya disappeared before and after her eyes without permission, Xuecai suddenly became anxious and shoved the two companions beside him who were still in shock. "Saya, and Yuma, keep up with the adults. ! "

In the eyes of Xuecai, when Saya disappeared into that big mouth, the big mouth in the sky was gradually healing

"Oh, got it!"

At this time, Xiandu Muyou suddenly came awake and saw that Saya was no longer, and the idea of ​​running away suddenly rose in her heart. But just after this idea rose, the witch felt an endless crisis and quickly gave up and said:

"I will use space magic to take you!"

Abandoning the idea of ​​escape, Xiandu Muyoushi exhibited her space control magic to achieve the name of Cang Witch. A magic array suddenly appeared at the feet of the three girls. In an instant, the world changed in front of the girls.

Boom! ! !

Just after entering the different space, the girls heard continuous roars in their ears. Then, in front of the girls, the endless magic array spread all over this somewhat dim sky of the different space. Various magic attacks from the magic array In bloom!

And the Lord Saya they care about is standing in the center surrounded by the magic circle.

Beside Shaye, in addition to the golden warrior, there are three more special warriors, red and blue spear sword warriors, red and white cloak knights, and dark silent warriors all over the body.

The four warriors stood in four directions respectively, performing different moves to block the magic attack, and guarding Saya in a perfect way.

"Great, spectacular, terrible!"

Extremely surprised, Xiandu Muyouma accidentally said the thoughts of the other two girls.

Looking at the magical turbulence in the sky, even Yuma, who is a witch, dared not come near, worried about being torn apart by that magical turbulence, and Saya even looked like Youzao in it.

"Library, is it only this level?"

In this endless roar, Saya's indifferent and crisp voice was still very clear and a little weird, "I don't care about it at all. Since this is the case, then, I am welcome, go, my knights!"

"Obey, my lord!"

The four different sounds sounded at the same time, and I saw the four soldiers radiate different lights all over the body. The huge energy gathered, and the fluctuation of energy alone broke some weaker magic arrays.

"Digital Soul!"

"Elysian Pure Land!"

"Plasma shooting!"

"delete all!!"

In the four-fold call, the four warriors exhibited their own stunts, the plasma cannon roared out, the purified beam swayed out, the data power of the soul from the outside world exploded, and all the sword lights were deleted and bombarded down— —

Boom! ! !

The terrible power swept away, sweeping away the dense magic array in the sky.

In an instant, the magic generated by the destruction of the magic circle turbulently turned into a hurricane, wreaking havoc in the entire dark and ancient different space, and countless buildings were shattered under such heavenly prestige.

"Ah !!!"

The magicians hidden in the dark all screamed because they were swept in by the hurricane. For a time, the wail of the whole space was one after another, and the three girls suddenly felt a little creepy.

"Asshole, dare to come here to make trouble, unforgivable!"

"Go to die!"


In this chaos, several powerful magical powers burst out, a magic book appeared in the sky, or a powerful messenger, or a guardian of a witch, or a taboo super magic, for a time, the library elders and The current commanders came with their own magic books.



In the disdain of the girl, the picture behind the girl opened again, the trees on it flashed again, and the huge dragon warrior opened the huge dragon wings, holding a long gun of more than 20 meters, and rushed over .

"Dragon rush!"

The powerful dragon wing turned into a shield, directly blocking various attacks, and the giant dragon became a charging tank. Under the blessing of the powerful shock wave, all the incoming magisters directly flew and bombarded on the ground. .

Roar roar! ! !

After seeing the huge dragon man's blow, it seemed to be unsatisfactory. Endless energy gathered on the huge dragon gun. With the coercion of the dragon, a laser bomb named 'Dragon Emperor Glow' was killed by a blow Out, the goal is the deepest in this space, the deepest dark palace.


At this moment, a faint sigh came from the dark palace, and then a huge thousand-eyed eye appeared above the palace, propped up an enchantment, and collided with the laser head-on, for a time, the roaring sound rose again .

After a short while, the roar disappeared, leaving only huge eyes and confronting Saya.

"Are you finally coming out? The second true ancestor!"

For a long time, the girl in white gauze spoke quietly

Suddenly, Wan Lai is quiet! ..

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