My Infinite Life

Vol 9 Chapter 181: The second finale of the festival!

Under Chiyue, on the Xianshen Island.

At this time, it was close to midnight, and the Boyuyuan Festival continued.

Because of the news of the dawn of the country and the baptism of the crimson moonlight, the atmosphere of the whole festival became more and more warm, making people forget to return.

On a commercial street on the central artificial island, fancy stalls stand on both sides of the street, lined up side by side, surrounding the middle block, and the owner of the stall is located in the middle of the stall.

They wore extravagant clothes that were different from the past, shouting from time to time, making the noise a whole lot

Pedestrians walked through one after another, while laughing and laughing, while looking left and right, patronizing the stalls around, they all smiled and vented their inner joy.

The sounds coming from them are also mixed with the noise around them, which is very lively.

Walking on the street, Nagato looked at all this, and he was quite emotional. Even though he was so domineering, Nagato occasionally did not mind enjoying the noisy world.

At this time, the red-haired boy had condensed his breath, wearing a purple trench coat, and it looked like an ordinary handsome boy.

And the person not far away in front of the long gate is Saya!

Saya at this time is very different from the past.

The gauze white dress she had been wearing on her body had disappeared and was replaced by a yukata, but that was not an ordinary yukata.

The whole body is white, with golden lines embroidered on it, following a rather mysterious trajectory, forming a very dazzling pattern, and satin silk like ribbons hanging on both sides, together with the white color of the bathrobe, It looks like a little princess in a new outfit.

At this time, Saye's face was hung with a happy smile, wearing a gorgeous yukata, coming back and forth to the stalls with a silver bell-like laughter, and the beautiful big eyes were curved into a smile Crescent-shaped, obviously, the mood of its owner, that is good can not be better.

Incarnate into a beautiful little butterfly. Lin Sha shuttled through the crowd. The very striking yukata, coupled with the exquisite face and laughter of her owner, passed her, and the pedestrians all looked sideways and attracted her attention.

Even, the boss of some stalls kindly gave her some free food, which made Saya's laughter constant.

Over time, such a cheerful and lively little princess has become a scenic line on the bustling commercial street

"It's rare to see such a cheerful Saya!"

With such emotion in his heart, Nagato suddenly felt that before, because other girls were in epiphany, Nagato was bored and invited Saya to visit the festival again, and did a good job-

"But think about it, thanks to Saya over the years!"

Following the girl ’s footsteps, Nagato wandered and his mind spread out, and suddenly found that in the past few years, Saya helped himself solve many, many things. If it were not Saya, Nagato would be sure that his speed of progress was absolutely Not so fast.

The memories of the past started to play back, which made Nagato feel emotion for a while.

"Brother Nagato!"

It didn't take long for the girl's crisp and sweet voice to call Nagato back from her thoughts, and Nagato looked up, only to find that the two had left the commercial street and came to a quieter park.

The girl first glanced straight at the long door, then turned her head away and murmured with dissatisfaction—

"It's really fascinating when shopping with others, really!"


Seeing that Saya actually had a little emotion in front of him, Nagato quickly said with a small smile, and at the same time approached a few steps, before the girl had no time to respond, directly held the girl's small hand.

"Just remembered something a little bit, rest assured, from now on, I won't be distracted."


Listening to the long door, Saya nodded slightly.

Although this situation was abrupt, Shaye was not an ordinary girl after all, and did not show any excessive actions. After blushing slightly, he seemed calm, at least on the surface.

So, the two held hands in tacit understanding, did not speak, and walked quietly.

This park is probably a rare and quiet place on the island of Xianshen at this time. The two people who just came out of the commercial street suddenly felt another sense of beauty. Unconsciously, the two walked to the center of the park Under a big tree.


At the moment when he walked under the big tree, the long door moved, and he saw the red-haired teenager suddenly put Saya in his arms, and said so softly in the girl's ear, "You have worked hard all these years."


Although the action of Nagato was very sudden, Saya ’s reaction was faster and she had to break free, but after hearing the words of Nagato, somehow, the girl stopped her movement and just snorted— —

As if the girl was talking, you know!

"If it were not for you, I am afraid that the various forces under my hands would be messed up by me myself. It's not polite to say that I can go to this step today, Saya, you really have a lot to do."

As Nagato told, Saya's body gradually tightened, and the girl realized what

If according to the usual situation, at this time, Saya should start the phase shift and run away directly, but somehow, this time, the girl did not act, just buried in the arms of the red-haired boy, and said nothing.

"Although our relationship has been very close, even dating back to the source, you are me, but after all these years, Saya, you have also embarked on your own path and become an independent soul."

"So, Saya, be my lover!"

Hugging Saya tightly, Nagato buried her head in the hair room and whispered.


For a long time, the girl's tight body loosened and she responded softly.

Bang Bang Bang Bang! ! !

At this moment, as a burst of colorful light flashed through, the dazzling fireworks in the sky brought a muffled sound, blooming in the night sky

And this is the end of the festival tonight ..

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