My Infinite Life

Vol 9 Chapter 199: Raging with the ancient city first!

"Hoo! Finally succeeded!"

Looking at the super giant standing in the virtual fantasy, Nangong sat down on the ground weakly that month.

Although it looks a little embarrassed, the cute witch with a young posture can't restrain a smug smile on her face, not only her, but also the tens of thousands of nearly immobile witches behind that month, who also smiled openly.

"Haha, it really succeeded!"

"Come on, don't keep all the humans in a piece of armor!"

"Wang is really great!"

Also looking at the super giants in the picture, the witches wantonly vent their excitement. The success of this plan has allowed all the witch women to truly see the greatness of the majesty the devil standing behind them.

As if they had the backbone of the main body, the witches finally returned to their hearts!

"It's the same as you planned, Aye!"

Feeling the almost unified thoughts of the witches, I looked at the giant in the picture that month, and the month that I only respected myself had to admire my friends. It was a witch who once led the secretary of the library!

Under the Chiyue, the devil stood in the sky!

The powerful power beyond all abilities was displayed without scruples in front of the world. In a flash, panic was ignited, and quickly spread across the entire battlefield.

Almost unreasonably, the morale of the entire coalition reached its lowest point.

At this time, the ten witches, including the Xiandu Mu Aye, in the body of the giant devil up to 100 meters, are in unparalleled excitement. The witches are all happy for the success of their great ideas!

With the contract between the witch and the devil as the foundation and the witch's faith as the nourishment, from now on, the witch will be able to pray for power from the witch.

In this way, the witch will really become a part of the devil.

Can't be separated anymore!

"Aye, you did a great job!"

At this moment, the indifferent voice passed into A Ye's consciousness, the relief hidden in the indifference, and immediately let the witch of the former secretary, and now the devoted followers of the devil warm the hearts of the devout followers, feeling everything they did It's worth it.

"No, king!"

"This is what Aye should do!"

Hearing the words of Nagato, Aye responded quickly!

"No humility!"

"I see everything you do!"

"Now, I will lend you my strength, go, Aye! Show the world, I am majesty as the devil!"

Under the command of the devil, Aye suddenly put away all his thoughts and connected his consciousness to the other witches in the giant.

Because this super giant is so huge, not one witch can be manipulated. Only the superposition of multiple witch minds can be manipulated, which is why there are ten witches performing this ritual together.

Under A Ye's overall planning, the witches in the giant's body united their minds! Boom! ! !

In an instant, a gleam of purple light flashed in the eyes of the entire giant. Following the roar just now, as if it had truly awakened, a strong sense of crisis spread throughout the hearts of the hostile creatures on the battlefield.


"No, help!"

"I want to go home !!"

Under such terrible coercion, many soldiers directly collapsed their wills, and for a time they were ugly, making people feel ridiculous. However, under such circumstances, the coalition army did not collapse, but instead united.

After all, humans are very special creatures.

In the face of the life-and-death crisis, many humans will appear ugly, but there are also some humans who show their fierceness under such circumstances. Obviously, under the threat of super giants, the entire fleet was the first to launch a brazen attack. !

Swish swish! ! !

In an instant, each battleship exploded its own maximum firepower, various models, but absolutely powerful missiles broke out, together with the fire of the remaining few fighters, the entire sky was filled with endless barrage.


Faced with this situation, the devil-like giant just punched again!

boom! ! !

This is an unimaginable punch. The entire atmosphere was instantly bombarded with a punch, which produced a huge roar, and a strong airflow swept through, as if the entire space was also twisted under this punch, and the space rippled!

Boom! ! !

The ripples in space swept through all the missiles in the air. At the next moment, the endless roar erupted again. All the missiles exploded on their own before hitting the target, turning into fireworks under Chiyue.

However, the attack of the demon giant did not end there!

boom! ! !

After the ripples in space, the crimson moonlight gathered under the distortion of space transformed into a huge magic cannon sweeping across the battlefield on the sea. In the fierce roar, most of the fleet including the two aircraft carriers were destroyed!

At the next moment, the giant of 100 meters actually flew over the sky, and the powerful giant body swept through the air, and even stirred the entire sea with a gust of wind, and the remaining fleet was also crumbling under such a gust of wind.

The prestige of the demon king can be seen!

The crew of the remaining fleet watched the huge figure gradually approaching, they couldn't help but feel desperate, they couldn't mention fighting spirit anymore!

"The farce is over!"

Standing on the sea not far before the last remaining fleet, ten female voices echoed in the air, the giant raised his hand again, and the full moonlight gathered on the right hand of the demon giant.

However, at this moment, a huge and malicious magic erupted from the last aircraft carrier.

That terrible magic made the giant's movements a little bit.

At the next moment, at the top of the aircraft carrier's deck, there was a young man in a black trench coat with red eyes, who was looking at the 100-meter giant with a very obvious maliciousness, extended his right hand, and out The mark of the true ancestor!

"People who inherit the bloodline of" Yueguang Yebo ", Xiaogu, here liberates the shackles of Ru!"

"Come out, the seventh beast-the black sword of Yema!" ..

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