My Infinite Life

Vol 9 Chapter 196: Futile and war second!

Queen's hug!

At the critical moment when Cong Yunya eroded his life, Angelica started her last killer.

Suddenly, dazzling light bloomed on Angelica's right arm. In the perception of Enzi, Angelica grabbed her right hand and suddenly transformed into a mass of fluid, attempting to devour herself.

This is a high-level product of the United Nations Magic Technology in the United States and the last resort of Angelica!

Hiss! ! !

After keenly hearing the extremely subtle sounds, Miyako understood that the clothes on her body part covered with fluid had dissolved, and suddenly, the girl's eyebrows wrinkled slightly.

"My right hand can turn everything I expect into a part of my body."

"Jan Fusi is actually a unit made for me. The players' flesh are nothing but spare parts for me, whether they are enemies or friends-so I am the" blood-stained "Angelica. "

"Unfortunately, they were all defeated by you, then I can only replace them with you!"

Angelica said in a sentimental voice, neither a pride nor a self-deprecating explanation, but an explanation made only to incite fear.

Although she understands that a woman like Yokojima will not be so simple to fear, even if she can increase the odds of winning a little, it seems that useless things, Angelica will never mind doing it.


"In vain!"

Faced with Angelica's words, the son slowly approached the other person's ear and whispered softly, "Maybe your strength is really good, but unfortunately, everything is in vain."

As soon as the words fell, a deep, dark wave erupted on Miko, and the light was completely blackened!

boom! ! !

In the violent roar, Angelica flew out, hitting **** the ground, and at the next moment, Nuzi suddenly appeared on Angelica, holding a sword in her hand and stab hard!

boom! ! !

In the sound of metal collision, Angelika's heart was completely penetrated, and the life of the iron-blooded woman from the powerful country across the sea finally reached the end slowly and firmly.

"Cough, it seems, I am dying, but my task is still completed"

Having said this, Angelica lost her last vitality, but her last words made her bit frown slightly, and finally, looking at the dead body, she sighed softly--

"When you see someone like you, you can't bear to tell you what you did"

"Only for nothing!"

The time went forward by tens of minutes, just when Yezi and others moved the battlefield to hell.

Almost as soon as the existence of Mengzi disappeared, in the alarm system of Xianshen Island, it was discovered that a large number of fleets appeared from the depths of the ocean, and since then the aggressive posture was moving towards Xianshen Island!

There is no need for temptation at all, and people with clear eyes will know at a glance that this is already a declaration of war!

"Sure enough, it's almost the same as Sister Sister expected!"

In the central building of Xianshen Island, in a large room full of sci-fi colors, Lan Yuqian slammed on the keyboard while swiftly striking the keyboard, activating the various defensive measures arranged on Xianshen Island while sighing.

Although it has been transformed a lot following Nagato recently, Lan Yuqin has lived as an ordinary girl for 16 years, and there is no way to completely change her mind.

Suddenly encountered this kind of thing, really let Shallot very helpless.

But helplessly returned to helplessness, but Shallow ’s ability was not questioned, and soon entered the state. Under her command, the unmanned battleships on the string **** island had begun to gather, and the automatic counterattack system was gradually opened.

"It is true, His Royal Highness is really thoughtful!"

Standing behind the light green onion, the silver queen named Lavlia looked at the three aircraft carriers and the frigate fleet appearing on the screen at the top of the big room, and couldn't help but praise.

"Shallow onion! The enemy's attack is coming, hurry up!"

At this moment, Asuna, who manipulated the defense system on the entire island through the ability of knotting and shallow onions, suddenly said, the next moment, on the large screen in the room, a large number of attack missiles broke out on the enemy fleet !


At this moment of desperation, Shallot pressed the last button expressionlessly.

In an instant, the defensive system on Xianshen Island was officially opened, and the anti-missile system was activated at every military base on the island!

Boom! ! !

Suddenly, a lot of roar sounded in the sky, and suddenly awakened the residents of countless strings of God Island. When they looked up, they saw the huge smoke and strong shock erupted in the sky.

The war is here!

As long as they are not stupid residents of Xianjin Island, they understand the situation now.

Just unexpectedly, there is no panic on the island of Xianshen Island, and some people even look at it all with the attitude of watching fireworks. I have to say that the rule of Dawn on Xianshen Island is really terrible!

In the next few minutes, strong roars broke out in the sky, burning the atmosphere of war on Xianshen Island to the extreme, and those distant fleets, at this time, the distance from Xianshen Island, visible to the naked eye!

"It seems that we didn't come very late!"

At this moment, the space at the highest position on Xianshen Island fluctuated, and more than ten figures appeared out of thin air. Looking at the blast in the sky and the distant fleet on the sea, Xiandu Muye said indifferently, obvious in his words There was a sneering smile.

"Those idiots, really thought that there weren't a few adults on Xianjindao, would you be vulnerable? I have to say, really stupid human beings!"

"But okay, without these idiots, there is no good time for our Witch Legion to be named."

"Now, it's our turn!"

Behind Aye, nine powerful witches, headed by their daughter Xiandu Muyouma, were standing behind Aye respectively. When they heard Aye's words, they also showed eager expressions.

In their eyes, it's time to show Majesty the Demon King's talents!

ps: I do n’t know much about sci-fi. Just take it in one stroke. There are two chapters at night. You will never forget it. Rest assured! ..

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