My Infinite Life

Vol 9 Chapter 160: Xiandu Mu Aye fourth!

The sandwich between reality and dream.

Here is a glorious Holy Church.

The door of the sanctuary was open, exposing the large hall, and a very conspicuous luxury seat in the hall, like a throne.

On the throne at this time, two figures are embracing each other.


For a long time, a long moan echoed in the hall with a low gasp.

Nangong broke away from the kiss that month, and in the gasp, he opened his little head sideways, his cheeks flushed, and he spoke angrily, "You guy is definitely a jerk!"

"Thank you for the compliment!"

Leaning back on the sleeping chair that month, the witch's petite body holding the gap felt the greenness and beauty of the body completely resting on the teenager, and the long door opened leisurely.

For the evaluation of that month, Nagato accepted.

He is indeed a **** when it comes to treating girls. Nagato never denied this.


Seeing the appearance of the Nagato, plus that there was no way to resist the Nagato that month, I could only be embraced like a doll, and I was helpless that month.

"Time, it looks almost the same!"

Looking at the stubborn and helpless face that month, the long door clearly felt that the girl in her arms had lost the almost desperate darkness in her heart, and she smiled heartily, and then said:

"That month sauce, don't forget my original purpose of coming here!"


After being silent for a while, nodded that month.

After seeing Nagato's fighting power beyond common sense, there was no fear of those magic criminals that month. You can even say that it is not a level!

However, just when that month ’s own prison enclave was accurately activated—

"and many more!"

The long door suddenly opened. In the doubtful eyes of the month, the red-haired boy stretched out his hand and stroked the cheek of the month. He said, "It's all around this time, don't you plan to come out yet?"

"You know, this is a crime of bullying!"

Between words, the momentum on the long door spread like a substance, slowly spreading, and soon filled the entire hall of the temple.

"King, please forgive sins!"

Under such prestige, I saw a young woman in black and white twelve units strolling out of a dark corner. The girl's appearance is exactly the same as Xiandu Muyouma. The difference is the burning red. Eyes, showing a bit cold and ruthless.

The woman slowly came to the Nagato and that month not far away, and smiled slightly, showing a bit of splendid charm, and saluted. "My name is Xiandu Mu Aye, I have seen the king of my witch, please forgive me, just now I did not hide it intentionally, but the majesty of the king is too strong, I am a witch I am ashamed, so I dare not show up! "

"Aye, how are you?"

After seeing the appearance of the familiar woman in front of her, she was suddenly taken aback in that month and spoke silently. But before the words were finished, she was interrupted by the woman who called herself Amu Ye

"Just before Ru's witch contract changed!"

"Yeah, it's you after all!"

Hearing A Ye's words, suddenly that month suddenly.

Before the contract is changed, as long as that month is awakened, it is the time when the prison border and the reality come into contact. In this case, other magic criminals may not matter, but Xiandu Muye can definitely come here with his own ability. .


Then what happened just now was not completely seen by A Ye!

As long as I thought that my kissing with Nagato had been completely seen by Aye Che, that month I felt a little dizzy and dizzy, my cheeks flushed, and I couldn't help but buried in Nagato's arms, no longer speaking.

It was just that I did n’t know that month. After seeing her performance, the woman named A Ye showed a lot of relief in her eyes, and then disappeared.

"Oh, it turns out you still know that month!"

After no longer speaking in that month, Nagato took the lead consciously. To be honest, Nagato really did not know that Xiandu Muye and that month knew. Nagato's knowledge of the other party came entirely from the previous days. That Xiandu Muyouma.

Xiandu Mu Aye, a powerful witch who is keeping pace with that month, is the leader of the library organization.

Ten years ago, he failed to launch a secret affidavit on Xianjin Island, and was imprisoned in a prison in a different space by Nangong that month. Afterwards, the library used her biological information to make Xiandu Muyouma in order to rescue her leader.

In a sense, Xiandu Muyouma is a replica of this woman in front of her, or daughter!

"Since you know my month sauce, then I will forgive you this time!"

"Thank you for your tolerance!"

In front of Nagato, this former library commander behaved extremely well. If Nagato clearly saw the scarlet scarlet depth of her eyes, Nagato almost thought that her criminal deeds were fake. .

After being forgiven by Nagato, I saw Aye stepped forward and saluted again--

"Our witch king, you are the source of all witch. You have a greatness that this body cannot understand. My immortal Mu Aye is willing to offer you the only loyalty of this body. Answer! "

"You are very thoughtful, let me just listen!"

Hearing the beautiful woman's words in front of him, Nagato was suddenly attracted.

"Is this world a cursed world? I have been thinking, whether it is the Devil or the Magic, originally existed only in human imagination. The world that does not exist these things is this. What is the correct attitude of the world? "

Immediately after hearing Nagato's promise, Xiandu Mu Aye immediately uttered her doubts.

In the process of narration, the witch's eyes seemed to be burned by the true red fire, showing her anxiety and uneasiness.

"I have to say, witch, you really surprised this king!"

Hearing the problems of Xiandu Mu Aye, the long door that had always been very calm, his face suddenly showed a very rare surprise, and then surprised and converged, the red-haired boy's eyes were burning, obviously he had been serious. ..

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