My Infinite Life

Vol 9 Chapter 193: First in the respective battlefield [Middle]!

boom! ! !

The loud collision sound echoed in the dark sky.

Such violent movements were naturally felt by Kagura, and Kagura's opponents, magic attackers from different forces, and during the battle, everyone turned to look at the origin of the movement, but they saw the extreme An amazing scene,

A crow sky dog ​​with a golden light of more than ten meters and a whole body is raging in the dark sky, brandishing a sword in his hand and slashing down, slashing on a huge shield that flashes blue thunder!

I want to come and the roar that is conveyed to everyone's ears comes from this collision.

"Appeared, the joint forbidden surgery of Lord Yumen and Lord Zhiduze appeared, and the Raven Tengu, which is comparable to the true ancestor, appeared!"

At this moment, a young attacker from the Lion King's organization among the many attackers who supported the enchantment blurted out with excitement, and the slightly young face was full of worship and excitement.

Hearing this young attacker of magic, all the eyes of the attacker are bright!

In the final analysis, these attackers were aware of the existence of the two adults before they were so brave when facing the dangerous two-headed dragon beast. Now seeing the strength of the two adults, the attackers Suddenly I felt that there was power coming up again

"Minna, the grown-ups are watching, let's take a good lesson on the little girl who knows the opposite!"

"Yes, it's not just a lucky little girl, what a big deal!"

"My power is coming up"

In the quite puzzled eyes of Kagura, the attacking magicians on the opposite side were all bloody, and clearly the crumbling enchantment under Bai Rui's attack, once again firmed up, the sky-high fighting spirit made the girl more Feeling baffled.

"They, don't you think that Crow Tengu can still support them!"

After thinking for a while, the girl who could only draw such a conclusion was even more speechless. Even Bai Rui ’s attack, under the influence of the girl ’s rather speechless will, the offensive also appeared a little slow, which made the attacking magicians even more Inspiring.


boom! ! !

At this moment, more terrifying vibrations spread across the area around a thousand kilometers.

Immediately afterwards, a strong qi wave hit the battlefield and rushed towards the crowd. At that moment, Bai Rui gave up the attack and circled around Kagura, blocking the impact of this inexplicable qi wave for the girl.

The battlefield was once again interrupted inexplicably.

Under such circumstances, the crowd once again looked at the battlefield on the other side, but they saw a different scene.

I saw that the shield at this time had shattered and turned into a lot of shimmering blue light fragments all over the light black sky, just like the stars in the night sky, completely wrapping up the giant crow tengu.

The next moment, a sudden change!

Zizizi! ! !

The strong blue current suddenly spread on the dark ground. In an instant, the ground within a hundred meters of the ground was all covered with blue current, and resonated with the current on the debris in the sky, turned into a huge lightning Hold the cage and surround the Raven Tengu. Bang Bang Bang! ! !

Under such circumstances, the Raven Tengu could not sit still and waved the huge sword in his hand frantically, slashing on the lightning cage, but unexpectedly, the cage showed strong toughness, but it was impossible. Was easily cut open.

At this time, an unknown premonition germinated in the hearts of many attacking magicians.

Waiting for them to think carefully, weird sounds came out of the cage. In an instant, accompanied by the blue current, a super-long magic gun made of metal suddenly stretched out in the cage, but they easily penetrated the crows. Tengu, like the shish kebab, fixed it completely.

Aooo! ! !

The sound of wailing came from far away, and I saw the giant Crow Tengu struggling a few times, but it slowly turned into fragments and disappeared.

"Do not!!!"

Seeing this scene, the hearts of many attacking magicians suddenly fell into despair!

Coincidentally, the other battlefield in the dark **** was shrouded in despair from beginning to end.

Tear! ! !

The sound of the blade tearing the flesh spread, and I saw the whole body filled with black glory similar to the space. Huang Quan cut the man dressed as a priest with a knife. With the blood flowing, the internal organs fell to the ground, which seemed terrible.

"Sin, sinner, you, you, Lord, will not forgive"

The priest being treated like this still had a breath, watching the horror girl stained with black all over his body, and made his final voice, but if there was no fear in his eyes, maybe this kind of ending would be quite wild. perfect.

"Long word!"

Faced with such a priest, Huang Quan didn't care at all, and crushed the other person's head with one foot!

"Then, who's next!"

Wiping away the blood on the lion king in his hand, Huang Quan ’s eyes turned to other fears, the priests who fell to the ground, they are the annihilators of the religious forces involved in the siege of dawn, and their strength is not bad, but At this time, they fell to the ground one after another, all scars.

Obviously, they had a fierce battle with Huang Quan before!

"Demon, don't you have any compassion?"

At this moment, a priesthood with a strong sense of justice near Huang Quan looked at the priest with no bones and shouted at Huang Quan. Although there was fear in his eyes, it was more unyielding.

"Compassion, what is that stuff!"

With a squeak of disdain, Huang Quan chopped off with a knife, and beheaded the priesthood. Don't be too decisive on the sofa!

Although he controlled the power of destruction, Huang Quan was inevitably affected slightly. When the fact of killing was about to be established, Huang Quan would not mind any slaughter.

This scene suddenly left the rest of the clergy with despair!

"Oh, isn't this Uncle Rudolph!"

It was at this time that Huang Quan saw a familiar figure among many priests and walked past leisurely, with a slight apology in his words, "Sorry, I just killed it so much that I didn't find it" ..

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