My Infinite Life

Vol 9 Chapter 187: Witch's plan is the first!

"Linya, welcome home!"

When the glory of the magic circle hadn't dissipated and both feet stepped on the ground again, the so-called witch heard such a sentence.

Somehow, the witch who has always treated all her surroundings calmly has an indescribable enthusiasm in her body, because she kills the man he likes with her own hands, and her gray heart appears, but it emits a hint of hope. .

The next moment, the light dissipated!

Showed in front of the pink hair witch, but stood in front of him about 100 meters, an unprecedented city.

A city dedicated to witches!

When she saw this city, Linya had such a thought in her heart!

With Linya ’s eyesight enough to see the buildings in the city, which are different from the various buildings known in the real world, they are strangely shaped, but it makes the witch feel that this kind of building belongs to the witch.

In fact, it is exactly the same. Although the building that Linya sees is weird in style, it is invisible to the world.

As long as the witch resides in it, the growth of magic power and the increase in speed of control can be said, and it can even unconsciously induce the magic power free in the air to temper the body. This is a rare building for the witch who is the biggest disadvantage of physique. .

"Surely I don't need to say more!"

At this moment, the cheerful voice called Linya's spirit back, but the girl turned her head and saw that Xiandu Muyu, who saved her life, was looking at herself with a smile. That cheerful and masculine smile, let Lin Ya's face turned red.

"Huh, why is your face red, did you catch a cold?"

Seeing the witch she brought back suddenly turned red, Xiandu Muyouma didn't know what was going on, she couldn't help but took a step closer.

"No, it's not!"

Almost immediately after Yuma took a step closer, Linya took a step back involuntarily, suddenly stepped on the air, and lost the whole weight. At the next moment, a burst of power came from Linya's arm and pulled her back.

"Really, why not pay attention to the environment."

Yuma took Linya's hand and could not help but reprimanded, leaving the witch with nothing to say, and some redness on her face.

At this time, the pink-haired witch found out that she was deep on the edge of a magic altar. Then, she subconsciously looked at the center of the altar, and the two almost breathless witches were watching them.

One of the witches has a solemn expression, similar to Yuma, the only difference is that she has long hair and looks very cold.

And the second witch--

"The Witch of the Void, Master Nangong that month!"

After seeing the young girl's posture, Linya spoke out involuntarily. As a witch of the new generation who has not been distorted, Nangong that month is simply a powerful interpretation of the witch, and naturally is very familiar and admired.

"Hello, new fellow!" After hearing Lin Ya ’s honor, she nodded her satisfaction in the month that she thought was full of majesty, and then looked at You Ma, and said, “I ’m not going to put me in a place soon. , Your work can't be delayed! "

"Also, me"

Hearing that month, Yuma just wanted to complain about her workload, but after seeing A Ye ’s gaze, the girl suddenly changed her tone and became very active—

"Guarantee complete mission!"

As soon as the words fell, the space magic circle at the foot of Yuma appeared again, leaving Linya with the altar and entering the Witch City.

Soon after the two Yuma left—

"Hahaha !!! I can't help it, Aye, your daughter, it's so amazing !!!"

The month when I was still doing the posture of the majestic elder suddenly covered my stomach with a smile, and gasped a little up and down, "That child is not a real boy, it's just too flexed, born **** !!!"

"Shut up and concentrate on the altar!"

Hearing the laughter of that month, Xiandu Mu Aye suddenly appeared several tic-tac-toes on his forehead.

At the same time, A Ye also secretly decided that after this period of work is over, you must educate You Ma properly. You must not let her go to the lily way. After all, Yu Ma is important for A Ye to be dedicated to Nagato. gift.

If you let Yuma, who is pleased with her mother, know that her mother's thoughts, it will probably be very interesting!

"Uh, okay!"

Although I still want to laugh a little longer, but think about the importance of the altar underfoot, that month stopped the laughter, slowly extracted its magic power, injected it into the altar, and maintained the operation of the altar.

This altar is a masterpiece of that month and Aye!

This altar has the power to magnify the two witches. Through this altar, the dream world named "Witch Dimension" can touch the entire world. As long as there is no special enchantment interference, in theory, the whole world can sense .

Then, the secretary's witch, A Ye, through the witch's contract, captures the witch's situation and finds the witch who is suitable to join the dawn.

Immediately afterwards, the witch of the gap will pass the witch with good combat power, draw the witch to join, and then perform the space magic that month, and pull the two witch back.

This is the plan that Ah Ye took for three days and three nights after pulling into that month after he became the leader of Nagato!

"Speaking of how many witches have been collected, it is better not to have too many witches in the first batch. Although you have carefully selected Aye, the witches are not normal people after all, although they will submit to the king, but It ’s likely to be out of control because of personality issues. "

"In addition to the one just now, it happened to be the thousandth!"

A Ye flipped through the magic book in his hand and replied indifferently, "Also, that month, there was something you said wrongly, management is never a problem, as long as the king exists, even if every witch is unique. and"

Speaking of which, A Ye's eyes burned like real red flames——

"Although the witch is rejected, it is also reused by various forces. Just like you at the beginning, you missed this opportunity, and our actions will be interfered by all forces in the future."

"So, let's clean up all the excellent witches all at once!" ..

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