My Infinite Life

Vol 9 Chapter 179: Simulated Genesis 3rd!

Boom! ! !

The deep and heavy roar spread across the entire dream city in an instant.

In this small space, the roar echoed continuously, as if the space was responding to something

At this moment, everyone on the island of Dream Strings suddenly changed his face slightly, and seemed to feel that something was going to happen, especially the third true ancestor, this ancient vampire felt a crisis like never before.

Crisis, danger and opportunity!

"Really, it's a long-lost feeling!"

The chaotic empress, at this moment, is not weighing the dangers, whether to break through the entire four sisters, or guessing whether the fifth true ancestor has any bad thoughts before inviting herself to come.

At this moment, what Jia Da did was to feel the long-lost sense of crisis.

Then she was waiting quietly!

The endless life, the years of annihilation and rebirth of years, give Jia Da enough wisdom, the chaotic queen understands that at this time, waiting is the best choice, but also an absolutely wise choice-

Boom! ! !

Without letting Jiada wait for a long time, a more terrifying roar came out and echoed in the space. Then, a little collapse appeared on the edge of the space. All the space collapsed.

In this continuous and ever-increasing collapse, the entire dream world quickly turned into a boundless darkness.

"It's amazing!"

Suspended in the darkness, Jia Da whispered like this, and when she looked around, she saw Huang Quan, as well as several other girls who met at the top of the corner gate, and Saya, who didn't know when it appeared, also floated in the dark. in.

By the way, beside Saya, there are several floating bodies like corpses.

"So, what are you going to do?"

Jia Da looked up, at the end of her sight, in the infinite darkness, the only light. On the mysterious magic circle, the red-haired boy was sitting safely in the center, presiding over something.


Sitting on the throne at the core of the magic circle, the long door took a slight pause, glancing at the darkness below, and saw the emerald green figure staying there safely, and nodded with satisfaction.

"I originally thought that you would break the situation violently when you encounter such an accident. I never thought that it would be so clever, but this is also good. I save the effort to suppress you, and I will not give you a chance."

Saying this in the bottom of his heart, Nagato opened the page of Chiyue's book, which symbolized the witch's contract.

The magic of the page was instantly activated, and the two surging magics were integrated into the body of that month and Aye through the magic of the feet, so that the magical capacity of the two excellent witches was improved to the next level. Vampire of elder level.

Under this abundant magic power, the time and space fluctuations from the intersection of the two witches are more obvious, and the violent magic power even broke their clothes!

Sitting on the throne and walking leisurely through the scenery of the witches, the long door suddenly felt that the string **** on the edge of the magic circle was a bit obnoxious. Although he was comatose, the long door still felt obnoxious.

At this time, it is still sober, either the person who participated in the hunt, or the host of the magic circle such as Nagato.

When the idea moved, the ripples in the darkness swayed, and the string gods were under control, including the few men recovered by Saya below, all rolled up, thrown out of the dream space, and thrown outside the dream.

"The obnoxious guy is gone, and I suddenly feel like an idea!"

"So, it starts!"

At first, he adjusted his mind with a chuckle, and the eyes of Nagato gradually appeared a solemnity. At the next moment, a breath of breath broke out in the body of Nagato, echoing in the darkness.

Although there is no oppressive impact, anyone can feel that they are like toys in the hands of the master of this breath!

"How come, so strong !!!"

Among them, the biggest reaction was Jia Da, who had not had any special response before.

Even if the years gave chaotic queens more and more extensive knowledge, but Kada couldn't imagine that someone could exhale such a terrible atmosphere, even Cain never gave her a terrible feeling.

"I said, there must be light!"

At this moment, Qing Lang's voice echoed in the entire dark space. Everyone who heard this slightly familiar sentence had a meal in his heart, and Jia Da was incredibly full of face-

"No, don't he want"

Before Jia Da ’s words were finished, the light shone to the darkness and filled the whole world!

This light is not the ordinary light, but the light of creation and development!

In the light of the creation of the world, the girls ’hearts seemed to have experienced an unspeakable baptism. In a flash, they fell into their own epiphany, and Nagato also fell into after the first sentence of Genesis. In a trance state.

At the foot of the long gate, a small magic circle with a triangular shape appeared slowly, superimposed on the Tai Chi magic circle.

At the next moment, the light shining between heaven and earth suddenly gathered, rushed into the body of the long door, and flew out again, turning into a long door with a golden light, standing on the left rear side of the throne, that is the long door of heaven!

"I said, heaven and earth come out!"

At the next moment when the long gate of heaven appeared, the long gate sitting on the throne again blurted out the second sentence of creation and spirit!

Previously, the time and space fluctuations that were constantly converged by the two witches erupted from the origin of the dream world at this time. The power of time and space filled the sky and earth opened by the light instantly, fixed it, and the sky and the earth were in a flash. forming.

With the formation of heaven and earth, a force of time and space submerged from the void into the body of the long gate. At the next moment, the force of time and space surged out and changed. Suddenly, a long door with a white tailed white fox appeared in the sky and stood on the throne Right rear side.

"I said, this world is a witch world!"

As soon as the last creation word came out, the red light bloomed from the body of the long door, carrying the book of the red moon and flying out, turning into the third long door, standing before the throne, turning the magic book in hand, endless Crimson light spilled out, and a civilized city was born.

Dream Genesis, complete!

ps: Very good, there is one continuous plot left. ..

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