My Infinite Life

Vol 9 Chapter 143: Expand, the first picture seeks everything!

Bang! ! !

A violent roar resounded through the sky, and a strong shock wave reverberated throughout the space.

The spectators hidden in all corners of the space shivered a little under this divine prestige, and the weaker magisters fainted, and some even fell directly into the abyss of death.

Click! ! !

The sudden sound rang out in this continuous roar. All the people who heard this sound had a pimple in their hearts, as if some great disaster was coming, which made them frown.

"Heaven, the sky is broken"

A strong man like Xuecai Sannv, with the help of Sai Hua, Huang Hualin, who is known as the strongest physical defense, still has the ability to watch the collision in the sky, but this is not a good thing.

At least when I saw the sky as if it were glass, a spider web-like crack appeared in the cross and the black light.

However, in such an environment, they ca n’t do much.

All can only pray.

"Hahaha !!!"

At this moment, there was a slightly hysterical laughter in the sky. With the laughter, the thunder gathered in the dark sky, and the more fierce and more dangerous thunder black light flashed in the giant pupil of the sky-like eye. Down.

Kaka Kaka! ! !

The original stalemate caused the collapse of the entire sky immediately after such a black light joined, the space split like a debris, the terrible space-time storm filled the cracks, and the cross, under such circumstances, finally could not help crushing .

Boom! ! !

Thirteen different sizes of figures turned into meteors, bombarded on the ground at a speed that everyone could not react, hit a large pit, and set off a diffuse smoke

The cross was shattered, but the sky also showed cracks due to the violent energy collision. In the eyes of the sky, humanity flashed a helpless look. The dark thunder light instantly turned into a blue thunder, spreading across the sky— —

It is actually repairing the sky with its own strength!

This is like a sky-filling scene in mythology, so that the remaining magicians are shocking, and the second true ancestor is powerful. In their hearts, they have sublimated to the point of mythology, even if the gods are reborn.

"It's true that since the end of the mythological era, it has always occupied one of the three strongest positions in the world."

At this moment, under the Void Thunder, before the huge eyes, the girl in white gauze suddenly appeared, depending on the Thunder as nothing, walking in the Void, "I have to say, the second true ancestor, compared to the so-called first Four true ancestors, against you, I really understood the strength of this plane ’s true ancestor. "

"Oh, so, are you willing to surrender?"

"To be honest, not to mention the other, your cleverness alone makes me really appreciate you!"

The voice of the silver-haired Zhenzu came from the huge eyes, and the appreciation expressed in the thousand pupils told Shaye that the other party ’s words were true and correct. He was sincere in soliciting himself, but it ’s a pity- "I don't want it!"

Standing in the void, a pride of arrogance appeared on the girl's face. A real scroll appeared on Saya's hand, and the girl opened it gently to reveal a pattern.

It was the imagination of a mysterious tree, and it was the tree map where the fruits of the Royal Knights were before.

"Although I am sure of your strength, but this is not to say, you can beat me, or just just warm up!"

"Come back, my knights!"

In the call of Saya, thirteen large pits on the ground burst out of different colors of light, turned into the sky, directly poured into the picture in the girl, turned into fruit, dotted on the tree Figure above.

boom! ! !

At this moment, Saya and the picture scroll flashed a strange light, and the whole person looked sacred and inviolable!

"what happened?!"

At this moment, the second true ancestor hidden in the pupil of the sky felt a panic. It seemed that there was a terrible existence to appear. The feeling made him almost think that Cain had arrived-

No, you must stop him!

Although he did n’t know what Saya was going to do, Zhenzu made this decision immediately. Under the influence of Zhenzu ’s will, the thunder in the sky turned into darkness again, the breath of destruction diffused, and was originally made up. The good sky broke again.

However, the second true ancestor at this time can no longer take care of this problem!

boom! ! !

The ruined Thunder slammed down in such a roar. However, at this time, Saya was like a phantom. The Thunder slammed through, as if it was bombarded in the air, and there was no reaction to the girl.

"Now, do you know?"

"I have been pursuing what path do I have to take?"

"Use data to analyze the truth of the world, or the path of the genes of the poor bloodline, or study all kinds of knowledge of the gods, and pursue the sole root of the infinite world. , It's all visible smooth roads! "

Speaking softly, Saya's breath became more and more dangerous, so that the thunder continued to blow down in the sky, and even various taboo spells appeared one by one. However, no matter what kind of attack, they could not touch it at all. Unreal girl.

"Finally, it's still the essence of the beast that made me understand one thing"

"Everything in the world, the most important thing, is never the bloodline gene, nor the truth knowledge, but the will, the soul, and the true spirit! And I am walking on the analysis of the way of all spirits. Is it more suitable for me? "

"Let's start, the true spirit map, the first map-the glory of the royal knight !!!"

I saw that Saya was calling like this, and the picture scroll, or rather, the figure of the True Spirit Dao transformed into a light and merged into Saya, and a shadow of the tree appeared behind the girl. At the next moment, the light came out—

"Adjudicator Saya, see!"

The light flashed through, and the silver-haired knight girl appeared in the sky. The powerful breath of the thirteen knights merged across the world in an instant, and the space above the sky collapsed and solidified! ..

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