My Infinite Life

Vol 9 Chapter 203: Fantastical の collapse fifth!

Xuexia Wolf!

There is a God-killing weapon created by the Lion King's organization based on the foundation of the Super Ancient Civilization Commission!

It was only during the practice of the lion king that Xiaogu City learned that the weapon named Xuexia Wolf was engraved with the magic shock technique, which could eliminate the power of magic and other powers. It is the few in this world that can wipe out the true ancestors. One of the weapons.

Although in terms of power, it seems to be inferior to weapons like Huang Hualin, but because of this, Xuexia Wolf is the ace of the well-deserved Lion King!

After the Nagato projected the Xuexia wolf and fired it as an arrow, Xiao Gu suddenly had a pimple in his heart!

Whoosh! ! !

In the eyes of the fourth true ancestor, the unknown magic gun, with the help of the same unknown magic bow, turned into a silvery light, bursting out of the hand of his own enemy, and rushed directly to the dragon that was diving forward Mercury of the snake.

Roar! ! !

In the face of the attack of the magic gun, the two-headed dragon snake that can devour the dimension did not perceive the danger. The self-carefully included the dimension of the entire space into its mouth, even in its eyes, the silver light was not even It ’s just food.

boom! ! !

At the next moment, the terrible silver brilliance turned into a sharp blade directly through one of the big mouths of the double-headed dragon snake. The big mouth like a bottomless hole could not stop the magic gun, and the beast of the magic gathering body was instantly broken up. !

After instant killing the Mercury of the Dragon Snake, the magic gun's offensive continued unabated, and along a beautiful arc, it drove directly towards Xiaogu City.

Controlling the deep horns of the double horns, Xiao Gucheng escaped the bombing of the magic gun!

However, when the magic gun flew about 100 meters away from Xiao Gu City, it turned around strangely in the air and bombarded Xiao Xiao City again. At the same time, some mysterious power spread out.

"not good!"

At this moment, Xiao Gucheng felt that he was instantly locked by some invisible power!

Can't escape!

Despite controlling the deep horns of the double horns, Xiao Gucheng understood that before the power burst out of that magic gun disappeared, any evasion by him would be meaningless, because the magic gun would surely hit himself.


"If you can't avoid it, just offset it!"

However, after all, it is also a decisive role. Xiaogu City thought of a method for the first time. Under the urging of the idea, the beasts who had just joined forces to repel the Demon Giants turned their attacks again to the incoming magic gun.

Roar! ! !

The most powerful lion's gold moved first. In an instant, the thunder of gold erupted from the huge lion in the air, bombarded on the incoming magic gun, but was destroyed by the flashing spell on the magic gun. However, the speed of the magic gun actually dropped a bit.

"Valid, continue!"

Perceptively aware of this scene, Xiao Gucheng's eyes lit up, and he was about to drive other beasts to attack. Then, at this moment, a violent wind raged, and a giant magic sword up to 100 meters swept across.

Boom! ! !

Although the deep horns of the two horns were originally air combat power, and its talent of perceiving vibrations escaped the sweep of the magic sword, the other beasts of Xiaogu City were swept one by one, and their bodies were shattered.


Seeing this scene, Xiao Gucheng suddenly felt a burst of anger. However, before waiting for him to vent his anger, the silver brilliance struck again next time. As a last resort, Xiao Gucheng controlled Tianma's beasts and evaded sensitively in the air With.

"Damn **** !!!"

Although he will not be hit, as long as he thinks that his enemies may be looking at himself with great excitement in the underground like a clown, jumping up and down in the sky, Xiao Gucheng feels a rush of rush and suddenly retreats.


"Is this how you've retreated?"

"Sure enough, he has completely lost the qualification of the protagonist, and now it is outside the cradle of the growth of the beasts. There is no special meaning anymore."

Standing in the void, keenly aware that Xiao Gucheng didn't even have the will to fight back from the Jedi. Even after retreating, Nagato suddenly felt a sense of disappointment, and at the same time stretched out his hand and held it tightly--

"Fantasy-collapse !!!"

Once again evading the attack of the magic gun, but before Xiao Gu was ready, a fatal crisis emerged in the mind of the fourth true ancestor, and then he did not wait for any response from him, and the silver magic gun gave a violent roar!

That is no ordinary roar!

It is a desperate wailing, the illusion of collapse, and the final whine.

The magic gun that was shot by the arrow of the course disintegrated and exploded, and the force that repulsed all the power of the power was mixed in the violent blast, and it spread to the fourth true ancestor.

The splendid beam of light rushed straight into the sky and descended to the sea!

It is completely different from the ordinary blasting. The powerful and terrifying explosion directly flew the fourth true ancestor out, bloody, and the Tianma family beast under the fourth true ancestor was directly scattered.

boom! ! !

Perhaps it was good luck that Xiao Gu City did not fall into the sea.

He fell on the deck of the last ruined aircraft carrier he had previously guaranteed. Not only did the roar not only blast the aircraft carrier's deck out of a big pit, but also made this ship that was on the verge of destruction appear more damaged. .

"The fourth true ancestor, defeated!"

After defeating the ancient city of Xiao, in the perception of the red-haired boy, the gears running in the whole world seem to be deflected. At the next moment, some kind of mysterious and mysterious, the power that can be named as the protagonist is blessed to the long gate Body.

The red-haired boy felt that his fit with the world was more perfect, and vaguely, the crimson moon hanging in the sky seemed brighter!

After practicing the law of the world-'Going for One', Nagato was able to defeat the protagonist of fate and seize the opportunity of the other side, and was recognized by the world, and then became the protagonist. In other words, Nagato is the world of countless Candidate protagonist!

"So, how do I deal with you now, the fourth true ancestor" ..

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