My Infinite Life

Vol 9 Chapter 152: The fourth body of that month is even more!

Crimson Moon, reappearing across the sky!

At this moment, the crimson moonlight spilled over the entire artificial island.

Obviously, it is a very lively festival feast, and it is obviously too busy to be in touch, but under such a unique moonlight, hundreds of thousands of lives of the entire Xianshen Island, whether it is humans or demons, everyone is quiet for this superb scene.

The fifth true ancestor is on Xianshen Island!

But most people who are not magical tricks can perceive that there is a magic force that resonates with the crimson moon in the sky on this island, and inexplicably draw such a conclusion in the heart, and believe it deeply. suspect.

However, even if such an earth-shattering conclusion was reached, no one spoke out.

There was still silence around.

"Is this the so-called strong power?"

"From this point of view alone, I'm far worse than the elder brother!"

There were so few faint sighs at the apex of the corner stone gate of the island of Xianshen, but at the highest point of the building, Saya looked up at the crimson moon in the sky, and the girl was still in white gauze and magnificent.

When the true **** comes, even if no one knows the true god's name, it will be known for the first time, that is the true god.

When Nagato didn't plan to hide his identity, he had already had a similar appeal unconsciously.

The coast of Xianjin Island.

The crimson beam of light was like a sharp blade, rising from the sky from the position where Nagato and Nagyu were.

It is said that the existence of the ring king can directly destroy the time and space, and let this sharp beam of light penetrate through the sky. In the dull sound of kaka, it gradually decomposes, but it has lost its combat ability.

"Cough !!"

In the lower end of the beam of light, that month fell down feebly in the arms of the long gate, and the clothes and the corners of the mouth remained. Even the blood stains in the beam of light were extremely conspicuous, and the whole person was extremely depressed.

"I didn't expect that the king of revolving and revolving, was killed in an instant, cough, you, you are stronger than Saya!"

There was a touch of surprise and annoyance in that month's words.

The month that was originally defeated by Shaye, after a short investigation, I have long understood that the ability to become the long door of Shaye ’s brother must be above the strength of Shaye. Therefore, at the beginning, the month knew that he himself There is no way to resist these two people.

The prison border is bound to be opened!

But as a witch who signed a contract with the demon, that month, at the expense of her own soul, she built a prison boundary, and has paid the body's ten years of slumber for this, and is ready to sleep until death.

If the prison was easily opened, Nangong felt that his persistence and his life seemed to be denied.

Therefore, the witch named Nangong Nayue was determined from the beginning.

It ’s just that, anyway, Nangong recognized herself that month and broke into the name of the “Devil Slayer” on the battlefield of the Demon Race. He is a strong man. Too.

"It's good now, even the power of self-sufficiency is gone!"

So secretly in my heart, that month also knew how my mood should be, very chaotic. "This is inevitable. Last time I said that I am an absolute hedonist, but I am a power supremacist. The whole dawn is entirely for my growth. Founded, I am the only core of dawn! "

Speaking indifferently of iron facts, Nagato looked at the depressed month and smiled a little:

"That month sauce, you are really not good!"

"However, it doesn't matter anymore. From now on, you can watch it carefully and see how I change everything about you, holding you in my hand forever and becoming the witch of me alone."

With that said, Nagato reached out a hand and clicked between the eyebrows of that month--

Wow! ! !

In an instant, in the slight sound, the red beam of light suddenly lit up.

At the same time, the entire beam of light seemed to be turned into a real sharp blade flying sword. With a whine, it penetrated an unknown space and disappeared in place, leaving only the string **** island illuminated by the crimson moon.

Through the barriers of the mysterious space, driving the sharp blade flying sword transformed by the red beam of light, the world around the long gate changes, and in a blink of an eye, it appears in front of a holy church from the edge of the coast of Xianshen Island.

"Here, it is part of the prison boundary, the gap between reality and dream!"

The change of space cannot cause any surprise at Nagato. Only the month of Nangong, who is gradually becoming transparent in her arms, can slightly attract the eyes of the red-haired boy and easily judge that this is the space between dream and reality.

Holding the unconscious month, the long door extended a hand and pushed open the door of the temple.

boom! ! !

Under the powerful force, the door opened violently, revealing the empty hall in front of the long door.

And at this moment, Nagato discovered the situation in the center of the church for the first time-

The one placed there is a chair.

In the empty hall of the sanctuary, there was a chair and luxurious velvet armchairs.

With her eyes closed as if she were asleep, a woman was sitting there.

It was beautiful and immature, looking like a doll witch.

"Is the body of that month?"

Holding that month's avatar, Nagato stepped into the body of the void witch. With the continuation of the Nagato, the avatar in Nagato's arms gradually became transparent, apparently being absorbed by the body in some mysterious way Accepted it.

When Nagato arrived in front of the body of the moon, the avatar disappeared, and the body of the moon gradually opened its complicated eyes.

"Witch, are you ready!"

With one hand probing into the void, the Nagato slowly pulled out the crimson crystal-colored magic sword of the world—cutting the edge, and slowly pressed the blade against the heart of that month, revealing a smile—

"It's up to you!"

After looking at the indifferent face that never changed, Nangong slowly closed his eyes that month.

"So, bear witness to the miracle I gave you!"

As soon as the voice fell, the long door pierced without hesitation. At the next moment, the endless crimson light enveloped the entire hall of the temple, and there was a terrifying roar in the vagueness ..

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