My Infinite Life

Vol 9 Chapter 169: The first of the extras!

The four great ancestors are allied.

Even if it is only a verbal agreement, it is limited to the holy annihilation, but the people present understand this fact deeply.

Although there is no lack of such unspoken people among the strong, but in addition to the existence of chaotic camps and special betrayal roads, most of the strong people are very promising and are too lazy to lie.

The four great ancestors in front of him are undoubtedly one of the few people who stood at the apex of the world, and naturally disdain to lie.

Suddenly, there was a chaos among the onlookers.

The night empire of a single true ancestor is a behemoth that can influence the pattern of the world, and the alliance of the four true ancestors is indeed a decisive force that cannot be ignored for the pattern of power in the entire world.

For a time, in the hearts of the messengers, the weight of Xianjindao also became important

"The purpose of coming here has been achieved, then I will say goodbye, and I look forward to the day we fight together!"

At this moment, the King of War didn't talk nonsense anymore, just said so, nodded slightly towards the crowd.

Immediately, this domineering uncle in a middle-aged posture instantaneously, the whole body spontaneously disintegrated, and turned into a very strong and extraordinary magic power, spreading like a magic wind and disappearing here.

"Humph, I won't give up!"

At the moment when the war king disappeared, the silver-haired Zhenzu stared at the long door and said firmly, then glanced at Saya, with a tender feeling that made Saya disgusting, and appeared suddenly at the foot In the magic circle, disappeared in place.

In a short span of time, the two great ancestors disappeared here

This bold style of ‘speaking and leaving, never staying’ has suddenly stunned many people present!

"The guy in Extinction's space magic is pretty good."

"But the most amazing thing is the first true ancestor. The guy's body is still in Europe. He actually created a avatar with magic power and operated remotely across half the earth. It is indeed the first true ancestor!"

Thinking like this in his heart, Nagato turned his head to the chaotic queen with emerald hair and eyes, and said:

"The two guys are gone, won't you go?"

"No way, I'm neither a magical avatar like Uncle nor all kinds of magic from the second-hand guy, so I'll probably stay in your place for a while, welcome?"

The chaotic empress shrugged helplessly and replied.

It was just that there was no trace of helplessness in her expression, but she was full of interest, and she almost wrote the words "very interested", which caused a word of silence to rise in the heart of Nagato.

Just thinking about what he had to wait for, Naomen and Saya glanced at each other, then looked at the third true ancestor, and invited, "Okay, just now I have a sideshow, let's take a look ! "

"What a sideshow?"

Hearing the show, the Queen of Chaos was also interested.

"This is the dream of that month. The entertainment program or something is naturally the criminals in the prison."

Nagato spoke for granted, then frowned slightly--

"Actually, if it weren't for the three of you guys not coming in uninvited, I'm afraid I have already talked to my lovely girls now, and I'm probably tuning up, coughing, and educating the magic criminals."

"Would you like to take a look, Your Queen!"

Your girl was just preparing to talk about training, definitely training!

Under the suppression of several giants, all the messengers who soon became the Tucao service discovered the slightest inconsistency in the Longmen dialect and habitually madly vomited. As for the magic criminals, those people are dangerous, but In front of several world-class dangerous characters, it really is nothing.

"Okay, just boring!"

After hearing the invitation from Nagato, the chaotic queen responded happily, and then looked at Nagato with a straight face, "All said, I don't like those troublesome titles, you can call me Kada, Kada Kukkan! "

"Well, then Jia Da, let's go!"

For the approachable Queen of Chaos, Nagato smiled indifferently. At the next moment, the space between Nagato and Kada was distorted for a while. Five people, including Mikoko, Nayue, and Aye, disappeared in place in this space distortion.

Only Shaye was left with Lavria, Nina and Astarut, as well as envoys from different organizations.

"The guy who will only get in the way has finally left."

The girl in white gauze is so rude to say that everyone can only be silent. Although they also agree with this statement in their hearts, but what they say, they must have what kind of strength.

And that level of strength, Saya has, and they don't.

The world is so real!

"So you guys, I think we can have a good exchange!"

I saw the girl facing all the envoys and said so with a smile, the lovely gesture, but let everyone feel Alexander for a while.

After going through the previous twists and turns, no messenger from that organization could easily get down.

Lavlia looked at the girl in front of her, and suddenly felt infinite admiration in her heart——

This is too cunning!

But I like it!

Lavlia said in her heart.

She clearly understood that the arrival of the three great ancestors was not expected at dawn.

But the two leaders at dawn, especially Saya in front of them, were so agile in mind.

When he found out that the other party was silent, he pushed the boat forward in front of the emissaries and collided with the three great ancestors. The gathering of several giants and even the verbal alliance immediately shocked everyone.

In the following exchange meeting, it is presumed that dawn will be very rewarding.

It was when Saya was devoted to preparing a few knives on the major forces.

Within another level of the prison boundary, the dream boundary part of the prison boundary, the red-haired boy with four girls landed slowly in a wave of ripples, and there, three girls were holding magic soldiers, waiting Long time ...

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